< Jeremiæ 14 >

1 Quod factum est verbum Domini ad Jeremiam, de sermonibus siccitatis.
The word of the Lord, that was maad to Jeremye, of the wordis of dryenesse.
2 [Luxit Judæa, et portæ ejus corruerunt, et obscuratæ sunt in terra, et clamor Jerusalem ascendit.
Jude weilide, and the yatis therof fellen doun, and ben maad derk in erthe, and the cry of Jerusalem stiede.
3 Majores miserunt minores suos ad aquam: venerunt ad hauriendum. Non invenerunt aquam: reportaverunt vasa sua vacua. Confusi sunt, et afflicti, et operuerunt capita sua.
Grettere men senten her lesse men to water; thei camen to drawe watir, and thei foundun no water, thei brouyten ayen her vessels voide; thei weren schent and turmentid,
4 Propter terræ vastitatem, quia non venit pluvia in terram, confusi sunt agricolæ: operuerunt capita sua.
and thei hiliden her heedis for distriyng of the lond, for reyn cam not in the lond. Erthe tilieris weren schent, thei hiliden her heedis.
5 Nam et cerva in agro peperit, et reliquit, quia non erat herba.
For whi and an hynde caluyde in the feeld, and lefte her calues, for noon eerbe was;
6 Et onagri steterunt in rupibus; traxerunt ventum quasi dracones: defecerunt oculi eorum, quia non erat herba.
and wield assis stoden in rochis, and drowen wynde as dragouns; her iyen failiden, for noon eerbe was.
7 Si iniquitates nostræ responderint nobis, Domine, fac propter nomen tuum: quoniam multæ sunt aversiones nostræ: tibi peccavimus.
If oure wickidnessis answeren to vs, Lord, do thou for thi name, for oure turnyngis awei ben manye; we han synned ayens thee.
8 Exspectatio Israël, salvator ejus in tempore tribulationis, quare quasi colonus futurus es in terra, et quasi viator declinans ad manendum?
Thou abidyng of Israel, the sauyour therof in the tyme of tribulacioun,
9 quare futurus es velut vir vagus, ut fortis qui non potest salvare? Tu autem in nobis es, Domine, et nomen tuum invocatum est super nos: ne derelinquas nos.
whi schalt thou be as a comelyng in the lond, and as a weigoere bowynge to dwelle? whi schalt thou be as a man of vnstable dwellyng, as a strong man that mai not saue? Forsothe, Lord, thou art in vs, and thin hooli name is clepid to help on vs; forsake thou not vs.
10 Hæc dicit Dominus populo huic, qui dilexit movere pedes suos, et non quievit, et Domino non placuit: Nunc recordabitur iniquitatum eorum, et visitabit peccata eorum.
The Lord seith these thingis to this puple, that louede to stire hise feet, and restide not, and pleside not the Lord; now he schal haue mynde on the wickidnesses of hem, and he schal visite the synnes of hem.
11 Et dixit Dominus ad me: Noli orare pro populo isto in bonum.
And the Lord seide to me, Nyle thou preie for this puple in to good.
12 Cum jejunaverint, non exaudiam preces eorum, et si obtulerint holocautomata et victimas, non suscipiam ea: quoniam gladio, et fame, et peste consumam eos.]
Whanne thei schulen faste, Y schal not here the preieris of hem; and if thei offren brent sacrifices and slayn sacrifices, Y schal not resseyue tho, for Y schal waste hem bi swerd and hungur and pestilence.
13 Et dixi: [A, a, a, Domine Deus: prophetæ dicunt eis: Non videbitis gladium, et fames non erit in vobis: sed pacem veram dabit vobis in loco isto.]
And Y seide, A! A! A! Lord God, profetis seien to hem, Ye schulen not se swerd, and hungur schal not be in you, but he schal yyue to you veri pees in this place.
14 Et dicit Dominus ad me: [Falso prophetæ vaticinantur in nomine meo: non misi eos, et non præcepi eis, neque locutus sum ad eos. Visionem mendacem, et divinationem, et fraudulentiam, et seductionem cordis sui, prophetant vobis.
And the Lord seide to me, The profetis profesien falsli in my name; Y sente not hem, and Y comaundide not to hem, nether Y spak to hem; thei profesien to you a fals reuelacioun, and a gileful dyuynyng, and the disseyuyng of her herte.
15 Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus de prophetis qui prophetant in nomine meo, quos ego non misi, dicentes: Gladius et fames non erit in terra hac: In gladio et fame consumentur prophetæ illi.
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis of the profetis that profesien in my name, whiche Y sente not, and seien, Swerd and hungur schal not be in this lond; Tho profetis schulen be wastid bi swerd and hungur.
16 Et populi quibus prophetant erunt projecti in viis Jerusalem præ fame et gladio, et non erit qui sepeliat eos: ipsi et uxores eorum, filii et filiæ eorum: et effundam super eos malum suum.
And the puplis, to whiche thei profesieden, schulen be cast forth in the weies of Jerusalem, for hungur and swerd, and noon schal be, that schal birie hem; they and the wyues of hem, the sones and the douytris of hem `schulen be cast forth; and Y schal schede out on hem her yuel.
17 Et dices ad eos verbum istud: Deducant oculi mei lacrimam per noctem et diem, et non taceant, quoniam contritione magna contrita est virgo filia populi mei, plaga pessima vehementer.
And thou schalt seie to hem this word, Myn iyen lede doun a teer bi niyt and dai, and be not stille, for the virgyn, the douyter of my puple, is defoulid bi greet defoulying, with the worste wounde greetli.
18 Si egressus fuero ad agros, ecce occisi gladio: et si introiero in civitatem, ecce attenuati fame. Propheta quoque et sacerdos abierunt in terram quam ignorabant.
If Y go out to feeldis, lo! men ben slayn bi swerd; and if Y entre in to the citee, lo! men ben maad leene for hungur; also a profete and a prest yeden in to the lond which thei knewen not.
19 Numquid projiciens abjecisti Judam? aut Sion abominata est anima tua? quare ergo percussisti nos ita ut nulla sit sanitas? Exspectavimus pacem, et non est bonum: et tempus curationis, et ecce turbatio.
Whether thou castynge awei hast cast awei Juda, ether thi soule hath wlatid Sion? whi therfor hast thou smyte vs, so that noon heelthe is? We abididen pees, and no good is; and we abididen time of heeling, and lo! disturbling is.
20 Cognovimus, Domine, impietates nostras, iniquitates patrum nostrorum, quia peccavimus tibi.
Lord, we han know oure vnfeithfulnessis, and the wickidnessis of oure fadris, for we han synned to thee.
21 Ne des nos in opprobrium, propter nomen tuum, neque facias nobis contumeliam solii gloriæ tuæ: recordare, ne irritum facias fœdus tuum nobiscum.
Yyue thou not vs in to schenschip, for thi name, nether do thou dispite to vs; haue thou mynde on the seete of thi glorie, make thou not voide thi boond of pees with vs.
22 Numquid sunt in sculptilibus gentium qui pluant? aut cæli possunt dare imbres? nonne tu es Dominus Deus noster, quem exspectavimus? tu enim fecisti omnia hæc.]
Whether in grauun ymagis of hethene men ben thei that reynen, ethir heuenes moun yyue reynes? whether thou art not oure Lord God, whom we abididen? For thou madist alle these thingis.

< Jeremiæ 14 >