< Isaiæ 63 >

1 [Quis est iste, qui venit de Edom, tinctis vestibus de Bosra? iste formosus in stola sua, gradiens in multitudine fortitudinis suæ? Ego qui loquor justitiam, et propugnator sum ad salvandum.
'Who [is] this coming from Edom? With dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is honourable in his clothing, Travelling in the abundance of his power?' — 'I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save.'
2 Quare ergo rubrum est indumentum tuum, et vestimenta tua sicut calcantium in torculari?
'Wherefore [is] thy clothing red? And thy garments as treading in a wine fat?'
3 Torcular calcavi solus, et de gentibus non est vir mecum; calcavi eos in furore meo, et conculcavi eos in ira mea: et aspersus est sanguis eorum super vestimenta mea, et omnia indumenta mea inquinavi.
— 'A wine-press I have trodden by myself, And of the peoples there is no one with me, And I tread them in mine anger, And I trample them in my fury, Sprinkled is their strength on my garments, And all my clothing I have polluted.
4 Dies enim ultionis in corde meo; annus redemptionis meæ venit.
For the day of vengeance [is] in my heart, And the year of my redeemed hath come.
5 Circumspexi, et non erat auxiliator; quæsivi, et non fuit qui adjuvaret: et salvavit mihi brachium meum, et indignatio mea ipsa auxiliata est mihi.
And I look attentively, and there is none helping, And I am astonished that there is none supporting, And give salvation to me doth mine own arm. And my wrath — it hath supported me.
6 Et conculcavi populos in furore meo, et inebriavi eos in indignatione mea, et detraxi in terram virtutem eorum.]
And I tread down peoples in mine anger, And I make them drunk in my fury, And I bring down to earth their strength.
7 [Miserationum Domini recordabor; laudem Domini super omnibus quæ reddidit nobis Dominus, et super multitudinem bonorum domui Israël, quæ largitus est eis secundum indulgentiam suam, et secundum multitudinem misericordiarum suarum.
The kind acts of Jehovah I make mention of, The praises of Jehovah, According to all that Jehovah hath done for us, And the abundance of the goodness to the house of Israel, That He hath done for them, According to His mercies, And according to the abundance of His kind acts.
8 Et dixit: Verumtamen populus meus est, filii non negantes; et factus est eis salvator.
And He saith, Only My people they [are], Sons — they lie not, and He is to them for a saviour.
9 In omni tribulatione eorum non est tribulatus, et angelus faciei ejus salvavit eos: in dilectione sua et in indulgentia sua ipse redemit eos, et portavit eos, et elevavit eos cunctis diebus sæculi.
In all their distress [He is] no adversary, And the messenger of His presence saved them, In His love and in His pity He redeemed them, And He doth lift them up, And beareth them all the days of old.
10 Ipsi autem ad iracundiam provocaverunt, et afflixerunt spiritum Sancti ejus: et conversus est eis in inimicum, et ipse debellavit eos.
And they have rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit, And He turneth to them for an enemy, He Himself hath fought against them.
11 Et recordatus est dierum sæculi Moysi, et populi sui. Ubi est qui eduxit eos de mari cum pastoribus gregis sui? Ubi est qui posuit in medio ejus spiritum Sancti sui;
And He remembereth the days of old, Moses — his people. Where [is] He who is bringing them up from the sea, The shepherd of his flock? Where [is] He who is putting in its midst His Holy Spirit?
12 qui eduxit ad dexteram Moysen, brachio majestatis suæ; qui scidit aquas ante eos, ut faceret sibi nomen sempiternum;
Leading by the right hand of Moses, the arm of His glory, Cleaving waters from before them, To make to Himself a name age-during.
13 qui eduxit eos per abyssos, quasi equum in deserto non impingentem?
Leading them through the depths, As a horse in a plain they stumble not.
14 Quasi animal in campo descendens, spiritus Domini ductor ejus fuit. Sic adduxisti populum tuum, ut faceres tibi nomen gloriæ.
As a beast into a valley goeth down, The Spirit of Jehovah causeth him to rest, So hast Thou led Thy people, To make to Thyself a glorious name.
15 Attende de cælo, et vide de habitaculo sancto tuo, et gloriæ tuæ. Ubi est zelus tuus, et fortitudo tua, multitudo viscerum tuorum et miserationum tuarum? Super me continuerunt se.
Look attentively from the heavens, And see from Thy holy and beauteous habitation, Where [is] Thy zeal and Thy might? The multitude of Thy bowels and Thy mercies Towards me have refrained themselves.
16 Tu enim pater noster: et Abraham nescivit nos, et Israël ignoravit nos: tu, Domine, pater noster, redemptor noster, a sæculo nomen tuum.
For Thou [art] our Father, For Abraham hath not known us, And Israel doth not acknowledge us, Thou, O Jehovah, [art] our Father, Our redeemer from the age, [is] Thy name.
17 Quare errare nos fecisti, Domine, de viis tuis; indurasti cor nostrum ne timeremus te? Convertere propter servos tuos, tribus hæreditatis tuæ.
Why causest Thou us to wander, O Jehovah, from Thy ways? Thou hardenest our heart from Thy fear, Turn back for Thy servants' sake, The tribes of Thine inheritance.
18 Quasi nihilum possederunt populum sanctum tuum: hostes nostri conculcaverunt sanctificationem tuam.
For a little while did Thy holy people possess, Our adversaries have trodden down Thy sanctuary.
19 Facti sumus quasi in principio, cum non dominareris nostri, neque invocaretur nomen tuum super nos.]
We have been from of old, Thou hast not ruled over them, Not called is Thy name upon them!

< Isaiæ 63 >