< Isaiæ 10 >

1 [Væ qui condunt leges iniquas, et scribentes injustitiam scripserunt,
Woe to! those [who] decree decrees of wickedness and writers [who] trouble they wrote.
2 ut opprimerent in judicio pauperes, et vim facerent causæ humilium populi mei; ut essent viduæ præda eorum, et pupillos diriperent.
To turn aside from judgment poor [people] and to take away [the] justice of [the] poor [people] of people my to be widows prey their and fatherless ones they will plunder.
3 Quid facietis in die visitationis, et calamitatis de longe venientis? ad cujus confugietis auxilium? et ubi derelinquetis gloriam vestram,
And what? will you do to [the] day of punishment and to [the] devastation [which] from a distance it will come to whom? will you flee for help and where? will you leave abundance your.
4 ne incurvemini sub vinculo, et cum interfectis cadatis? Super omnibus his non est aversus furor ejus, sed adhuc manus ejus extenta.]
Except anyone kneeled down under prisoner[s] and under [the] slain [people] they will fall for all this not it has turned back anger his and still hand his [is] stretched out.
5 [Væ Assur! virga furoris mei et baculus ipse est; in manu eorum indignatio mea.
Woe to! Assyria [the] rod of anger my and [is] a staff it in hand their indignation my.
6 Ad gentem fallacem mittam eum, et contra populum furoris mei mandabo illi, ut auferat spolia, et diripiat prædam, et ponat illum in conculcationem quasi lutum platearum.
On a nation godless I sent him and on [the] people of wrath my I commanded him to plunder plunder and to take as spoil spoil (and to make it *Q(k)*) a trampling place like [the] mud of [the] streets.
7 Ipse autem non sic arbitrabitur, et cor ejus non ita existimabit; sed ad conterendum erit cor ejus, et ad internecionem gentium non paucarum.
And he not thus he intended and heart his not thus it planned for to destroy [is] in heart his and to cut off nations not a few.
8 Dicet enim:
For he said ¿ not [are] commanders my alike kings.
9 Numquid non principes mei simul reges sunt? numquid non ut Charcamis, sic Calano? et ut Arphad, sic Emath? numquid non ut Damascus, sic Samaria?
¿ Not like Carchemish [is] Calneh or? not like Arpad [is] Hamath or? not like Damascus [is] Samaria.
10 Quomodo invenit manus mea regna idoli, sic et simulacra eorum de Jerusalem et de Samaria.
Just as it has found hand my [the] kingdoms of the idol and images their [were] more than Jerusalem and more than Samaria.
11 Numquid non sicut feci Samariæ et idolis ejus, sic faciam Jerusalem et simulacris ejus?
¿ Not just as I did to Samaria and to idols its so will I do to Jerusalem and to images its.
12 Et erit, cum impleverit Dominus cuncta opera sua in monte Sion et in Jerusalem, visitabo super fructum magnifici cordis regis Assur, et super gloriam altitudinis oculorum ejus.
And it will be that he will finish [the] Lord all work his on [the] mountain of Zion and in Jerusalem I will visit [judgment] on [the] fruit of [the] greatness of [the] heart of [the] king of Assyria and on [the] glory of [the] haughtiness of eyes his.
13 Dixit enim: In fortitudine manus meæ feci, et in sapientia mea intellexi; et abstuli terminos populorum, et principes eorum deprædatus sum, et detraxi quasi potens in sublimi residentes.
For he has said by [the] strength of hand my I have acted and by skill my for I have understanding and I may remove - [the] boundaries of peoples (and provisions their *Q(K)*) I have plundered and I may bring down like a mighty [man] inhabitants.
14 Et invenit quasi nidum manus mea fortitudinem populorum; et sicut colliguntur ova quæ derelicta sunt, sic universam terram ego congregavi; et non fuit qui moveret pennam, et aperiret os, et ganniret.
And it has found like nest - hand my [the] wealth of the peoples and as gathers eggs abandoned all the earth I I have gathered and not any was fluttering a wing and opening a mouth and chirping.
15 Numquid gloriabitur securis contra eum qui secat in ea? aut exaltabitur serra contra eum a quo trahitur? Quomodo si elevetur virga contra elevantem se, et exaltetur baculus, qui utique lignum est.
¿ Does it glorify itself the axe above the [one who] cuts with it or? does it magnify itself the saw above [the] [one who] wields it as wields a rod [those who] lift it as lifts a staff not wood.
16 Propter hoc mittet Dominator, Dominus exercituum, in pinguibus ejus tenuitatem; et subtus gloriam ejus succensa ardebit quasi combustio ignis.
Therefore he will send the lord Yahweh of hosts on fat ones his leanness and under glory his it will burn a burning like [the] burning of fire.
17 Et erit lumen Israël in igne, et Sanctus ejus in flamma; et succendetur, et devorabitur spina ejus et vepres in die una.
And it will become [the] light of Israel a fire and holy [one] its a flame and it will burn and it will consume bush[es] his and thorn[s] his in a day one.
18 Et gloria saltus ejus, et carmeli ejus, ab anima usque ad carnem consumetur; et erit terrore profugus.
And [the] splendor of forest his and orchard his from breath and unto flesh it will bring to an end and it will be as wastes away [one who] is sick.
19 Et reliquiæ ligni saltus ejus præ paucitate numerabuntur, et puer scribet eos.]
And [the] remnant of [the] tree[s] of forest his a number they will be and a child he will record them.
20 [Et erit in die illa: non adjiciet residuum Israël, et hi qui fugerint de domo Jacob, inniti super eo qui percutit eos; sed innitetur super Dominum, Sanctum Israël, in veritate.
And it will be - in the day that not it will repeat again [the] remnant of Israel and [the] escaped remnant of [the] house of Jacob to depend on [the] [one who] struck it and it will depend on Yahweh [the] holy [one] of Israel in truth.
21 Reliquiæ convertentur; reliquiæ, inquam, Jacob ad Deum fortem.
A remnant it will return [the] remnant of Jacob to [the] God mighty.
22 Si enim fuerit populus tuus, Israël, quasi arena maris, reliquiæ convertentur ex eo; consummatio abbreviata inundabit justitiam.
That though it will be people your Israel like [the] sand of the sea a remnant it will return in it annihilation [has been] decided [is] about to overflow righteousness.
23 Consummationem enim et abbreviationem Dominus Deus exercituum faciet in medio omnis terræ.
For complete destruction and [what] has been decided [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to do in [the] midst of all the land.
24 Propter hoc, hæc dicit Dominus Deus exercituum: Noli timere, populus meus, habitator Sion, ab Assur: in virga percutiet te, et baculum suum levabit super te, in via Ægypti.
Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts may not you be afraid O people my [which] dwells Zion from Assyria with the rod it will strike you and staff its it will lift up on you in [the] manner of Egypt.
25 Adhuc enim paululum modicumque, et consummabitur indignatio et furor meus super scelus eorum.
For yet a little of a little and it will be finished indignation and anger my [will be] on destruction their.
26 Et suscitabit super eum Dominus exercituum flagellum, juxta plagam Madian in petra Oreb: et virgam suam super mare, et levabit eam in via Ægypti.
And he will wield on it Yahweh of hosts a whip like [the] defeat of Midian at [the] rock of Oreb and staff his [will be] over the sea and he will raise it in [the] manner of Egypt.
27 Et erit in die illa: auferetur onus ejus de humero tuo et jugum ejus de collo tuo, et computrescet jugum a facie olei.]
And it will be - in the day that it will be removed burden its from on shoulder your and yoke its from on neck your and it will be broken [the] yoke because of fatness.
28 [Veniet in Ajath, transibit in Magron, apud Machmas commendabit vasa sua.
He has come to Aiath he has passed in Migron to Micmash he deposits baggage his.
29 Transierunt cursim, Gaba sedes nostra; obstupuit Rama, Gabaath Saulis fugit.
They have passed over [the] pass Geba [will be] a lodging place for us it has trembled Ramah Gibeah of Saul it has fled.
30 Hinni voce tua, filia Gallim, attende Laisa, paupercula Anathoth.
Cry aloud voice your O daughter of Gallim pay attention O Laishah O afflicted [one] Anathoth.
31 Migravit Medemena; habitatores Gabim, confortamini.
It has fled Madmenah [the] inhabitants of Gebim they have taken refuge.
32 Adhuc dies est ut in Nobe stetur; agitabit manum suam super montem filiæ Sion, collem Jerusalem.
Yet this day at Nob to stand he will shake hand his [the] mountain of ([the] daughter of *Q(K)*) Zion [the] hill of Jerusalem.
33 Ecce Dominator, Dominus exercituum, confringet lagunculam in terrore; et excelsi statura succidentur, et sublimes humiliabuntur.
There! the lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to lop off bough[s] with a crash and [the] exalted [ones] of height [will be] cut down and the tall [ones] they will become low.
34 Et subvertentur condensa saltus ferro; et Libanus cum excelsis cadet.]
And he will cut down [the] thickets of the forest with iron [axe] and the Lebanon by a mighty [one] it will fall.

< Isaiæ 10 >