< Isaiæ 1 >

1 Visio Isaiæ, filii Amos, quam vidit super Judam et Jerusalem, in diebus Oziæ, Joathan, Achaz, et Ezechiæ, regum Juda.
The visioun, ether profesie, of Ysaie, the sone of Amos, which he siy on Juda and Jerusalem, in the daies of Osie, of Joathan, of Achas, and of Ezechie, kyngis of Juda.
2 [Audite, cæli, et auribus percipe, terra, quoniam Dominus locutus est. Filios enutrivi, et exaltavi; ipsi autem spreverunt me.
Ye heuenes, here, and thou erthe, perseyue with eeris, for the Lord spak. Y haue nurschid and Y haue enhaunsid sones; sotheli thei han dispisid me.
3 Cognovit bos possessorem suum, et asinus præsepe domini sui; Israël autem me non cognovit, et populus meus non intellexit.
An oxe knew his lord, and an asse knew the cratche of his lord; but Israel knewe not me, and my puple vndurstood not.
4 Væ genti peccatrici, populo gravi iniquitate, semini nequam, filiis sceleratis! dereliquerunt Dominum; blasphemaverunt Sanctum Israël; abalienati sunt retrorsum.
Wo to the synful folk, to the puple heuy in wickidnesse, to the weiward seed, to the cursid sones; thei han forsake the Lord, thei han blasfemyd the hooli of Israel, thei ben aliened bacward.
5 Super quo percutiam vos ultra, addentes prævaricationem? omne caput languidum, et omne cor mœrens.
On what thing schal Y smyte you more, that encreessen trespassyng? Ech heed is sijk, and ech herte is morenynge.
6 A planta pedis usque ad verticem, non est in eo sanitas; vulnus, et livor, et plaga tumens, non est circumligata, nec curata medicamine, neque fota oleo.
Fro the sole of the foot til to the nol, helthe is not ther ynne; wounde, and wannesse, and betyng bolnynge is not boundun aboute, nether curid bi medicyn, nether nurschid with oile.
7 Terra vestra deserta; civitates vestræ succensæ igni: regionem vestram coram vobis alieni devorant, et desolabitur sicut in vastitate hostili.
Youre lond is forsakun, youre citees ben brent bi fier; aliens deuouren youre cuntrei bifore you, and it schal be disolat as in the distriyng of enemyes.
8 Et derelinquetur filia Sion ut umbraculum in vinea, et sicut tugurium in cucumerario, et sicut civitas quæ vastatur.
And the douytir of Sion, `that is, Jerusalem, schal be forsakun as a schadewynge place in a vyner, and as an hulke in a place where gourdis wexen, and as a citee which is wastid.
9 Nisi Dominus exercituum reliquisset nobis semen, quasi Sodoma fuissemus, et quasi Gomorrha similes essemus.
If the Lord of oostis hadde not left seed to vs, we hadden be as Sodom, and we hadden be lijk as Gomorre.
10 Audite verbum Domini, principes Sodomorum; percipite auribus legem Dei nostri, populus Gomorrhæ.
Ye princes of men of Sodom, here the word of the Lord; and ye puple of Gommorre, perseyue with eeris the lawe of youre God.
11 Quo mihi multitudinem victimarum vestrarum? dicit Dominus. Plenus sum: holocausta arietum, et adipem pinguium, et sanguinem vitulorum et agnorum et hircorum, nolui.
Wherto offren ye to me the multitude of youre sacrifices? seith the Lord. Y am ful; Y wolde not the brent sacrifices of wetheris, and the ynnere fatnesse of fatte beestis, and the blood of calues, and of lambren, and of buckis of geet.
12 Cum veniretis ante conspectum meum, quis quæsivit hæc de manibus vestris, ut ambularetis in atriis meis?
Whanne ye camen bifore my siyt, who axide of youre hondis these thingis, that ye schulden go in myn hallys?
13 Ne offeratis ultra sacrificium frustra: incensum abominatio est mihi. Neomeniam et sabbatum, et festivitates alias, non feram; iniqui sunt cœtus vestri.
Offre ye no more sacrifice in veyn; encense is abhomynacioun to me; Y schal not suffre neomenye, and sabat, and othere feestis.
14 Calendas vestras, et solemnitates vestras odivit anima mea: facta sunt mihi molesta; laboravi sustinens.
Youre cumpenyes ben wickid; my soule hatith youre calendis and youre solempnytees; tho ben maad diseseful to me, Y trauelide suffrynge.
15 Et cum extenderitis manus vestras, avertam oculos meos a vobis, et cum multiplicaveritis orationem, non exaudiam: manus enim vestræ sanguine plenæ sunt.
And whanne ye stretchen forth youre hondis, Y schal turne awei myn iyen fro you; and whanne ye multiplien preyer, Y schal not here; for whi youre hondis ben ful of blood.
16 Lavamini, mundi estote; auferte malum cogitationum vestrarum ab oculis meis: quiescite agere perverse,
Be ye waischun, be ye clene; do ye awei the yuel of youre thouytis fro myn iyen; ceesse ye to do weiwardli, lerne ye to do wel.
17 discite benefacere; quærite judicium, subvenite oppresso, judicate pupillo, defendite viduam.]
Seke ye doom, helpe ye hym that is oppressid, deme ye to the fadirles and modirles child, defende ye a widewe.
18 [Et venite, et arguite me, dicit Dominus. Si fuerint peccata vestra ut coccinum, quasi nix dealbabuntur; et si fuerint rubra quasi vermiculus, velut lana alba erunt.
And come ye, and repreue ye me, seith the Lord. Thouy youre synnes ben as blood reed, tho schulen be maad whijt as snow; and thouy tho ben reed as vermylioun, tho schulen be whijt as wolle.
19 Si volueritis, et audieritis me, bona terræ comeditis.
If ye wolen, and heren me, ye schulen ete the goodis of erthe.
20 Quod si nolueritis, et me ad iracundiam provocaveritis, gladius devorabit vos, quia os Domini locutum est.
That if ye nylen, and ye terren me to wrathfulnesse, swerd schal deuoure you; for whi the mouth of the Lord spak.
21 Quomodo facta est meretrix civitas fidelis, plena judicii? justitia habitavit in ea, nunc autem homicidæ.
Hou is the feithful citee ful of dom maad an hoore? riytfulnesse dwellide ther ynne; but now menquelleris dwellen ther ynne.
22 Argentum tuum versum est in scoriam; vinum tuum mistum est aqua.
Thi siluer is turned in to dros, ether filthe; thi wyn is medlid with watir.
23 Principes tui infideles, socii furum. Omnes diligunt munera, sequuntur retributiones. Pupillo non judicant, et causa viduæ non ingreditur ad illos.
Thi princes ben vnfeithful, the felowis of theuys; alle louen yiftis, suen meedis; thei demen not to a fadirles child, and the cause of a widewe entrith not to hem.
24 Propter hoc ait Dominus, Deus exercituum, Fortis Israël: Heu! consolabor super hostibus meis, et vindicabor de inimicis meis.
For this thing, seith the Lord God of oostis, the stronge of Israel, Alas! Y schal be coumfortid on myn enemyes, and Y schal be vengid on myn enemyes.
25 Et convertam manum meam ad te, et excoquam ad puram scoriam tuam, et auferam omne stannum tuum.
And Y schal turne myn hond to thee, and Y schal sethe out thi filthe to the cleene, and Y schal do awei al thi tyn.
26 Et restituam judices tuos ut fuerunt prius, et consiliarios tuos sicut antiquitus; post hæc vocaberis civitas justi, urbs fidelis.
And Y schal restore thi iuges, as thei weren bifor to, and thi counselours, as in elde tyme. Aftir these thingis thou schalt be clepid the citee of the riytful, a feithful citee.
27 Sion in judicio redimetur, et reducent eam in justitia.
Sion schal be ayen bouyt in dom, and thei schulen bringe it ayen in to riytfulnesse;
28 Et conteret scelestos, et peccatores simul; et qui dereliquerunt Dominum consumentur.
and God schal al to-breke cursid men and synneris togidere, and thei that forsoken the Lord, schulen be wastid.
29 Confundentur enim ab idolis quibus sacrificaverunt, et erubescetis super hortis quos elegeratis,
For thei schulen be aschamed of idols, to whiche thei maden sacrifice; and ye shulen be aschamid on the orcherdis, whiche ye chesiden.
30 cum fueritis velut quercus defluentibus foliis, et velut hortus absque aqua.
Whanne ye schulen be as an ook, whanne the leeues fallen doun, and as an orcherd with out watir.
31 Et erit fortitudo vestra ut favilla stuppæ, et opus vestrum quasi scintilla, et succendetur utrumque simul, et non erit qui extinguat.]
And youre strengthe schal be as a deed sparcle of bonys, `ether of herdis of flex, and youre werk schal be as a quyk sparcle; and euer either schal be brent togidere, and noon schal be that schal quenche.

< Isaiæ 1 >