< Aggæi Prophetæ 1 >

1 In anno secundo Darii regis, in mense sexto, in die una mensis, factum est verbum Domini in manu Aggæi prophetæ, ad Zorobabel, filium Salathiel, ducem Juda, et ad Jesum, filium Josedec, sacerdotem magnum, dicens:
In the secounde yeer of Darius, kyng of Persis, in the sixte monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad in the hond of Aggey, profete, to Sorobabel, sone of Salatiel, duyk of Juda, and to Jhesu, the greet preest, sone of Josedech,
2 Hæc ait Dominus exercituum, dicens: Populus iste dicit: Nondum venit tempus domus Domini ædificandæ.
and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, and spekith, This puple seith, Yit cometh not the tyme of the hous of the Lord to be bildid.
3 Et factum est verbum Domini in manu Aggæi prophetæ, dicens:
And the word of the Lord was maad in the hond of Aggei,
4 [Numquid tempus vobis est ut habitetis in domibus laqueatis, et domus ista deserta?
profete, and seide, Whether it is tyme to you, that ye dwelle in housis couplid with tymbir, and this hous be forsakun?
5 Et nunc hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ponite corda vestra super vias vestras.
And now the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Putte ye youre hertis on youre weies.
6 Seminastis multum, et intulistis parum; comedistis, et non estis satiati; bibistis, et non estis inebriati; operuistis vos, et non estis calefacti; et qui mercedes congregavit, misit eas in sacculum pertusum.
Ye han sowe myche, and brouyte in litil; ye han etun, and ben not fillid; ye han drunke, and ye ben not ful of drynk; ye hiliden you, and ye ben not maad hoote; and he that gaderide hiris, sente tho in to a sak holid, ether brokun.
7 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ponite corda vestra super vias vestras;
The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Putte ye youre hertis on youre weies.
8 ascendite in montem, portate ligna, et ædificate domum: et acceptabilis mihi erit, et glorificabor, dicit Dominus.
Stie ye vp in to the munteyn, bere ye trees, and bilde ye an hous; and it schal be acceptable to me, and Y schal be glorified, seith the Lord.
9 Respexistis ad amplius, et ecce factum est minus; et intulistis in domum, et exsufflavi illud: quam ob causam? dicit Dominus exercituum: quia domus mea deserta est, et vos festinatis unusquisque in domum suam.
Ye bihelden to more, and lo! it is maad lesse; and ye brouyten in to the hous, and Y blew it out. For what cause, seith the Lord of oostis? for myn hous is desert, and ye hasten ech man in to his hous.
10 Propter hoc super vos prohibiti sunt cæli ne darent rorem, et terra prohibita est ne daret germen suum:
For this thing heuenes ben forbedun, that thei schulden not yyue dew on you; and the erthe is forbodun, that it schulde not yyue his buriownyng.
11 et vocavi siccitatem super terram, et super montes, et super triticum, et super vinum, et super oleum, et quæcumque profert humus, et super homines, et super jumenta, et super omnem laborem manuum.]
And Y clepide drynesse on erthe, and on mounteyns, and on wheete, and on wyn, and on oile, and what euer thingis the erthe bryngith forth; and on men, and on beestis, and on al labour of hondis.
12 Et audivit Zorobabel, filius Salathiel, et Jesus, filius Josedec, sacerdos magnus, et omnes reliquiæ populi, vocem Domini Dei sui, et verba Aggæi prophetæ, sicut misit eum Dominus Deus eorum ad eos, et timuit populus a facie Domini.
And Sorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, and Jhesus, the greet preest, the sone of Josedech, and alle relifs of the puple, herden the vois of her God, and the wordis of Aggei, the profete, as the Lord God of hem sente him to hem; and al the puple dredde of the face of the Lord.
13 Et dixit Aggæus, nuntius Domini de nuntiis Domini, populo dicens: Ego vobiscum sum, dicit Dominus.
And Aggei, a messanger of the Lord, of the messangeris of the Lord, seide to the puple, and spak, Y am with you, seith the Lord.
14 Et suscitavit Dominus spiritum Zorobabel, filii Salathiel, ducis Juda, et spiritum Jesu, filii Josedec, sacerdotis magni, et spiritum reliquorum de omni populo: et ingressi sunt, et faciebant opus in domo Domini exercituum, Dei sui.
And the Lord reiside the spirit of Sorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, duik of Juda, and the spirit of Jhesu, the greet preest, the sone of Josedech, and the spirit of the relifs of al puple; and thei entriden, and maden werk in the hous of the Lord of oostis, her God.
15 In die vigesima et quarta mensis, in sexto mense, in anno secundo Darii regis.
In the foure and twentithe dai of the monethe, in the sixte monethe, in the secunde yeer of kyng Darius.

< Aggæi Prophetæ 1 >