< Habacuc Propheta 2 >

1 [Super custodiam meam stabo, et figam gradum super munitionem: et contemplabor ut videam quid dicatur mihi, et quid respondeam ad arguentem me.]
On my kepyng Y schal stonde, and schal pitche a grees on wardyng; and Y schal biholde, that Y se what thing schal be seid to me, and what Y schal answere to hym that repreuith me.
2 Et respondit mihi Dominus, et dixit: [Scribe visum, et explana eum super tabulas, ut percurrat qui legerit eum.
And the Lord answeride to me, and seide, Write thou the reuelacioun, and make it pleyn on tablis, that he renne, that schal rede it.
3 Quia adhuc visus procul; et apparebit in finem, et non mentietur: si moram fecerit, exspecta illum, quia veniens veniet, et non tardabit.
For yit the visioun is fer, and it schal appere in to ende, and schal not lie; if it schal make dwellyng, abide thou it, for it comynge schal come, and schal not tarie.
4 Ecce qui incredulus est, non erit recta anima ejus in semetipso; justus autem in fide sua vivet.
Lo! the soule of hym, that is vnbileueful, schal not be riytful in hym silf; forsothe the iust man schal lyue in his feith.
5 Et quomodo vinum potantem decipit, sic erit vir superbus, et non decorabitur: qui dilatavit quasi infernus animam suam, et ipse quasi mors, et non adimpletur: et congregabit ad se omnes gentes, et coacervabit ad se omnes populos. (Sheol h7585)
And as wyn disseyueth a man drynkynge, so schal the proude man be, and he schal not be maad feir; for as helle he alargide his soule, and he is as deth, and he is not fillid; and he schal gadere to hym alle folkis, and he shal kepe togidere to hym alle puplis. (Sheol h7585)
6 Numquid non omnes isti super eum parabolam sument, et loquelam ænigmatum ejus, et dicetur: Væ ei qui multiplicat non sua? usquequo et aggravat contra se densum lutum?
Whether not alle these puplis schulen take a parable on hym, and the speking of derk sentencis of hym? And it schal be seid, Wo to hym that multiplieth thingis not his owne; hou longe, and he aggreggith ayens hym silf thicke clei?
7 Numquid non repente consurgent qui mordeant te, et suscitabuntur lacerantes te, et eris in rapinam eis?
Whether not sudeynli thei schulen rise to gidere, that schulen bite thee? And thei schulen be reisid to-teerynge thee, and thou schalt be in to raueyn to hem; and thin aspieris in yuel schulen wake.
8 Quia tu spoliasti gentes multas, spoliabunt te omnes qui reliqui fuerint de populis, propter sanguinem hominis, et iniquitatem terræ, civitatis, et omnium habitantium in ea.
For thou robbidist many folkis, alle schulen robbe thee, whiche schulen be left of puplis, for blood of man, and for wickidnesse of lond of the citee, and of alle men dwellynge in it.
9 Væ qui congregat avaritiam malam domui suæ, ut sit in excelso nidus ejus, et liberari se putat de manu mali!
Wo to hym that gaderith yuel coueitise to his hous, that his nest be in hiy, and gessith hym for to be delyuered of the hond of yuel.
10 Cogitasti confusionem domui tuæ; concidisti populos multos, et peccavit anima tua.
Thou thouytist confusioun to thin hous; thou hast slayn many puplis, and thi soule synnede.
11 Quia lapis de pariete clamabit, et lignum, quod inter juncturas ædificiorum est, respondebit.
For a stoon of the wal schal crie, and a tree that is bitwixe ioynturis of bildyngis schal answere.
12 Væ qui ædificat civitatem in sanguinibus, et præparat urbem in iniquitate!
Wo to hym that bildith a citee in bloodis, and makith redi a citee in wickidnesse.
13 Numquid non hæc sunt a Domino exercituum? laborabunt enim populi in multo igne, et gentes in vacuum, et deficient.
Whether not these thingis ben of the Lord of oostis? For puplis schulen trauele in myche fier, and folkis in veyn, and thei schulen faile.
14 Quia replebitur terra, ut cognoscant gloriam Domini, quasi aquæ operientes mare.
For the erthe schal be fillid, that it knowe the glorie of the Lord, as watris hilynge the see.
15 Væ qui potum dat amico suo mittens fel suum, et inebrians ut aspiciat nuditatem ejus!
Wo to hym that yyueth drynk to his frend, and sendith his galle, and makith drunkun, that he biholde his nakidnesse.
16 Repletus es ignominia pro gloria; bibe tu quoque, et consopire. Circumdabit te calix dexteræ Domini, et vomitus ignominiæ super gloriam tuam.
He is fillid with yuel fame for glorie; and thou drynke, and be aslept; the cuppe of the riythalf of the Lord schal cumpasse thee, and `castynge vp of yuel fame on thi glorie.
17 Quia iniquitas Libani operiet te, et vastitas animalium deterrebit eos de sanguinibus hominum, et iniquitate terræ, et civitatis, et omnium habitantium in ea.
For the wickidnesse of Liban schal kyuere thee, and distruccioun of beestis schal make hem aferd, of bloodis of man, and of wickidnesse of lond, and of the citee, and of alle men dwellynge ther ynne.
18 Quid prodest sculptile, quia sculpsit illud fictor suus, conflatile, et imaginem falsam? quia speravit in figmento fictor ejus, ut faceret simulacra muta.
What profitith the `grauun ymage, for his makere grauyde it, a wellid thing togidere and fals ymage? for the makere therof hopide in makyng, that he made doumbe symylacris.
19 Væ qui dicit ligno: Expergiscere; Surge, lapidi tacenti! Numquid ipse docere poterit? ecce iste coopertus est auro et argento, et omnis spiritus non est in visceribus ejus.
Wo to hym that seith to a tre, Wake thou; Rise thou, to a stoon beynge stille; whether he schal mow teche? Lo! this is kyuerid with gold and siluer, and no spirit is in his entrails.
20 Dominus autem in templo sancto suo: sileat a facie ejus omnis terra!]
Forsothe the Lord is in his hooli temple, al erthe be stille fro his face.

< Habacuc Propheta 2 >