< Genesis 14 >

1 Factum est autem in illo tempore, ut Amraphel rex Sennaar, et Arioch rex Ponti, et Chodorlahomor rex Elamitarum, et Thadal rex gentium
Forsothe it was don in that tyme, that Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte, and Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elemytis,
2 inirent bellum contra Bara regem Sodomorum, et contra Bersa regem Gomorrhæ, et contra Sennaab regem Adamæ, et contra Semeber regem Seboim, contraque regem Balæ, ipsa est Segor.
and Tadal, kyng of folkis, bigunnen batel ayens Bara, kyng of Sodom, and ayens Bersa, kyng of Gomorre, and ayens Sennaar, kyng of Adama, and ayens Semeber, kyng of Seboym, and ayens the kyng of Bale; thilke Bale is Segor.
3 Omnes hi convenerunt in vallem Silvestrem, quæ nunc est mare salis.
Alle these camen togidre in to the valey of wode, which is now the see of salt.
4 Duodecim enim annis servierunt Chodorlahomor, et tertiodecimo anno recesserunt ab eo.
For in twelue yeer thei seruyden Chodorlaomor, and in the threttenthe yeer thei departiden fro hym.
5 Igitur quartodecimo anno venit Chodorlahomor, et reges qui erant cum eo: percusseruntque Raphaim in Astarothcarnaim, et Zuzim cum eis, et Emim in Save Cariathaim,
Therfor Chodorlaomor cam in the fourtenthe yeer, and kyngis that weren with him, and thei `han smyte Rafaym in Astaroth Carnaym, and Susym with hem, and Emym in Sabe Cariathaym,
6 et Chorræos in montibus Seir, usque ad Campestria Pharan, quæ est in solitudine.
and Choreis in the hillis of Seir, til to the feldi placis of Faran, which is in wildirnesse.
7 Reversique sunt, et venerunt ad fontem Misphat, ipsa est Cades: et percusserunt omnem regionem Amalecitarum, et Amorrhæum, qui habitabat in Asasonthamar.
And thei turneden ayen, and camen til to the welle Mesphath; thilke is Cades. And thei `han smyte al the cuntre of men of Amalec, and Amorrei, that dwellide in Asason Thamar.
8 Et egressi sunt rex Sodomorum, et rex Gomorrhæ, rexque Adamæ, et rex Seboim, necnon et rex Balæ, quæ est Segor: et direxerunt aciem contra eos in valle Silvestri:
And the kyng of Sodom, and the king of Gomorre, and the kyng of Adama, and the kyng of Seboym, also and the kyng of Bale, which is Segor, yeden out, and dressiden scheltrun ayens hem in the valei of wode,
9 scilicet adversus Chodorlahomor regem Elamitarum, et Thadal regem Gentium, et Amraphel regem Sennaar, et Arioch regem Ponti: quatuor reges adversus quinque.
that is, ayens Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elamytis, and Thadal, kyng of folkis, and Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte; foure kyngis ayens fyue.
10 Vallis autem Silvestris habebat puteos multos bituminis. Itaque rex Sodomorum, et Gomorrhæ, terga verterunt, cecideruntque ibi: et qui remanserant, fugerunt ad montem.
Forsothe the valey of the wode hadde many pittis of pitche; and so the kyng of Sodom and the kyng of Gomorre turneden the backis, and felden doun there; and thei that leften fledden to the hil.
11 Tulerunt autem omnem substantiam Sodomorum et Gomorrhæ, et universa quæ ad cibum pertinent, et abierunt:
Sotheli thei token awei al the catel of Sodom and Gomorre, and alle thingis that perteynen to mete, and yeden awei;
12 necnon et Lot, et substantiam ejus, filium fratris Abram, qui habitabat in Sodomis.
also and thei token awey Loth and his catel, the sone of the brother of Abram, which Loth dwellide in Sodom.
13 Et ecce unus, qui evaserat, nuntiavit Abram Hebræo, qui habitabat in convalle Mambre Amorrhæi, fratris Escol, et fratris Aner: hi enim pepigerant fœdus cum Abram.
And, lo! oon that ascapide, telde to Abram Ebrew, that dwellide in the valei of Mambre of Amorrei, brother of Escol, and brother of Aner; for these maden couenaunt of pees with Abram.
14 Quod cum audisset Abram, captum videlicet Lot fratrem suum, numeravit expeditos vernaculos suos trecentos decem et octo: et persecutus est usque Dan.
And whanne Abram hadde herd this thing, that is, Loth his brothir takun, he noumbride his borun seruauntis maad redy thre hundrid and eiytene, and pursuede hem `til to Dan.
15 Et divisis sociis, irruit super eos nocte: percussitque eos, et persecutus est eos usque Hoba, quæ est ad lævam Damasci.
And whanne his felowis weren departid, he felde on hem in the niyt, and he smoot hem, and pursuede hem `til to Hoba, and Fenyce, which is at the left side of Damask.
16 Reduxitque omnem substantiam, et Lot fratrem suum cum substantia illius, mulieres quoque et populum.
And he brouyte ayen al the catel, and Loth his brother with his catel, also wymmen and the puple.
17 Egressus est autem rex Sodomorum in occursum ejus postquam reversus est a cæde Chodorlahomor, et regum qui cum eo erant in valle Save, quæ est vallis regis.
Sotheli the kyng of Sodom yede out in to the metyng of him, after that he turnede ayen fro sleyng of Chodorlaomor, and of kyngis that weren with him, in the valei of Sabe, which is the valey of the kyng.
18 At vero Melchisedech rex Salem, proferens panem et vinum, erat enim sacerdos Dei altissimi,
And sotheli Melchisedech, kyng of Salem, brouyte forth breed and wyn, for he was the preest of hiyeste God;
19 benedixit ei, et ait: Benedictus Abram Deo excelso, qui creavit cælum et terram:
and he blesside Abram, and seide, Blessid be Abram of hiy God, that made heuene and erthe of nouyt,
20 et benedictus Deus excelsus, quo protegente, hostes in manibus tuis sunt. Et dedit ei decimas ex omnibus.
and blessid be hiy God, bi whom defendynge, enemyes ben bitakun in thin hondis. And Abram yaf tithis of alle thingis to hym.
21 Dixit autem rex Sodomorum ad Abram: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle tibi.
Forsothe the kyng of Sodom seide to Abram, Yyue thou the men to me; take thou othir thingis to thee.
22 Qui respondit ei: Levo manum meam ad Dominum Deum excelsum possessorem cæli et terræ,
And Abram answerde to hym, Y reyse myn hondis to the hiy Lord God,
23 quod a filo subtegminis usque ad corigiam caligæ, non accipiam ex omnibus quæ tua sunt, ne dicas: Ego ditavi Abram:
Lord of heuene and of erthe, that fro the threde of oof til to the layner of the hose I schal not take of alle thingis that ben thine, lest thou seie, I made Abram riche;
24 exceptis his, quæ comederunt juvenes, et partibus virorum, qui venerunt mecum, Aner, Escol et Mambre: isti accipient partes suas.
out takun these thingis whiche the yonge men eeten, and the partis of men that camen with me, Aner, Escol, and Mambre; these men schulen take her partis.

< Genesis 14 >