< Galatas 2 >

1 Deinde post annos quatuordecim, iterum ascendi Jerosolymam cum Barnaba, assumpto et Tito.
And sith fourtene yeer aftir, eftsones Y wente vp to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took with me Tite.
2 Ascendi autem secundum revelationem: et contuli cum illis Evangelium, quod prædico in gentibus, seorsum autem iis qui videbantur aliquid esse: ne forte in vacuum currerem, aut cucurrissem.
Y wente vp bi reuelacioun, and spak with hem the euangelie, which Y preche among the hethene; and bi hem silf to these that semeden to be sumwhat, lest Y runne, or hadde runne in veyne.
3 Sed neque Titus, qui mecum erat, cum esset gentilis, compulsus est circumcidi:
And nother Tite, that hadde be with me, while he was hethene, was compellid to be circumsidid;
4 sed propter subintroductos falsos fratres, qui subintroierunt explorare libertatem nostram, quam habemus in Christo Jesu, ut nos in servitutem redigerent.
but for false britheren that weren brouyt ynne, whiche hadden entrid to aspie oure fredom, which we han in Jhesu Crist, to bring vs in to seruage.
5 Quibus neque ad horam cessimus subjectione, ut veritas Evangelii permaneat apud vos:
But we yyue no place to subieccioun, that the treuthe of the gospel schulde dwelle with you.
6 ab iis autem, qui videbantur esse aliquid (quales aliquando fuerint, nihil mea interest: Deus personam hominis non accipit): mihi enim qui videbantur esse aliquid, nihil contulerunt.
But of these that semeden to be sumwhat; whiche thei weren sum tyme, it perteyneth not to me, for God takith not the persoone of man; for thei that semeden to be sumwhat, yauen me no thing.
7 Sed e contra cum vidissent quod creditum est mihi Evangelium præputii, sicut et Petro circumcisionis
But ayenward, whanne thei hadden seyn, that the euangelie of prepucie was youun to me, as the euangelie of circumcisioun was youun to Petre;
8 (qui enim operatus est Petro in apostolatum circumcisionis, operatus est et mihi inter gentes):
for he that wrouyte to Petre in apostlehed of circumcisioun, wrouyte also to me among the hethene;
9 et cum cognovissent gratiam, quæ data est mihi, Jacobus, et Cephas, et Joannes, qui videbantur columnæ esse, dextras dederunt mihi, et Barnabæ societatis: ut nos in gentes, ipsi autem in circumcisionem:
and whanne thei hadden knowe the grace of God, that was youun to me, James, and Petre, and Joon, whiche weren seyn to be the pileris, thei yauen riythond of felowschip to me and to Barnabas, that we among the hethene, and thei in to circumcisioun;
10 tantum ut pauperum memores essemus, quod etiam sollicitus fui hoc ipsum facere.
oneli that we hadde mynde of pore men `of Crist, the which thing Y was ful bisi to doon.
11 Cum autem venisset Cephas Antiochiam, in faciem ei restiti, quia reprehensibilis erat.
But whanne Petre was comun to Antioche, Y ayenstood hym in the face, for he was worthi to be vndirnommen.
12 Prius enim quam venirent quidam a Jacobo, cum gentibus edebat: cum autem venissent, subtrahebat, et segregabat se, timens eos qui ex circumcisione erant.
For bifor that ther camen summen fro James, he eete with the hethene men; but whanne thei weren comun, he withdrowy, and departide hym, dredinge hem that weren of circumcisioun.
13 Et simulationi ejus consenserunt ceteri Judæi, ita ut et Barnabas duceretur ab eis in illam simulationem.
And the othere Jewis assentiden to his feynyng, so that Barnabas was drawun of hem in to that feynyng.
14 Sed cum vidissem quod non recte ambularent ad veritatem Evangelii, dixi Cephæ coram omnibus: Si tu, cum Judæus sis, gentiliter vivis, et non judaice: quomodo gentes cogis judaizare?
But whanne Y sawy, that thei walkiden not riytli to the treuthe of the gospel, Y seide to Petre bifor alle men, If thou, that art a Jew, lyuest hethenlich, and not Jewelich, hou constreynest thou hethene men to bicome Jewis?
15 Nos natura Judæi, et non ex gentibus peccatores.
We Jewis of kynde, and not synful men of the hethene,
16 Scientes autem quod non justificatur homo ex operibus legis, nisi per fidem Jesu Christi: et nos in Christo Jesu credimus, ut justificemur ex fide Christi, et non ex operibus legis: propter quod ex operibus legis non justificabitur omnis caro.
knowen that a man is not iustified of the werkis of lawe, but bi the feith of Jhesu Crist; and we bileuen in Jhesu Crist, that we ben iustified of the feith of Crist, and not of the werkis of lawe. Wherfor of the werkis of lawe ech fleisch schal not be iustified.
17 Quod si quærentes justificari in Christo, inventi sumus et ipsi peccatores, numquid Christus peccati minister est? Absit.
And if we sechen to be iustified in Crist, we oure silf ben foundun synful men, whether Crist be mynystre of synne?
18 Si enim quæ destruxi, iterum hæc ædifico: prævaricatorem me constituo.
God forbede. And if Y bylde ayen thingis that Y haue distruyed, Y make my silf a trespassour.
19 Ego enim per legem, legi mortuus sum, ut Deo vivam: Christo confixus sum cruci.
For bi the lawe Y am deed to the lawe, and Y am fitchid to the crosse, that Y lyue to God with Crist.
20 Vivo autem, jam non ego: vivit vero in me Christus. Quod autem nunc vivo in carne: in fide vivo Filii Dei, qui dilexit me, et tradidit semetipsum pro me.
And now lyue not Y, but Crist lyueth in me. But that Y lyue now in fleisch, Y lyue in the feith of Goddis sone, that louede me, and yaf hym silf for me.
21 Non abjicio gratiam Dei. Si enim per legem justitia, ergo gratis Christus mortuus est.
Y caste not awey the grace of God; for if riytwisnesse be thoruy lawe, thanne Crist diede with out cause.

< Galatas 2 >