< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 45 >

1 Cumque cœperitis terram dividere sortito, separate primitias Domino, sanctificatum de terra, longitudine viginti quinque millia, et latitudine decem millia: sanctificatum erit in omni termino ejus per circuitum.
And whanne ye schulen bigynne to departe the lond bi partis, departe ye the firste thingis to the Lord, an halewid thing of the lond, fyue and twenti thousynde of rehedis in lengthe, and ten thousynde of rehedis in breede; it schal be halewid in al the coost therof by cumpas.
2 Et erit ex omni parte sanctificatum quingentos per quingentos, quadrifariam per circuitum, et quinquaginta cubitis in suburbana ejus per gyrum.
And it schal be halewid on ech part in fyue hundrid rehedis bi fyue hundrid, in foure sidis bi cumpas, and in fifti cubitis in to the subarbis therof bi cumpas.
3 Et a mensura ista mensurabis longitudinem viginti quinque millium, et latitudinem decem millium: et in ipso erit templum, Sanctumque sanctorum.
And fro this mesure thou schalt mete the lengthe of fyue and twenti thousynde of rehedis, and the breede of ten thousynde; and the temple and the hooli of hooli thingis schal be in it.
4 Sanctificatum de terra erit sacerdotibus ministris sanctuarii, qui accedunt ad ministerium Domini: et erit eis locus in domos, et in sanctuarium sanctitatis.
An halewid thing of the lond schal be to prestis, the mynystris of seyntuarie, that neiyen to the seruyce of the Lord; and a place schal be to hem in to housis, and in to the seyntuarie of hoolynesse.
5 Viginti quinque autem millia longitudinis, et decem millia latitudinis erunt Levitis qui ministrant domui: ipsi possidebunt viginti gazophylacia.
Sotheli fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe schulen be, and ten thousynde of breede; but the dekenes that mynystren to the hous, thei schulen haue in possessioun twenti treseries.
6 Et possessionem civitatis dabitis quinque millia latitudinis, et longitudinis viginti quinque millia, secundum separationem sanctuarii, omni domui Israël.
And ye schulen yyue the possessioun of the citee, fyue thousynde rehedis of breede, and fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe, bi the departyng of the seyntuarie, to al the hous of Israel.
7 Principi quoque hinc et inde in separationem sanctuarii, et in possessionem civitatis, contra faciem separationis sanctuarii, et contra faciem possessionis urbis, a latere maris usque ad mare, et a latere orientis usque ad orientem: longitudinis autem juxta unamquamque partem, a termino occidentali usque ad terminum orientalem.
And ye schulen yyue a porcioun to the prince on this side and on that side, bisidis the departyng of the seyntuarie, and bisidis the possessioun of the citee, ayens the face of departynge of seyntuarie, and ayens the face of possessioun of the citee; fro the side of the se til to the see, and fro the side of the eest `til to the eest, schal be of the possessioun of the prince. Forsothe the lengthe bi ech of the partis, fro the west ende til to the eest ende of the lond,
8 De terra erit ei possessio in Israël, et non depopulabuntur ultra principes populum meum: sed terram dabunt domui Israël secundum tribus eorum.
schal be possessioun to hym in Israel; and the princes schulen no more robbe my puple, but thei schulen yyue the lond to the hous of Israel, bi the lynagis of hem.
9 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Sufficiat vobis, principes Israël: iniquitatem et rapinas intermittite, et judicium et justitiam facite: separate confinia vestra a populo meo, ait Dominus Deus.
The Lord God seith these thingis, O! princes of Israel, suffice it to you, leue ye wickidnesse `and raueyns, and do ye doom and riytfulnesse; departe ye youre niy coostis fro my puple, seith the Lord God.
10 Statera justa, et ephi justum, et batus justus erit vobis.
A iust balaunce, and a iust mesure clepid ephi, and a iust mesure clepid bathus, schulen be to you.
11 Ephi et batus æqualia et unius mensuræ erunt, ut capiat decimam partem cori batus, et decimam partem cori ephi: juxta mensuram cori erit æqua libratio eorum.
Ephi and bathus schulen be euene, and of o mesure, that bathus take the tenthe part of the mesure clepid corus, and that ephi take the tenthe part of the mesure corus; bi the mesure of corus schal be euene weiynge of tho.
12 Siclus autem viginti obolos habet: porro viginti sicli, et viginti quinque sicli, et quindecim sicli, mnam faciunt.
Forsothe a sicle schal haue twenti halpens; certis twenti siclis, and fyue and twenti siclis, and fiftene siclis maken a besaunt.
13 Et hæ sunt primitiæ quas tolletis: sextam partem ephi de coro frumenti, et sextam partem ephi de coro hordei.
And these ben the firste fruytis whiche ye schulen take awei; the sixte part of ephi of a corus of wheete, and the sixte part of ephi of a corus of barli.
14 Mensura quoque olei, batus olei, decima pars cori est: et decem bati corum faciunt, quia decem bati implent corum.
Also the mesure of oile; a bathus of oile is the tenthe part of corus, and ten bathus maken o corus; for ten bathus fillen o corus.
15 Et arietem unum de grege ducentorum, de his quæ nutriunt Israël, in sacrificium, et in holocaustum, et in pacifica, ad expiandum pro eis, ait Dominus Deus.
And `a ram of the floc of twei hundrid, of these whiche the men of Israel nurschen, in to sacrifice, and in to brent sacrifice, and in to pesible sacrifices, to clense for hem, seith the Lord God.
16 Omnis populus terræ tenebitur primitiis his principi in Israël.
Al the puple of the lond schal be boundun in these firste fruytis to the prince of Israel.
17 Et super principem erunt holocausta, et sacrificium, et libamina, in solemnitatibus, et in calendis, et in sabbatis, et in universis solemnitatibus domus Israël: ipse faciet pro peccato sacrificium, et holocaustum, et pacifica, ad expiandum pro domo Israël.
And on the prince schulen be brent sacrifices, and sacrifice, and moiste sacrifices, in solempnytees, and in kalendis, ether bigynnyngis of monethis, and in sabatis, and in alle the solempnytees of the hous of Israel; he schal make sacrifice, for synne, and brent sacrifice, and pesible sacrifices, to clense for the hous of Israel.
18 Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In primo mense, una mensis, sumes vitulum de armento immaculatum, et expiabis sanctuarium.
The Lord God seith these thingis, In the firste moneth, in the firste dai of the monethe, thou schalt take a calf with out wem of the drooue, and thou schalt clense the seyntuarie.
19 Et tollet sacerdos de sanguine quod erit pro peccato, et ponet in postibus domus, et in quatuor angulis crepidinis altaris, et in postibus portæ atrii interioris.
And the preest schal take of the blood of the beeste, that schal be for synne; and he schal putte in the postis of the hous, and in foure corneris of the heiythe of the auter, and in the postis of the yate of the ynnere halle.
20 Et sic facies in septima mensis, pro unoquoque qui ignoravit, et errore deceptus est: et expiabis pro domo.
And thus thou schalt do in the seuenthe dai of the monethe, for ech that knew not, and was disseyued bi errour, and thou schalt clense for the hous.
21 In primo mense, quartadecima die mensis, erit vobis Paschæ solemnitas: septem diebus azyma comedentur.
In the firste monethe, in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, the solempnytee of pask schal be to you; therf looues schulen be etun bi seuene daies.
22 Et faciet princeps in die illa, pro se et pro universo populo terræ, vitulum pro peccato.
And the prince schal make a calf for synne in that dai, for hym silf and for al the puple of the lond.
23 Et in septem dierum solemnitate faciet holocaustum Domino, septem vitulos et septem arietes immaculatos, quotidie septem diebus: et pro peccato hircum caprarum quotidie.
And in the solempnytee of seuene daies he schal make brent sacrifice to the Lord; he schal offre seuene caluys and seuene wetheris with out wem ech dai, bi seuene daies, and ech dai a buc of geet, for synne.
24 Et sacrificium ephi per vitulum, et ephi per arietem faciet, et olei hin per singula ephi.
And he schal make the sacrifice of ephi by a calf, and of ephi by a wether, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi.
25 Septimo mense, quintadecima die mensis, in solemnitate, faciet sicut supra dicta sunt per septem dies, tam pro peccato quam pro holocausto, et in sacrificio, et in oleo.
In the seuenthe monethe, in the fiftenthe dai of the monethe, in the solempnytee, he schal make as tho ben biforseid, bi seuene daies, as wel for synne as for brent sacrifice, and in sacrifice, and in oile.

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 45 >