< Exodus 5 >

1 Post hæc ingressi sunt Moyses et Aaron, et dixerunt Pharaoni: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Israël: Dimitte populum meum ut sacrificet mihi in deserto.
Aftir these thingis Moises and Aaron entriden, and seiden to Farao, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me in deseert.
2 At ille respondit: Quis est Dominus, ut audiam vocem ejus, et dimittam Israël? nescio Dominum, et Israël non dimittam.
And he answeride, Who is the Lord, that Y here his vois, and delyuere Israel? I knowe not the Lord, and Y schal not delyuere Israel.
3 Dixeruntque: Deus Hebræorum vocavit nos, ut eamus viam trium dierum in solitudinem, et sacrificemus Domino Deo nostro: ne forte accidat nobis pestis aut gladius.
Thei seiden, God of Ebrews clepide vs, that we go the weie of thre daies in to wildirnesse, and that we make sacrifice to oure Lord God, lest perauenture pestilence, ether swerd, bifalle to vs.
4 Ait ad eos rex Ægypti: Quare Moyses et Aaron sollicitatis populum ab operibus suis? ite ad onera vestra.
The kyng of Egipt seide to hem, Moises and Aaron, whi stiren ye the puple fro her werkis? Go ye to youre chargis.
5 Dixitque Pharao: Multus est populus terræ: videtis quod turba succreverit: quanto magis si dederitis eis requiem ab operibus?
And Farao seide, The puple of the loond is myche; ye seen that the cumpany hath encreessid; hou myche more schal it encreesse, if ye schulen yyue to hem reste fro werkis.
6 Præcepit ergo in die illo præfectis operum et exactoribus populi, dicens:
Therfor Farao comaundide in that dai to the maistris of werkis, and to rente gadereris of the puple,
7 Nequaquam ultra dabitis paleas populo ad conficiendos lateres, sicut prius: sed ipsi vadant, et colligant stipulas.
and seide, Ye schulen no more yyue stre to the puple, to make tijl stoonys as bifore; but go thei, and gedere stobil;
8 Et mensuram laterum, quam prius faciebant, imponetis super eos, nec minuetis quidquam: vacant enim, et idcirco vociferantur, dicentes: Eamus, et sacrificemus Deo nostro.
and ye schulen sette on hem the mesure of tijl stoonys, which thei maden bifore, nether ye schulen abate ony thing; for thei ben idil, and therfor thei crien, and seien, Go we, and make we sacrifice to oure God;
9 Opprimantur operibus, et expleant ea: ut non acquiescant verbis mendacibus.
be thei oppressid bi werkis, and fille thei tho, that thei assente not to the false wordis.
10 Igitur egressi præfecti operum et exactores ad populum, dixerunt: Sic dicit Pharao: Non do vobis paleas:
Therfor the maistris of the workis and the rente gadereris yeden out to the puple, and seiden, Thus seith Farao, Y yyue not to you stre;
11 ite, et colligite sicubi invenire poteritis, nec minuetur quidquam de opere vestro.
go ye, and gadere, if ye moun fynde ony where; nether ony thing schal be decreessid of youre werk.
12 Dispersusque est populus per omnem terram Ægypti ad colligendas paleas.
And the puple was scaterid bi al the lond of Egipt to gadre stre.
13 Præfecti quoque operum instabant, dicentes: Complete opus vestrum quotidie, ut prius facere solebatis quando dabantur vobis paleæ.
And the maystris of werkis weren bisi, and seiden, Fille ye youre werk ech dai, as ye weren wont to do, whanne the stre was youun to you.
14 Flagellatique sunt qui præerant operibus filiorum Israël, ab exactoribus Pharaonis, dicentibus: Quare non impletis mensuram laterum sicut prius, nec heri, nec hodie?
And thei, that weren maistris of the werkis of the sones of Israel, weren betun of the rent gadereris of Farao, that seiden, Whi filliden ye not the mesure of tijl stoonus, as bifore, nether yistirdai nethir to dai?
15 Veneruntque præpositi filiorum Israël, et vociferati sunt ad Pharaonem dicentes: Cur ita agis contra servos tuos?
And the souereyns of the sonys of Israel camen, and crieden to Farao, and seiden, Whi doist thou so ayens thi seruauntis?
16 paleæ non dantur nobis, et lateres similiter imperantur: en famuli tui flagellis cædimur, et injuste agitur contra populum tuum.
Stre is not youun to vs, and tijl stoonus ben comaundid in lijk manere. Lo! we thi seruauntis ben betun with scourgis, and it is doon vniustli ayens thi puple.
17 Qui ait: Vacatis otio, et idcirco dicitis: Eamus, et sacrificemus Domino.
Farao seide, Ye yyuen tent to idilnesse, and therfor ye seien, Go we, and make we sacrifice to the Lord;
18 Ite ergo, et operamini: paleæ non dabuntur vobis, et reddetis consuetum numerum laterum.
therfor go ye, and worche; stre schal not be youun to you, and ye schulen yelde the customable noumbre of tijl stoonus.
19 Videbantque se præpositi filiorum Israël in malo, eo quod diceretur eis: Non minuetur quidquam de lateribus per singulos dies.
And the souereyns of the children of Israel sien hem silf in yuel, for it was seid to hem, No thing schal be decreessid of tijl stoonus bi alle daies.
20 Occurreruntque Moysi et Aaron, qui stabant ex adverso, egredientibus a Pharaone:
And thei `camen to Moises and Aaron, that stoden euene ayens, and thei `yeden out fro Farao,
21 et dixerunt ad eos: Videat Dominus et judicet, quoniam fœtere fecistis odorem nostrum coram Pharaone et servis ejus, et præbuistis ei gladium, ut occideret nos.
and seiden to `Moises and Aaron, The Lord se, and deme, for ye han maad oure odour to stynke bifore Farao and hise seruauntis; and ye han youe to hym a swerd, that he schulde sle vs.
22 Reversusque est Moyses ad Dominum, et ait: Domine, cur afflixisti populum istum? quare misisti me?
And Moises turnede ayen to the Lord, and seide, Lord, whi hast thou turmentid this puple? why sentist thou me?
23 ex eo enim quo ingressus sum ad Pharaonem ut loquerer in nomine tuo, afflixit populum tuum: et non liberasti eos.
For sithen Y entride to Farao, that Y schulde speke in thi name, thou hast turmentid thi puple, and hast not delyuered hem.

< Exodus 5 >