< Exodus 33 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens: Vade, ascende de loco isto tu, et populus tuus quem eduxisti de terra Ægypti, in terram quam juravi Abraham, Isaac et Jacob, dicens: Semini tuo dabo eam:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses go go up from here you and the people which you have brought up from [the] land of Egypt to the land which I swore to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob saying to offspring your I will give it.
2 et mittam præcursorem tui angelum, ut ejiciam Chananæum, et Amorrhæum, et Hethæum, et Pherezæum, et Hevæum, et Jebusæum,
And I will send before you an angel and I will drive out the Canaanite[s] the Amorite[s] and the Hittite[s] and the Perizzite[s] the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s].
3 et intres in terram fluentem lacte et melle. Non enim ascendam tecum, quia populus duræ cervicis es: ne forte disperdam te in via.
To a land flowing of milk and honey for not I will go up in midst your for [are] a people stiff of neck you lest I should make an end of you on the journey.
4 Audiensque populus sermonem hunc pessimum, luxit: et nullus ex more indutus est cultu suo.
And it heard the people the word bad this and they mourned and not they placed anyone ornament[s] his on himself.
5 Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: Loquere filiis Israël: Populus duræ cervicis es: semel ascendam in medio tui, et delebo te. Jam nunc depone ornatum tuum, ut sciam quid faciam tibi.
And he had said Yahweh to Moses say to [the] people of Israel you [are] a people stiff of neck a moment one I will go up in midst your and I will make an end of you and therefore take down ornament[s] your from on yourself so let me consider what? will I do to you.
6 Deposuerunt ergo filii Israël ornatum suum a monte Horeb.
And they stripped themselves [the] people of Israel ornament[s] their from [the] mountain of Horeb.
7 Moyses quoque tollens tabernaculum, tetendit extra castra procul, vocavitque nomen ejus, Tabernaculum fœderis. Et omnis populus, qui habebat aliquam quæstionem, egrediebatur ad tabernaculum fœderis, extra castra.
And Moses he took the tent and he pitched it - from [the] outside of the camp at a distance from the camp and he called it [the] tent of meeting and it was any [one who] sought Yahweh he went out to [the] tent of meeting which [was] from [the] outside of the camp.
8 Cumque egrederetur Moyses ad tabernaculum, surgebat universa plebs, et stabat unusquisque in ostio papilionis sui, aspiciebantque tergum Moysi, donec ingrederetur tentorium.
And it was when went out Moses to the tent they arose all the people and they stood everyone [the] opening of tent his and they looked after Moses until went he the tent towards.
9 Ingresso autem illo tabernaculum fœderis, descendebat columna nubis, et stabat ad ostium, loquebaturque cum Moyse,
And it was when went Moses the tent towards it came down [the] pillar of cloud and it stood [the] opening of the tent and he spoke with Moses.
10 cernentibus universis quod columna nubis staret ad ostium tabernaculi. Stabantque ipsi, et adorabant per fores tabernaculorum suorum.
And it saw all the people [the] pillar of cloud standing [the] opening of the tent and it arose all the people and they bowed down everyone [the] opening of tent his.
11 Loquebatur autem Dominus ad Moysen facie ad faciem, sicut solet loqui homo ad amicum suum. Cumque ille reverteretur in castra, minister ejus Josue filius Nun, puer, non recedebat de tabernaculo.
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses face to face just as he speaks a person to companion his and he returned to the camp and servant his Joshua [the] son of Nun a young man not he departed from [the] midst of the tent.
12 Dixit autem Moyses ad Dominum: Præcipis ut educam populum istum: et non indicas mihi quem missurus es mecum, præsertim cum dixeris: Novi te ex nomine, et invenisti gratiam coram me.
And he said Moses to Yahweh see you [are] saying to me bring up the people this and you not you have made know me whom you will send with me and you you have said I know you by name and also you have found favor in view my.
13 Si ergo inveni gratiam in conspectu tuo, ostende mihi faciem tuam, ut sciam te, et inveniam gratiam ante oculos tuos: respice populum tuum gentem hanc.
And therefore if please I have found favor in view your show me please ways your so I may know you so that I may find favor in view your and consider that [is] people your the nation this.
14 Dixitque Dominus: Facies mea præcedet te, et requiem dabo tibi.
And he said presence my they will go and I will give rest to you.
15 Et ait Moyses: Si non tu ipse præcedas, ne educas nos de loco isto.
And he said to him if not presence your [is] going may not you bring up us from here.
16 In quo enim scire poterimus ego et populus tuus invenisse nos gratiam in conspectu tuo, nisi ambulaveris nobiscum, ut glorificemur ab omnibus populis qui habitant super terram?
And how? - will it be known then that I have found favor in view your I and people your ¿ not by going you with us and we will be distinguished I and people your from every people which [is] on [the] surface of the ground.
17 Dixit autem Dominus ad Moysen: Et verbum istud, quod locutus es, faciam: invenisti enim gratiam coram me, et teipsum novi ex nomine.
And he said Yahweh to Moses also the thing this which you have spoken I will do for you have found favor in view my and I have known you by name.
18 Qui ait: Ostende mihi gloriam tuam.
And he said show me please glory your.
19 Respondit: Ego ostendam omne bonum tibi, et vocabo in nomine Domini coram te: et miserebor cui voluero, et clemens ero in quem mihi placuerit.
And he said I I will cause to pass by all goodness my on face your and I will proclaim [the] name of Yahweh before you and I will show favor to [those] whom I will show favor and I will have compassion on [those] whom I will have compassion.
20 Rursumque ait: Non poteris videre faciem meam: non enim videbit me homo et vivet.
And he said not you will be able to see face my for not he will see me person and he will live.
21 Et iterum: Ecce, inquit, est locus apud me, et stabis supra petram.
And he said Yahweh there! a place [is] with me and you will stand on the rock.
22 Cumque transibit gloria mea, ponam te in foramine petræ, et protegam dextera mea, donec transeam:
And it will be when passes by glory my and I will put you in [the] cleft of the rock and I will hold palm my over you until have passed by I.
23 tollamque manum meam, et videbis posteriora mea: faciem autem meam videre non poteris.
And I will remove palm my and you will see back parts my and face my not they will be visible.

< Exodus 33 >