< Exodus 31 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
2 Ecce, vocavi ex nomine Beseleel filium Uri filii Hur de tribu Juda,
See I have called by name Bezalel [the] son of Uri [the] son of Hur of [the] tribe of Judah.
3 et implevi spiritu Dei, sapientia, et intelligentia et scientia in omni opere,
And I have filled him [the] spirit of God with skill and with understanding and with knowledge and with all workmanship.
4 ad excogitandum quidquid fabrefieri potest ex auro, et argento, et ære,
To design designs to work in gold and in silver and in bronze.
5 marmore, et gemmis, et diversitate lignorum.
And in carving of stone to fill and in carving of wood to work in all workmanship.
6 Dedique ei socium Ooliab filium Achisamech de tribu Dan. Et in corde omnis eruditi posui sapientiam: ut faciant cuncta quæ præcepi tibi,
And I here! I have appointed with him Oholiab [the] son of Ahisamach of [the] tribe of Dan and in [the] heart of every [person] skillful of heart I have put skill and they will make all that I have commanded you.
7 tabernaculum fœderis, et arcam testimonii, et propitiatorium, quod super eam est, et cuncta vasa tabernaculi,
- [the] tent of Meeting and the ark of the testimony and the atonement cover which [will be] on it and all [the] articles of the tent.
8 mensamque et vasa ejus, candelabrum purissimum cum vasis suis, et altaris thymiamatis,
And the table and articles its and the lampstand pure and all articles its and [the] altar of incense.
9 et holocausti, et omnia vasa eorum, labrum cum basi sua,
And [the] altar of the burnt offering and all articles its and the laver and base its.
10 vestes sanctas in ministerio Aaron sacerdoti, et filiis ejus, ut fungantur officio suo in sacris:
And [the] garments of the woven material and [the] garments of the holiness for Aaron the priest and [the] garments of sons his to serve as priests.
11 oleum unctionis, et thymiama aromatum in sanctuario, omnia quæ præcepi tibi, facient.
And [the] oil of anointing and [the] incense of the perfume for the holy place according to all that I have commanded you they will do.
12 Et locutus est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And he said Yahweh to Moses saying.
13 Loquere filiis Israël, et dices ad eos: Videte ut sabbatum meum custodiatis: quia signum est inter me et vos in generationibus vestris: ut sciatis quia ego Dominus, qui sanctifico vos.
And you speak to [the] people of Israel saying surely sabbaths my you will observe for [is] a sign it between me and between you to generations your to know that I [am] Yahweh [who] sets apart you.
14 Custodite sabbatum meum, sanctum est enim vobis: qui polluerit illud, morte morietur; qui fecerit in eo opus, peribit anima illius de medio populi sui.
And you will observe the sabbath for [is] a holy thing it to you [those who] profane it certainly he will be put to death for every [one who] does on it work and it will be cut off the person that from [the] midst of kinspeople its.
15 Sex diebus facietis opus: in die septimo sabbatum est, requies sancta Domino; omnis qui fecerit opus in hac die, morietur.
Six days it will be done work and [will be] on the day seventh a sabbath of sabbath observance a holy thing to Yahweh every [one who] does work on [the] day of the sabbath certainly he will be put to death.
16 Custodiant filii Israël sabbatum, et celebrent illud in generationibus suis. Pactum est sempiternum
And they will observe [the] people of Israel the sabbath by celebrating the sabbath to generations their a covenant of perpetuity.
17 inter me et filios Israël, signumque perpetuum; sex enim diebus fecit Dominus cælum et terram, et in septimo ab opere cessavit.
Between me and between [the] people of Israel [is] a sign it for ever for six days he made Yahweh the heavens and the earth and on the day seventh he rested and he refreshed himself.
18 Deditque Dominus Moysi, completis hujuscemodi sermonibus in monte Sinai, duas tabulas testimonii lapideas, scriptas digito Dei.
And he gave to Moses when finished he to speak with him on [the] mountain of Sinai [the] two [the] tablets of the testimony tablets of stone written by [the] finger of God.

< Exodus 31 >