< Exodus 29 >

1 Sed et hoc facies, ut mihi in sacerdotio consecrentur. Tolle vitulum de armento, et arietes duos immaculatos,
But also thou schalt do this, that thei be sacrid to me in preesthod; take thou a calf of the droue, and twei rammes with out wem,
2 panesque azymos, et crustulam absque fermento, quæ conspersa sit oleo, lagana quoque azyma oleo lita: de simila triticea cuncta facies.
and therf looues, and a cake with out sour dow, whiche be spreynt to gidere with oile, and therf paast sodun in watir, `bawmed, ether fried, with oile; thou schalt make alle thingis of whete flour,
3 Et posita in canistro offeres: vitulum autem et duos arietes.
and thou schalt offre tho put in a panyere. Forsothe thou schal presente the calfe,
4 Et Aaron ac filios ejus applicabis ad ostium tabernaculi testimonii. Cumque laveris patrem cum filiis suis aqua,
and twey rammes, and Aaron and his sones, at the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng; and whanne thou hast waische the fadir and the sones in watir,
5 indues Aaron vestimentis suis, id est, linea et tunica, et superhumerali et rationali, quod constringes balteo.
thou schalt clothe Aaron with hise clothis, that is, the lynnen cloth, `and coote, and the cloth on the schuldris, `and the racional, which thou schalt bynde with a girdil.
6 Et pones tiaram in capite ejus, et laminam sanctam super tiaram,
And thou schalt sette the mytre on his heed, and the hooli plate on the mytre,
7 et oleum unctionis fundes super caput ejus: atque hoc ritu consecrabitur.
and thou schalt schede the oile of anoyntyng on his heed; and bi this custom he schal be sacrid.
8 Filios quoque illius applicabis, et indues tunicis lineis, cingesque balteo,
Also thou schalt presente hise sones, and thou schalt clothe with lynnun cootis,
9 Aaron scilicet et liberos ejus, et impones eis mitras: eruntque sacerdotes mihi religione perpetua. Postquam initiaveris manus eorum,
and thou schalt girde Aaron and hise sones with a girdil; and thou schalt sette mytris on hem; and thei schulen be my preestis bi euerlastynge religioun. After that thou hast halewid `the hondis of hem,
10 applicabis et vitulum coram tabernaculo testimonii. Imponentque Aaron et filii ejus manus super caput illius,
also thou schalt presente the calf bifore the tabernacle of witnessyng; and Aaron and hise sones schulen sette hondis `on the heed therof;
11 et mactabis eum in conspectu Domini, juxta ostium tabernaculi testimonii.
and thou schalt sle it in the siyt of the Lord, bisidis the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng.
12 Sumptumque de sanguine vituli, pones super cornua altaris digito tuo, reliquum autem sanguinem fundes juxta basim ejus.
And thou schalt take the blood of the calf, and schalt putte with thi fyngur on the corneris of the auter. Forsothe thou schalt schede the `tothir blood bisidis the foundement therof.
13 Sumes et adipem totum qui operit intestina, et reticulum jecoris, ac duos renes, et adipem qui super eos est, et offeres incensum super altare:
And thou schalt take al the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis, and the calle of the mawe, and twey kidneris, and the fatnesse which is on hem; and thou schalt offere encense on the auter.
14 carnes vero vituli et corium et fimum combures foris extra castra, eo quod pro peccato sit.
Forsothe thou schalt brenne with out the castels the `fleischis of the calf, and the skyn, and the dung, for it is for synne.
15 Unum quoque arietem sumes, super cujus caput ponent Aaron et filii ejus manus.
Also thou schalt take a ram, on whos heed Aaron and hise sones schulen sette hondis;
16 Quem cum mactaveris, tolles de sanguine ejus, et fundes circa altare.
and whanne thou hast slayn that ram, thou schalt take of `his blood, and schalt schede aboute the auter.
17 Ipsum autem arietem secabis in frustra: lotaque intestina ejus ac pedes, pones super concisas carnes, et super caput illius.
Forsothe thou schalt kitte thilk ram in to smale gobetis, and thou schalt putte hise entrailis waischun, and feet on the fleischis koruun, and on his heed;
18 Et offeres totum arietem in incensum super altare: oblatio est Domino, odor suavissimus victimæ Domini.
and thou schalt offre al the ram in to encence on the auter; it is an offryng to the Lord, the swettest odour of the slayn sacrifice of the Lord.
19 Tolles quoque arietem alterum, super cujus caput Aaron et filii ejus ponent manus.
And thou schalt take the tothir ram, on whos heed Aaron and hise sones schulen sette hondis;
20 Quem cum immolaveris, sumes de sanguine ejus, et pones super extremum auriculæ dextræ Aaron et filiorum ejus, et super pollices manus eorum ac pedis dextri, fundesque sanguinem super altare per circuitum.
and whanne thou hast offrid that ram, thou schalt take of his blood, and schalt `putte on the last part of the riyt eere of Aaron, and of hise sones, and on the thombis of her hond; and of her riyt foot; and thou schalt schede the blood on the auter, `bi cumpas.
21 Cumque tuleris de sanguine qui est super altare, et de oleo unctionis, asperges Aaron et vestes ejus, filios et vestimenta eorum. Consecratisque ipsis et vestibus,
And whanne thou hast take of the blood, which is on the auter, and of oile of anoynting, thou schalt sprenge Aaron and hise clothis, the sones and her clothis. And whanne thei and the clothis ben sacrid,
22 tolles adipem de ariete, et caudam et arvinam, quæ operit vitalia, ac reticulum jecoris, et duos renes, atque adipem, qui super eos est, armumque dextrum, eo quod sit aries consecrationis:
thou schalt take the ynnere fatnesse of the ram, and the tayl, and the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis, and the calle of the mawe, and twey kideneris, and the fatnesse that is on tho; and thou schalt take the riyt schuldur, for it is the ram of consecracioun;
23 tortamque panis unius, crustulam conspersam oleo, laganum de canistro azymorum, quod positum est in conspectu Domini:
and thou schalt take a tendur cake of o loof, spreynd with oile, paast sodun in watir, and after fried in oile, of the panyer of therf looues, which is set in `the siyt of the Lord.
24 ponesque omnia super manus Aaron et filiorum ejus, et sanctificabis eos elevans coram Domino.
And thou schalt putte alle `thingis on the hondis of Aaron and of hise sones, and schalt halewe hem, and reise bifor the Lord.
25 Suscipiesque universa de manibus eorum: et incendes super altare in holocaustum, odorem suavissimum in conspectu Domini, quia oblatio ejus est.
And thou schalt take alle thingis fro `the hondis of hem, and schalt brenne on the autir, in to brent sacrifice, `swettist odour in the siyt of the Lord, for it is the offryng of the Lord.
26 Sumes quoque pectusculum de ariete, quo initiatus est Aaron, sanctificabisque illud elevatum coram Domino, et cedet in partem tuam.
Also thou schalt take the brest of the ram, bi which Aaron was halewid, and thou schalt halewe it reisid bifor the Lord; and it schal turne in to thi part.
27 Sanctificabisque et pectusculum consecratum, et armum quem de ariete separasti,
And thou schalt halewe also the brest sacrid, and the schuldur which thou departidist fro the ram,
28 quo initiatus est Aaron et filii ejus, cedentque in partem Aaron et filiorum ejus jure perpetuo a filiis Israël: quia primitiva sunt et initia de victimis eorum pacificis quæ offerunt Domino.
bi which Aaron was halewid, and hise sones; and tho schulen turne in to the part of Aaron, and of hise sones, bi euerlastinge riyt, of the sones of Israel; for tho ben the firste thingis, and the bigynnyngis of the pesible sacrifices of hem, whiche thei offren to the Lord.
29 Vestem autem sanctam, qua utetur Aaron, habebunt filii ejus post eum, ut ungantur in ea, et consecrantur manus eorum.
Forsothe the sones of Aaron schulen haue aftir hym the hooli cloth, which Aaron schal vse, that thei be anoyntid ther ynne, and her hondis be sacrid.
30 Septem diebus utetur illa qui pontifex pro eo fuerit constitutus de filiis ejus, et qui ingredietur tabernaculum testimonii ut ministret in sanctuario.
`Thilke, that of hise sones schal be maad bischop for hym, schal vse that cloth seuene daies, and which sone schal entre in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, that he mynystre in the seyntuarie.
31 Arietem autem consecrationis tolles, et coques carnes ejus in loco sancto:
Sotheli thou schalt take the ram of consecracioun, and thou schalt sethe hise fleischis in the hooli place,
32 quibus vescetur Aaron et filii ejus. Panes quoque, qui sunt in canistro, in vestibulo tabernaculi testimonii comedent,
whiche fleischis Aaron and his sones schulen ete, and thei schulen ete the looues, that ben in the panyere, in the porche of the tabernacle of witnessyng,
33 ut sit placabile sacrificium, et sanctificentur offerentium manus. Alienigena non vescetur ex eis, quia sancti sunt.
that it be a pleasaunt sacrifice, and that the hondis of the offreris be halewid. An alien schal not ete of tho, for tho ben hooli.
34 Quod si remanserit de carnibus consecratis, sive de panibus usque mane, combures reliquias igni: non comedentur, quia sanctificata sunt.
That if ony thing leeueth of the fleischis halewid, ether of the looues, til the morewtid, thou schalt brenne the relifs by fier, thou schulen not be etun, for tho ben halewid.
35 Omnia, quæ præcepi tibi, facies super Aaron et filiis ejus. Septem diebus consecrabis manus eorum:
Thou schalt do on Aaron, and hise sones, alle thingis whiche I comaunde to thee. Seuene daies thou schalt sacre `the hondis of hem,
36 et vitulum pro peccato offeres per singulos dies ad expiandum. Mundabisque altare cum immolaveris expiationis hostiam, et unges illud in sanctificationem.
and thou schalt offre a calf for synne bi ech day to clense; and thou schalt clense the auter, whanne thou hast offrid the sacrifice of clensyng, and thou schalt anoynte the auter in to halewyng.
37 Septem diebus expiabis altare, et sanctificabis, et erit Sanctum sanctorum: omnis, qui tetigerit illud, sanctificabitur.
Seuene daies thou shalt clense and halewe the auter, and it schal be the hooli of hooli thingis; ech man that schal touche it schal be halewid.
38 Hoc est quod facies in altari: agnos anniculos duos per singulos dies jugiter,
This it is, that thou schalt do in the auter, twei lambren of o yeer contynueli bi ech dai,
39 unum agnum mane, et alterum vespere,
o lomb in the morewtid, and the tothir in the euentid;
40 decimam partem similæ conspersæ oleo tuso, quod habeat mensuram quartam partem hin, et vinum ad libandum ejusdem mensuræ in agno uno.
`thou schalt do in o lomb the tenthe part of flour spreynt with oyle, powned, that schal haue a mesure, the fourthe part of hyn, and wyn of the same mesure, to make sacrifice.
41 Alterum vero agnum offeres ad vesperam juxta ritum matutinæ oblationis, et juxta ea quæ diximus, in odorem suavitatis:
Sotheli thou schalt offre the tother lomb at euentid, bi the custom of the offryng at the morewtid, and bi tho thingis, whiche we seiden, in to the odour of swetnesse;
42 sacrificium est Domino, oblatione perpetua in generationes vestras, ad ostium tabernaculi testimonii coram Domino, ubi constituam ut loquar ad te.
it is a sacrifice to the Lord bi euerlastynge offryng in to youre generaciouns, at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng bifor the Lord, where Y schal ordeyne that Y speke to thee;
43 Ibique præcipiam filiis Israël, et sanctificabitur altare in gloria mea.
and there Y schal comaunde to the sones of Israel; and the auter schal be halewid in my glorie.
44 Sanctificabo et tabernaculum testimonii cum altari, et Aaron cum filiis suis, ut sacerdotio fungantur mihi.
Y schal halewe also the tabernacle of witnessyng with the auter, and Aaron with hise sones, that thei be set in presthod to me.
45 Et habitabo in medio filiorum Israël, eroque eis Deus,
And Y schal dwelle in the myddis of the sones of Israel, and Y schal be God to hem;
46 et scient quia ego Dominus Deus eorum, qui eduxi eos de terra Ægypti, ut manerem inter illos, ego Dominus Deus ipsorum.
and thei schulen wite, that Y am her Lord God, which ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde dwelle among hem; for Y am her Lord God.

< Exodus 29 >