< Exodus 22 >

1 Si quis furatus fuerit bovem aut ovem, et occiderit vel vendiderit: quinque boves pro uno bove restituet, et quatuor oves pro una ove.
If ony man stelith a scheep, ether oxe, and sleeth, ether sillith, he schal restore fiue oxen for oon oxe, and foure scheep for o scheep.
2 Si effringens fur domum sive suffodiens fuerit inventus, et accepto vulnere mortuus fuerit, percussor non erit reus sanguinis.
And if a nyyt theef brekynge an hows, ether vndurmynynge, is foundun, and is deed bi a wounde takun, the smytere schal not be gilti of blood;
3 Quod si orto sole hoc fecerit, homicidium perpetravit, et ipse morietur. Si non habuerit quod pro furto reddat, ipse venundabitur.
that if he dide this whanne the sunne was rysun, he dide man sleyng, and he schal die. If a theef hath not that, that he schal yelde for thefte, he schal be seeld;
4 Si inventum fuerit apud eum quod furatus est, vivens: sive bos, sive asinus, sive ovis, duplum restituet.
if that thing that he staal, is foundun quyk at hym, ether oxe, ether asse, ether scheep, he schal restore the double.
5 Si læserit quispiam agrum vel vineam, et dimiserit jumentum suum ut depascatur aliena: quidquid optimum habuerit in agro suo, vel in vinea, pro damni æstimatione restituet.
If a man harmeth a feeld, ethir vyner, and suffrith his beeste, that it waaste othere mennus thingis, he schal restore for the valu of harm, `what euer beste thing he hath in his feeld, ethir vyner.
6 Si egressus ignis invenerit spinas, et comprehenderit acervos frugum, sive stantes segetes in agris, reddet damnum qui ignem succenderit.
If fier goith out, and fyndith eeris of corn, and catchith heepis of corn, ethir cornes stondynge in feeldis, he that kyndlide the fier schal yeelde the harm.
7 Si quis commendaverit amico pecuniam aut vas in custodiam, et ab eo, qui susceperat, furto ablata fuerint: si invenitur fur, duplum reddet:
If a man bitakith in to kepyng monei to a freend, ether a vessel `in to keping, and it is takun awey bi thefte fro hym that resseyuede, if the theef is foundun, he schal restore the double.
8 si latet fur, dominus domus applicabitur ad deos, et jurabit quod non extenderit manum in rem proximi sui,
If the theef is hid, the lord of the hows schal be brouyt to goddis, `that is, iugis, and he schal swere, that he helde not forth the hond in to `the thing of his neiybore,
9 ad perpetrandam fraudem, tam in bove quam in asino, et ove ac vestimento, et quidquid damnum inferre potest: ad deos utriusque causa perveniet, et si illi judicaverit, duplum restituet proximo suo.
to `do fraude; as wel in oxe, as in asse, and in scheep, and in clooth; and what euer thing may brynge in harm, the cause of euer eithir schal come to goddis, and if thei demen, he schal restore the double to his neiybore.
10 Si quis commendaverit proximo suo asinum, bovem, ovem, et omne jumentum ad custodiam, et mortuum fuerit, aut debilitatum, vel captum ab hostibus, nullusque hoc viderit:
If ony man bitakith to his neiybore oxe, asse, scheep, and al werk beeste to kepyng, and it is deed, ether is maad feble, ethir is takun of enemyes, and no man seeth this,
11 jusjurandum erit in medio, quod non extenderit manum ad rem proximi sui: suscipietque dominus juramentum, et ille reddere non cogetur.
an ooth schal be in the myddis, that he helde not forth the hond to the `thing of his neiybore; and the lord schal resseyue the ooth, and he schal not be compellid to yelde.
12 Quod si furto ablatum fuerit, restituet damnum domino;
That if it is takun awei bi thefte, he schal restore the harm to the lord;
13 si comestum a bestia, deferat ad eum quod occisum est, et non restituet.
if it is etun of a beeste, he schal brynge to the lord that that is slayn, and he schal not restore.
14 Qui a proximo suo quidquam horum mutuo postulaverit, et debilitatum aut mortuum fuerit domino non præsente, reddere compelletur.
He that axith of his neiybore ony thing of these bi borewyng, and it is feblid, ether deed, while the lord is not present, he schal be constreyned to yelde; that if the lord is in presence,
15 Quod si impræsentiarum dominus fuerit, non restituet, maxime si conductum venerat pro mercede operis sui.
he schal not restore, moost if it cam hirid, for the meede of his werk.
16 Si seduxerit quis virginem necdum desponsatam, dormieritque cum ea: dotabit eam, et habebit eam uxorem.
If a man disseyueth a virgyn not yit weddid, and slepith with hir, he schal yyue dower to hir, and schal haue hir wijf.
17 Si pater virginis dare noluerit, reddet pecuniam juxta modum dotis, quam virgines accipere consueverunt.
If the fadir of the virgyn nyle yyue, he schal yelde money, bi the maner of dower, which virgyns weren wont to take.
18 Maleficos non patieris vivere.
Thou schalt not suffre witchis to lyue.
19 Qui coierit cum jumento, morte moriatur.
He that doith letcherie with a beeste, die by deeth.
20 Qui immolat diis, occidetur, præterquam Domino soli.
He that offrith to goddis, out takun to the Lord aloone, be he slayn.
21 Advenam non contristabis, neque affliges eum: advenæ enim et ipsi fuistis in terra Ægypti.
Thou schalt not make sory a comelyng, nether thou schalt turmente hym; for also ye weren comelyngis in the lond of Egipt.
22 Viduæ et pupillo non nocebitis.
Ye schulen not anoye a widewe, and a fadirles ethir modirles child.
23 Si læseritis eos, vociferabuntur ad me, et ego audiam clamorem eorum:
If ye hirten hem, thei schulen crye to me, and Y schal here the cry of hem,
24 et indignabitur furor meus, percutiamque vos gladio, et erunt uxores vestræ viduæ, et filii vestri pupilli.
and my greet veniaunce schal haue indignacioun, and Y schal smyte you with swerd, and youre wyues schulen be widewis, and youre sones schulen be fadirles.
25 Si pecuniam mutuam dederis populo meo pauperi qui habitat tecum, non urgebis eum quasi exactor, nec usuris opprimes.
If thou yyuest money to loone to my pore puple, that dwellith with thee, thou schalt not constreyne hym, as an extorsioner doith, nether thou schalt oppresse hym by vsuris.
26 Si pignus a proximo tuo acceperis vestimentum, ante solis occasum reddes ei.
If thou takist of thi neiybore `a wed a clooth, thou schalt yelde to hym bifore the goyng doun of the sunne;
27 Ipsum enim est solum, quo operitur, indumentum carnis ejus, nec habet aliud in quo dormiat: si clamaverit ad me, exaudiam eum, quia misericors sum.
for that aloone is the cloothing of his fleisch, with which he is hilid, nether he hath another, in which he slepith; if he crieth to me, Y schal here hym; for Y am mercyful.
28 Diis non detrahes, et principi populi tui non maledices.
Thou schalt not bacbyte goddis, and thou schalt not curse the prince of thi puple.
29 Decimas tuas et primitias tuas non tardabis reddere: primogenitum filiorum tuorum dabis mihi.
Thou schalt not tarye to offre to the Lord thi tithis, and firste fruytis. Thou schalt yyue to me the firste gendrid of thi sones;
30 De bobus quoque, et ovibus similiter facies: septem diebus sit cum matre sua, die octava reddes illum mihi.
also of oxen, and of scheep thou schalt do in lijk maner; seuene daies be he with his modir, in the eiytithe dai thou schalt yelde hym to me.
31 Viri sancti eritis mihi: carnem, quæ a bestiis fuerit prægustata, non comedetis, sed projicietis canibus.
Ye schulen be holi men to me; ye schulen not ete fleisch which is bifore taastid of beestis, but ye schulen caste forth to houndis.

< Exodus 22 >