< Deuteronomii 2 >

1 Profectique inde, venimus in solitudinem, quæ ducit ad mare Rubrum, sicut mihi dixerat Dominus: et circuivimus montem Seir longo tempore.
And we yeden forth fro thennus, and camen in to the wildirnesse that ledith to the Reed See, as the Lord seide to me; and we cumpassiden the hil of Seir in long tyme.
2 Dixitque Dominus ad me:
And the Lord seide to me, It sufficith to you to cumpasse this hil;
3 Sufficit vobis circuire montem istum: ite contra aquilonem:
go ye ayens the north.
4 et populo præcipe, dicens: Transibitis per terminos fratrum vestrorum filiorum Esau, qui habitant in Seir, et timebunt vos.
And comaunde thou to the puple, and seie, Ye schulen passe bi the termes of youre britheren, the sones of Esau, that dwellen in Seir, and thei schulen drede you.
5 Videte ergo diligenter ne moveamini contra eos. Neque enim dabo vobis de terra eorum quantum potest unius pedis calcare vestigium, quia in possessionem Esau dedi montem Seir.
Therfor se ye diligentli, that ye be not moued ayens hem; for Y schal not yyue to you of the land `of hem as myche as the steppe of o foot may trede, for Y yaf the hil of Seir in to the possessioun of Esau.
6 Cibos emetis ab eis pecunia, et comedetis: aquam emptam haurietis, et bibetis.
Ye schulden bie of hem metis for money, and ye schulen ete; ye schulden drawe, and drynke watir bouyt.
7 Dominus Deus tuus benedixit tibi in omni opere manuum tuarum: novit iter tuum, quomodo transieris solitudinem hanc magnam, per quadraginta annos habitans tecum Dominus Deus tuus, et nihil tibi defuit.
Thi Lord God blesside thee in al the werk of thin hondis; he knewe thi weye, hou thou passidist this moste wildirnesse, bi fourti yeer; and thi Lord God dwellide with thee, and no thing failide to thee.
8 Cumque transissemus fratres nostros filios Esau, qui habitabant in Seir, per viam campestrem de Elath, et de Asiongaber, venimus ad iter quod ducit in desertum Moab.
And whanne we hadden passid bi oure britheren, the sones of Esau, that dwelliden in Seir, bi the weie of the feeld of Elath, and of Asiongaber, we camen to the weie that ledith in to deseert of Moab.
9 Dixitque Dominus ad me: Non pugnes contra Moabitas, nec ineas adversus eos prælium: non enim dabo tibi quidquam de terra eorum, quia filiis Loth tradidi Ar in possessionem.
And the Lord seide to me, Fiyte thou not ayens Moabitis, nether bigyn thou batel ayens hem, for Y schal not yyue to thee ony thing of the lond `of hem, for Y yaf Ar in to possessioun to `the sones of Loth.
10 Emim primi fuerunt habitatores ejus, populus magnus, et validus, et tam excelsus ut de Enacim stirpe,
Emyn, `that is, griseful men, weren first dwelleris therof, a greet puple, and strong, and so hiy, that thei weren bileued as giantis,
11 quasi gigantes crederentur, et essent similes filiorum Enacim. Denique Moabitæ appellant eos Emim.
of the generacioun of Enachym, and thei weren lijk the sones of Enachym; forsothe Moabitis clepen hem Emyn.
12 In Seir autem prius habitaverunt Horrhæi: quibus expulsis atque deletis, habitaverunt filii Esau, sicut fecit Israël in terra possessionis suæ, quam dedit illi Dominus.
Forsothe Horreis dwelliden bifore in Seir, and whanne thei weren put out, and weren doon awey, `the sones of Esau dwelliden there, as Israel dide in the lond of his possessioun, which the Lord yaf to hym.
13 Surgentes ergo ut transiremus torrentem Zared, venimus ad eum.
Therfor we riseden, that we schulden passe the stronde of Zared, and camen to it.
14 Tempus autem, quo ambulavimus de Cadesbarne usque ad transitum torrentis Zared, triginta et octo annorum fuit: donec consumeretur omnis generatio hominum bellatorum de castris, sicut juraverat Dominus:
Sotheli the tyme in whiche we yeden fro Cades Barne `til to the passynge of the stronde of Zared, was of eiyte and thretti yeer, til al the generacioun of `men fiyteris was wastid fro `the castels, as the Lord hadde swore; whos hond was ayens hem,
15 cujus manus fuit adversum eos, ut interirent de castrorum medio.
that thei schulden perische fro the myddis of `the castels.
16 Postquam autem universi ceciderunt pugnatores,
Forsothe after that alle the fiyteris felden doun,
17 locutus est Dominus ad me, dicens:
the Lord spak to me, and seide,
18 Tu transibis hodie terminos Moab, urbem nomine Ar:
Thou schalt passe to dai the termes of Moab,
19 et accedens in vicina filiorum Ammon, cave ne pugnes contra eos, nec movearis ad prælium: non enim dabo tibi de terra filiorum Ammon, quia filiis Loth dedi eam in possessionem.
the cytee, Ar bi name, and thou schalt neiy in the nyy coost of the sones of Amon; be thou war that thou fiyte not ayens hem, nether be moued to batel; for Y schal not yyue to thee of the lond of the sones of Amon, for Y yaf it to the `sones of Loth in to possessioun.
20 Terra gigantum reputata est: et in ipsa olim habitaverunt gigantes, quos Ammonitæ vocant Zomzommim,
It is arettid the lond of giauntis, and giauntis enhabitiden therynne sumtyme, whiche giauntis Amonytis clepen Zonym;
21 populus magnus, et multus, et proceræ longitudinis, sicut Enacim, quos delevit Dominus a facie eorum: et fecit illos habitare pro eis,
a myche puple and greet, and of noble lengthe, as Enachym, whiche the Lord dide awey fro the face of hem,
22 sicut fecerat filiis Esau, qui habitant in Seir, delens Horrhæos, et terram eorum illis tradens, quam possident usque in præsens.
and made hem to dwelle for `tho giauntis, as he dide to the sones of Esau, that dwellen in Seire, `and dide awai Horreis, and yaf to hem the lond `of Horreis, which `the sones of Esau welden `til in to present tyme.
23 Hevæos quoque, qui habitabant in Haserim usque Gazan, Cappadoces expulerunt: qui egressi de Cappadocia deleverunt eos, et habitaverunt pro illis.
Also men of Capadocie puttiden out Eueys, that dwelliden in Asseryn, `til to Gaza; which yeden out fro Capadocie, and diden awey Eueis, and dwelliden for hem.
24 Surgite, et transite torrentem Arnon: ecce tradidi in manu tua Sehon regem Hesebon Amorrhæum, et terram ejus incipe possidere, et committe adversus eum prælium.
Rise ye, and `passe ye the stronde of Arnon; lo! Y haue bitake in `thin hond Seon, king of Esebon, of Amorreis; and his lond bigynne thou `to welde, and smyte thou batel ayens him.
25 Hodie incipiam mittere terrorem atque formidinem tuam in populos, qui habitant sub omni cælo: ut audito nomine tuo paveant, et in morem parturientium contremiscant, et dolore teneantur.
To dai Y schal bigynne to sende thi drede and strengthe in to puplis that dwellen vndir al heuene, that whanne thi name is herd, thei drede, and tremble bi the maner of wymmen trauelynge of child, and `be holdun with sorewe.
26 Misi ergo nuntios de solitudine Cademoth ad Sehon regem Hesebon verbis pacificis, dicens:
Therfor Y sente messangeris fro the wildirnesse of Cademoch to Seon, kyng of Esebon; and Y seide with pesible wordis,
27 Transibimus per terram tuam: publica gradiemur via; non declinabimus neque ad dexteram, neque ad sinistram.
We schulen passe thorou thi lond, we schulen go in the comyn weie; we schulen not bowe nether to the riyt side, nether to the left side.
28 Alimenta pretio vende nobis, ut vescamur: aquam pecunia tribue, et sic bibemus. Tantum est ut nobis concedas transitum,
Sille thow metis `to vs for prijs, that we ete; yif thow watir for money, and so we schulen drynke. Oneli it is that thou graunte passage to vs,
29 sicut fecerunt filii Esau, qui habitant in Seir, et Moabitæ, qui morantur in Ar: donec veniamus ad Jordanem, et transeamus ad terram, quam Dominus Deus noster daturus est nobis.
as the sones of Esau diden, that dwellen in Seir, and as Moabitis diden, that dwellen in Ar, til we comen to Jordan, and passen to the lond which oure Lord God schal yyue to vs.
30 Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum ejus, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
And Seon, kyng of Esebon, nolde yyue passage `to vs; for thi Lord God made hard his spirit, and made sad in yuel `the herte of hym, that he schulde be bitakun in to thin hondis, as thou seest now.
31 Dixitque Dominus ad me: Ecce cœpi tibi tradere Sehon, et terram ejus: incipe possidere eam.
And the Lord seide to me, Lo, Y bigan to bitake to thee Seon, and his lond; bigynne thou to welde it.
32 Egressusque est Sehon obviam nobis cum omni populo suo ad prælium in Jasa.
And Seon yede out ayens vs with al his puple to batel in Jasa.
33 Et tradidit eum Dominus Deus noster nobis: percussimusque eum cum filiis suis et omni populo suo.
And oure Lord God bitook hym to vs, and we han smyte hym with hise sones, and al his puple.
34 Cunctasque urbes in tempore illo cepimus, interfectis habitatoribus earum, viris ac mulieribus et parvulis: non reliquimus in eis quidquam,
And we token in that tyme alle the citees, whanne the dwelleris of tho citees, men, and wymmen, and children weren slayn; we leften not in hem ony thing,
35 absque jumentis, quæ in partem venere prædantium: et spoliis urbium, quas cepimus
outakun beestis that camen in to the part of men takynge prey, and outakun spuylis of the cytees whiche we tokun.
36 ab Aroër, quæ est super ripam torrentis Arnon, oppido quod in valle situm est, usque Galaad. Non fuit vicus et civitas, quæ nostras effugeret manus: omnes tradidit Dominus Deus noster nobis,
Fro Aroer, which is on the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, fro the toun which is set in the valey, `til to Galaad, no town was ether citee, that ascapide oure hondis.
37 absque terra filiorum Ammon, ad quam non accessimus: et cunctis quæ adjacent torrenti Jeboc, et urbibus montanis, universisque locis, a quibus nos prohibuit Dominus Deus noster.
Oure Lord God bitook alle to vs; outakun the lond of the sones of Amon, to which lond we neiyiden not, and outakun alle thingis that liggen to the stronde of Jeboth, and outakun the citees of the munteyns, and alle places fro whiche oure Lord God forbeed vs.

< Deuteronomii 2 >