< Deuteronomii 16 >

1 Observa mensem novarum frugum, et verni primum temporis, ut facias Phase Domino Deo tuo: quoniam in isto mense eduxit te Dominus Deus tuus de Ægypto nocte.
Kepe thou the monethe of newe fruytis, and of the bigynnyng of somer, that thou make pask to thi Lord God; for in this monethe thi Lord God ledde thee out of Egipt in the nyyt.
2 Immolabisque Phase Domino Deo tuo de ovibus, et de bobus, in loco quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, ut habitet nomen ejus ibi.
And thou schalt offre pask to thi Lord God, of scheep and of oxun, in the place which thi Lord God chees, that his name dwelle there.
3 Non comedes in eo panem fermentatum: septem diebus comedes absque fermento afflictionis panem, quoniam in pavore egressus es de Ægypto: ut memineris diei egressionis tuæ de Ægypto, omnibus diebus vitæ tuæ.
Thou schalt not ete `ther ynne breed `diyt with sourdouy; in seuene daies thou schalt ete breed of affliccioun, with out sourdouy, for in drede thou yedist out of Egipt, that thou haue mynde of the dai of thi goyng out of Egipt, in alle the daies of thi lijf.
4 Non apparebit fermentum in omnibus terminis tuis septem diebus, et non remanebit de carnibus ejus, quod immolatum est vespere in die primo, usque mane.
No thing `diyt with sourdouy schal appere in alle thi termes by seuene daies, and of the fleischis of that that is offrid in the euentid, schal not dwelle in the firste dai in the morewtid.
5 Non poteris immolare Phase in qualibet urbium tuarum, quas Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi,
Thou schalt not mow offre pask in ech of thi citees whiche thi Lord God schal yyue to thee,
6 sed in loco quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, ut habitet nomen ejus ibi: immolabis Phase vespere ad solis occasum, quando egressus es de Ægypto.
but in the place which thi Lord God chees, that his name dwelle there; thou schalt offre pask in the euentid, at the goyng doun of the sunne, whanne thou yedist out of Egipt.
7 Et coques, et comedes in loco quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, maneque consurgens vades in tabernacula tua.
And thou schalt sethe, and ete, in the place which thi Lord God hath chose, and thou schalt rise in the morewtid of the secunde dai, and thou schalt go in to thi tabernaclis.
8 Sex diebus comedes azyma: et in die septima, quia collecta est Domini Dei tui, non facies opus.
Bi sixe daies thou schalt ete therf breed; and in the seuenthe dai, for it is the gaderyng of thi Lord God, thou schalt not do werk.
9 Septem hebdomadas numerabis tibi ab ea die qua falcem in segetem miseris.
Thou schalt noumbre to thee seuene woukis, fro that dai in which thou settidist a sikil in to the corn;
10 Et celebraris diem festum hebdomadarum Domino Deo tuo, oblationem spontaneam manus tuæ, quam offeres juxta benedictionem Domini Dei tui:
and thou schalt halewe the feeste dai of woukis to thi Lord God, a wilful offryng of thyn hond, which thou schalt offre by the blessing of thi Lord God.
11 et epulaberis coram Domino Deo tuo, tu, filius tuus et filia tua, servus tuus et ancilla tua, et Levites qui est intra portas tuas, advena ac pupillus et vidua, qui morantur vobiscum: in loco quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, ut habitet nomen ejus ibi.
And thou schalt ete bifore thi Lord God, thou, and thi sone, and thi douytir, and thi seruaunt, and thin handmayde, and the dekene which is with ynne thi yatis, and the comelynge, and the fadirles ethir modirles child, and the widue, that dwellen with you, in the place `which thi Lord God chees that his name dwelle there.
12 Et recordaberis quoniam servus fueris in Ægypto: custodiesque ac facies quæ præcepta sunt.
And thou schalt haue mynde for thou were seruaunt in Egipt, and thou schalt kepe and do tho thingis that ben comaundid.
13 Solemnitatem quoque tabernaculorum celebrabis per septem dies, quando collegeris de area et torculari fruges tuas:
And thou schalt halewe the solempnytee of tabernaclis bi seuene daies, whanne thou hast gaderid thi fruytis of the cornfloor, and pressour.
14 et epulaberis in festivitate tua, tu, filius tuus et filia, servus tuus et ancilla, Levites quoque et advena, pupillus et vidua qui intra portas tuas sunt.
And thou schalt ete in thi feeste dai, thou, and thi sone, and douytir, and thi seruaunt, and handmayde, also the dekene, and comelyng, and the fadirles ether modirles child, and the widewe, that ben with ynne thi yatis, `schulen ete.
15 Septem diebus Domino Deo tuo festa celebrabis in loco quem elegerit Dominus: benedicetque tibi Dominus Deus tuus in cunctis frugibus tuis, et in omni opere manuum tuarum, erisque in lætitia.
Bi seuene daies thou schalt halewe feestis to thi Lord God, in the place which the Lord chees; and thi Lord God schal blesse thee, in alle thi fruytis, and in al the werk of thin hondis, and thou schalt be in gladnesse.
16 Tribus vicibus per annum apparebit omne masculinum tuum in conspectu Domini Dei tui in loco quem elegerit: in solemnitate azymorum, in solemnitate hebdomadarum, et in solemnitate tabernaculorum. Non apparebit ante Dominum vacuus:
In thre tymes bi the yeer al thi male kynde schal appere in the siyt of thi Lord, in the place which he chees, in the solempnyte of therf looues, and in the solempnyte of woukis, and in the solempnyte of tabernaclis. A man schal not appere voide bifor the Lord;
17 sed offeret unusquisque secundum quod habuerit juxta benedictionem Domini Dei sui, quam dederit ei.
but ech man schal offre vpe this that he hath, bi the blessyng of his Lord God, which he yaf to `that man.
18 Judices et magistros constitues in omnibus portis tuis, quas Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi, per singulas tribus tuas: ut judicent populum justo judicio,
Thou schalt ordeyne `iugis, and maystris, in alle thi yatis whiche thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, bi ech of thi lynagis, that thei deme the puple bi iust doom,
19 nec in alteram partem declinent. Non accipies personam, nec munera: quia munera excæcant oculos sapientum, et mutant verba justorum.
and bowe not in `to the tother part for fauour, ethir yifte `ayens equete. Thou schalt not take persoone nether yiftis, for whi yiftis blynden the iyen of wise men, `and chaungen the wordis of iust men.
20 Juste quod justum est persequeris: ut vivas, et possideas terram, quam Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi.
Thou schalt pursue iustli that that is iust, that thou lyue and welde the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
21 Non plantabis lucum, et omnem arborem juxta altare Domini Dei tui.
Thou schalt not plaunte a wode, and ech tre bi the auter of thi Lord God;
22 Nec facies tibi, neque constitues statuam: quæ odit Dominus Deus tuus.
nether thou schalt make to thee, and ordeyne an ymage; whiche thingis thi Lord God hatith.

< Deuteronomii 16 >