< Amos Propheta 1 >

1 Verba Amos, qui fuit in pastoribus de Thecue, quæ vidit super Israël in diebus Oziæ, regis Juda, et in diebus Jeroboam, filii Joas, regis Israël, ante duos annos terræmotus.
The wordis of Amos ben these, that was in the schepherdis thingis of Thecue, whiche he siy on Israel, in the daies of Osie, king of Juda, and in the daies of Jeroboam, sone of Joas, kyng of Israel, bifor twei yeeris of the erthe mouynge.
2 Et dixit: [Dominus de Sion rugiet, et de Jerusalem dabit vocem suam; et luxerunt speciosa pastorum, et exsiccatus est vertex Carmeli.
And he seide, The Lord schal rore fro Sion, and schal yyue his vois fro Jerusalem; and the faire thingis of schepherdis mourenyden, and the cop of Carmele was maad drie.
3 Hæc dicit Dominus: Super tribus sceleribus Damasci, et super quatuor non convertam eum, eo quod trituraverint in plaustris ferreis Galaad.
The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Damask, and on foure, I shal not conuerte it, for it threischide Galaad in irun waynes.
4 Et mittam ignem in domum Azaël, et devorabit domos Benadad.
And Y schal sende fier in to the hous of Asael, and it schal deuoure the housis of Benadab.
5 Et conteram vectem Damasci: et disperdam habitatorem de campo idoli, et tenentem sceptrum de domo voluptatis: et transferetur populus Syriæ Cyrenen, dicit Dominus.
And Y schal al to-breke the barre of Damask, and Y schal leese a dwellere fro the feeld of idol, and hym that holdith the ceptre fro the hous of lust and of letcherie; and the puple of Sirie schal be translatid to Sirenen, seith the Lord.
6 Hæc dicit Dominus: Super tribus sceleribus Gazæ, et super quatuor non convertam eum, eo quod transtulerint captivitatem perfectam, ut concluderent eam in Idumæa.
The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Gasa, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for it translatide perfit caitifte, to close that togidere in Idumee.
7 Et mittam ignem in murum Gazæ, et devorabit ædes ejus.
And Y schal sende fier in to the wal of Gasa, and it schal deuoure the housis therof.
8 Et disperdam habitatorem de Azoto, et tenentem sceptrum de Ascalone: et convertam manum meam super Accaron, et peribunt reliqui Philisthinorum, dicit Dominus Deus.
And Y schal leese the dwelleris of Azotus, and hym that holdith the ceptre of Ascalon; and Y schal turne myn hond on Accaron, and the remenauntis of Filisteis schulen perische, seith the Lord God.
9 Hæc dicit Dominus: Super tribus sceleribus Tyri, et super quatuor non convertam eum, eo quod concluserint captivitatem perfectam in Idumæa, et non sint recordati fœderis fratrum.
The Lord God seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Tire, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for thei closiden togidere perfit caitifte in Idumee, and hadde not mynde on the boond of pees of britheren.
10 Et mittam ignem in murum Tyri, et devorabit ædes ejus.
And Y schal sende fier in to the wal of Tire, and it schal deuoure the housis therof.
11 Hæc dicit Dominus: Super tribus sceleribus Edom, et super quatuor non convertam eum, eo quod persecutus sit in gladio fratrem suum, et violaverit misericordiam ejus, et tenuerit ultra furorem suum, et indignationem suam servaverit usque in finem.
The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Edom, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for it pursuede bi swerd his brother, and defoulide the merci of hym, and helde ferthere his woodnesse, and kepte his indignacioun `til in to the ende.
12 Mittam ignem in Theman, et devorabit ædes Bosræ.
Y schal sende fier in to Theman, and it schal deuoure the housis of Bosra.
13 Hæc dicit Dominus: Super tribus sceleribus filiorum Ammon, et super quatuor non convertam eum, eo quod dissecuerit prægnantes Galaad ad dilatandum terminum suum.
The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of the sones of Amon, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte hym, for he karf the wymmen with childe of Galaad, for to alarge his terme.
14 Et succendam ignem in muro Rabba, et devorabit ædes ejus in ululatu in die belli, et in turbine in die commotionis.
And Y schal kyndle fier in the wal of Rabbe, and it schal deuoure the housis therof, in yellyng in the dai of batel, and in whirlwynd in the dai of mouyng togidere.
15 Et ibit Melchom in captivitatem, ipse et principes ejus simul, dicit Dominus.]
And Melchon schal go in to caitifte, he and hise princes togidere, seith the Lord.

< Amos Propheta 1 >