< Actuum Apostolorum 25 >

1 Festus ergo cum venisset in provinciam, post triduum ascendit Jerosolymam a Cæsarea.
Three days after Festus had entered upon his province, he left Caesarea and went up to Jerusalem.
2 Adieruntque eum principes sacerdotum et primi Judæorum adversus Paulum: et rogabant eum,
There the Chief Priests and the leading men among the Jews laid an information before him against Paul,
3 postulantes gratiam adversus eum, ut juberet perduci eum in Jerusalem, insidias tendentes ut interficerent eum in via.
and asked a favour of him, to Paul’s injury — to have Paul brought to Jerusalem. All the while they were plotting to make away with him on the road.
4 Festus autem respondit servari Paulum in Cæsarea: se autem maturius profecturum.
But Festus answered that Paul was in prison at Caesarea, and that he himself would be leaving for that place shortly.
5 Qui ergo in vobis, ait, potentes sunt, descendentes simul, si quod est in viro crimen, accusent eum.
“So let the influential men among you,” he said, “go down with me, and if there is anything amiss in the man, charge him formally with it.”
6 Demoratus autem inter eos dies non amplius quam octo aut decem, descendit Cæsaream, et altera die sedit pro tribunali, et jussit Paulum adduci.
After staying among them some eight or ten days, Festus went down to Caesarea. The next day he took his seat on the Bench, and ordered Paul to be brought before him.
7 Qui cum perductus esset, circumsteterunt eum, qui ab Jerosolyma descenderant Judæi, multas et graves causas objicientes, quas non poterant probare:
On Paul’s appearance, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem surrounded him, and made many serious charges, which they failed to establish.
8 Paulo rationem reddente: Quoniam neque in legem Judæorum, neque in templum, neque in Cæsarem quidquam peccavi.
Paul’s answer to the charge was — ‘I have not committed any offence against the Jewish Law, or the Temple, or the Emperor.’
9 Festus autem volens gratiam præstare Judæis, respondens Paulo, dixit: Vis Jerosolymam ascendere, et ibi de his judicari apud me?
But, as Festus wished to gain popularity with the Jews, he interrupted Paul with the question: “Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem and be tried on these charges before me there?”
10 Dixit autem Paulus: Ad tribunal Cæsaris sto: ibi me oportet judicari: Judæis non nocui, sicut tu melius nosti.
“No,” replied Paul, “I am standing at the Emperor’s Bar, where I ought to be tried. I have not wronged the Jews, as you yourself are well aware.
11 Si enim nocui, aut dignum morte aliquid feci, non recuso mori: si vero nihil est eorum quæ hi accusant me, nemo potest me illis donare. Cæsarem appello.
If, however, I am breaking the law and have committed any offence deserving death, I do not ask to escape the penalty; but, if there is nothing in the accusations of these people, no one has the power to give me up to them. I appeal to the Emperor.”
12 Tunc Festus cum concilio locutus, respondit: Cæsarem appellasti? ad Cæsarem ibis.
Upon that, Festus, after conferring with his Council, answered: “You have appealed to the Emperor; to the Emperor you shall go.”
13 Et cum dies aliquot transacti essent, Agrippa rex et Bernice descenderunt Cæsaream ad salutandum Festum.
Some days later King Agrippa and Bernice came down to Caesarea, and paid a visit of congratulation to Festus;
14 Et cum dies plures ibi demorarentur, Festus regi indicavit de Paulo, dicens: Vir quidam est derelictus a Felice vinctus,
and, as they were staying there for several days, Festus laid Paul’s case before the King. “There is a man here,” he said, “left a prisoner by Felix,
15 de quo cum essem Jerosolymis, adierunt me principes sacerdotum et seniores Judæorum, postulantes adversus illum damnationem.
about whom, when I came to Jerusalem, the Jewish Chief Priest and the Councillors laid an information, demanding judgment against him.
16 Ad quos respondi: Quia non est Romanis consuetudo damnare aliquem hominem priusquam is qui accusatur præsentes habeat accusatores, locumque defendendi accipiat ad abluenda crimina.
My answer to them was, that it was not the practice of Romans to give up any man to his accusers till the accused had met them face to face, and had also had an opportunity of answering the charges brought against him.
17 Cum ergo huc convenissent sine ulla dilatione, sequenti die sedens pro tribunali, jussi adduci virum.
So they met here, and without loss of time I took my seat on the Bench the very next day, and ordered the man to be brought before me.
18 De quo, cum stetissent accusatores, nullam causam deferebant, de quibus ego suspicabar malum.
But, when his accusers came forward, they brought no charge of wrong-doing such as I had expected;
19 Quæstiones vero quasdam de sua superstitione habebant adversus eum, et de quodam Jesu defuncto, quem affirmabat Paulus vivere.
but I found that there were certain questions in dispute between them about their own religion, and about some dead man called Jesus, whom Paul declared to be alive.
20 Hæsitans autem ego de hujusmodi quæstione, dicebam si vellet ire Jerosolymam, et ibi judicari de istis.
And, as I was at a loss how to enquire into questions of this kind, I asked Paul if he were willing to go up to Jerusalem, and there be put upon his trial.
21 Paulo autem appellante ut servaretur ad Augusti cognitionem, jussi servari eum, donec mittam eum ad Cæsarem.
Paul, however, appealed to have his case reserved for the consideration of his August Majesty, so I ordered him to be detained in custody, until I could send him to the Emperor.”
22 Agrippa autem dixit ad Festum: Volebam et ipse hominem audire. Cras, inquit, audies eum.
“I should like to hear this man myself,” Agrippa said to Festus. “You shall hear him to-morrow,” Festus answered.
23 Altera autem die cum venisset Agrippa et Bernice cum multa ambitione, et introissent in auditorium cum tribunis et viris principalibus civitatis, jubente Festo, adductus est Paulus.
So the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice had come in full state and had entered the Audience Chamber, with the superior officers and the principal people of the city, by the order of Festus Paul was brought before them.
24 Et dicit Festus: Agrippa rex, et omnes qui simul adestis nobiscum viri, videtis hunc de quo omnis multitudo Judæorum interpellavit me Jerosolymis, petentes et acclamantes non oportere eum vivere amplius.
Then Festus said: “King Agrippa, and all here present, you see before you the man about whom the whole Jewish people have applied to me, both at Jerusalem and here, loudly asserting that he ought not to be allowed to live.
25 Ego vere comperi nihil dignum morte eum admisisse. Ipso autem hoc appellante ad Augustum, judicavi mittere.
I found, however, that he had not done anything deserving death; so, as he had himself appealed to his August Majesty, I decided to send him.
26 De quo quid certum scribam domino, non habeo. Propter quod produxi eum ad vos, et maxime ad te, rex Agrippa, ut interrogatione facta habeam quid scribam.
But I have nothing definite to write about him to my Imperial Master; and for that reason I have brought him before you all, and especially before you, King Agrippa, that, after examining him, I may have something to write.
27 Sine ratione enim mihi videtur mittere vinctum, et causas ejus non significare.
For it seems to me absurd to send a prisoner, without at the same time stating the charges made against him.”

< Actuum Apostolorum 25 >