< Ii Samuelis 10 >

1 Factum est autem post hæc ut moreretur rex filiorum Ammon, et regnavit Hanon filius ejus pro eo.
Forsothe it was doon aftir these thingis, that Naas, kyng of the sones of Amon, diede; and Anoon, his sone, regnede for hym. And Dauid seide,
2 Dixitque David: Faciam misericordiam cum Hanon filio Naas, sicut fecit pater ejus mecum misericordiam. Misit ergo David, consolans eum per servos suos super patris interitu. Cum autem venissent servi David in terram filiorum Ammon,
Y schal do mercy with Anon, the sone of Naas, as his fadir dide mercy with me. Therfor Dauid sente coumfortynge hym by hise seruauntis on the deeth of the fadir. Sotheli whanne the seruauntis of Dauid hadden come in to the lond of the sones of Amon,
3 dixerunt principes filiorum Ammon ad Hanon dominum suum: Putas quod propter honorem patris tui miserit David ad te consolatores, et non ideo ut investigaret, et exploraret civitatem, et everteret eam, misit David servos suos ad te?
princes of the sones of Amon seiden to Anon, her lord, Gessist thou that for the onour of thi fadir Dauid sente coumfortouris to thee; and not herfor Dauid sente hise seruauntis to thee, that he schulde aspie, and enserche the citee, and distrie it?
4 Tulit itaque Hanon servos David, rasitque dimidiam partem barbæ eorum et præscidit vestes eorum medias usque ad nates, et dimisit eos.
Therfor Anoon took the seruauntis of Dauid, and schauyde half the part of `the beerd of hem, and he kittide awey the myddil clothis of hem `til to the buttokis; and lefte hem.
5 Quod cum nuntiatum esset David, misit in occursum eorum: erant enim viri confusi turpiter valde, et mandavit eis David: Manete in Jericho donec crescat barba vestra, et tunc revertimini.
And whanne this was teld to Dauid, he sente in to the comyng of hem, for the men weren schent ful vilensly. And Dauid comaundide to hem, Dwelle ye in Jerico, til youre beerd wexe, and thanne turne ye ayen.
6 Videntes autem filii Ammon quod injuriam fecissent David, miserunt, et conduxerunt mercede Syrum Rohob, et Syrum Soba, viginti millia peditum, et a rege Maacha mille viros, et ab Istob duodecim millia virorum.
Sotheli the sones of Amon sien, that thei hadden do wrong to Dauid, and thei senten, and hiriden bi meede Roob of Sirye, and Soba of Sirie, twenti thousynde of foot men, and of kyng Maacha, a thousynde men, and of Istob twelue thousynde of men.
7 Quod cum audisset David, misit Joab et omnem exercitum bellatorum.
And whanne Dauid hadde herd this, he sent Joab and al the oost of fiyteris.
8 Egressi sunt ergo filii Ammon, et direxerunt aciem ante ipsum introitum portæ: Syrus autem Soba, et Rohob, et Istob, et Maacha, seorsum erant in campo.
Therfor the sones of Amon yeden out, and dressiden scheltrun bifor hem in the entryng of the yate. Forsothe Soba, and Roob of Sirie, and Istob, and Maacha weren asidis half in the feeld.
9 Videns igitur Joab quod præparatum esset adversum se prælium et ex adverso et post tergum, elegit ex omnibus electis Israël, et instruxit aciem contra Syrum:
Therfor Joab siy, that batel was maad redi ayens hym, bothe euene ayens and bihynde the bak; and he chees to hym silf of alle the chosun men of Israel, and ordeynede scheltrun ayens Sirus.
10 reliquam autem partem populi tradidit Abisai fratri suo, qui direxit aciem adversus filios Ammon.
Forsothe he bitook to Abisai, his brothir, the tother part of the puple, which dresside scheltrun ayens the sones of Amon.
11 Et ait Joab: Si prævaluerint adversum me Syri, eris mihi in adjutorium: si autem filii Ammon prævaluerint adversum te, auxiliabor tibi.
And Joab seide, If men of Sirie han the maistrie ayens me, thou schalt be to me in to help; sotheli if the sones of Amon han the maistrie ayens thee, Y schal helpe thee;
12 Esto vir fortis, et pugnemus pro populo nostro et civitate Dei nostri: Dominus autem faciet quod bonum est in conspectu suo.
be thou a strong man, and fiyte we for oure puple, and for the citee of oure God; forsothe the Lord schal do that, that is good in his siyt.
13 Iniit itaque Joab, et populus qui erat cum eo, certamen contra Syros: qui statim fugerunt a facie ejus.
Therfor Joab and his puple that was with hym, bigan batel ayens men of Sirie, whiche fledden anoon fro his face.
14 Filii autem Ammon videntes quia fugissent Syri, fugerunt et ipsi a facie Abisai, et ingressi sunt civitatem: reversusque est Joab a filiis Ammon, et venit Jerusalem.
Forsothe the sones of Amon sien, that men of Sirie hadden fled; and thei fledden also fro the face of Abisai, and entriden in to the citee; and Joab turnede ayen fro the sones of Amon, and cam in to Jerusalem.
15 Videntes igitur Syri quoniam corruissent coram Israël, congregati sunt pariter.
Forsothe men of Sirye sien that thei hadden feld bifor Israel, and thei weren gaderid to gidere.
16 Misitque Adarezer, et eduxit Syros qui erant trans fluvium, et adduxit eorum exercitum: Sobach autem, magister militiæ Adarezer, erat princeps eorum.
And Adadezer sente, and ledde out men of Sirie that weren biyende the flood, and he brouyte the oost of hem; sotheli Sobach, mayster of the chyualrie of Adadezer, was the prince of hem.
17 Quod cum nuntiatum esset David, contraxit omnem Israëlem, et transivit Jordanem, venitque in Helam: et direxerunt aciem Syri ex adverso David, et pugnaverunt contra eum.
And whanne this was teld to Dauid, he drow togidere al Israel, and passide Jordan, and cam in to Helama. And men of Sirie dressiden scheltrun ayens Dauid, and fouyten ayens hym.
18 Fugeruntque Syri a facie Israël, et occidit David de Syris septingentos currus, et quadraginta millia equitum: et Sobach principem militiæ percussit, qui statim mortuus est.
And Sireis fledden fro the face of Israel; and Dauid killide of Sireis seuene hundrid charis, and fourti thousynde of knyytis; and he smoot Sobach, the prince of chyualrie, which was deed anoon.
19 Videntes autem universi reges qui erant in præsidio Adarezer, se victos esse ab Israël, expaverunt, et fugerunt quinquaginta et octo millia coram Israël. Et fecerunt pacem cum Israël, et servierunt eis: timueruntque Syri auxilium præbere ultra filiis Ammon.
Forsothe alle kyngis, that weren in the help of Adadezer, siyen that thei weren ouercomun of Israel, and thei maden pees with Israel, and serueden hem; and Sireis dredden to yyue help to the sones of Amon.

< Ii Samuelis 10 >