< Ii Regum 24 >

1 In diebus ejus ascendit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis, et factus est ei Joakim servus tribus annis: et rursum rebellavit contra eum.
In the daies of hym Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, stiede, and Joachym was maad seruaunt to hym by thre yeeris; and eft Joachym rebellide ayens hym.
2 Immisitque ei Dominus latrunculos Chaldæorum, et latrunculos Syriæ, et latrunculos Moab, et latrunculos filiorum Ammon: et immisit eos in Judam ut disperderent eum, juxta verbum Domini quod locutus fuerat per servos suos prophetas.
And the Lord sente to hym theuys of Caldeis, and theuys of Sirie, and theuys of Moab, and theuys of the sones of Amon; and he sente hem `in to Juda, that he schulde destrie it, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak bi hise seruauntis prophetis.
3 Factum est autem hoc per verbum Domini contra Judam, ut auferret eum coram se propter peccata Manasse universa quæ fecit,
Forsothe this was doon bi the word of the Lord ayens Juda, that he schulde do awei it bifor him silf, for the synnes of Manasses, and alle thingis whiche he dide,
4 et propter sanguinem innoxium quem effudit, et implevit Jerusalem cruore innocentium: et ob hanc rem noluit Dominus propitiari.
and for the giltles blood which he sched out; and he fillide Jerusalem with the blood of innocentis; and for this thing the Lord nolde do mercy.
5 Reliqua autem sermonum Joakim, et universa quæ fecit, nonne hæc scripta sunt in libro sermonum dierum regum Juda? Et dormivit Joakim cum patribus suis:
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joachim, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda?
6 et regnavit Joachin filius ejus pro eo.
And Joachym slept with hise fadris, and Joakyn, his sone, regnyde for him.
7 Et ultra non addidit rex Ægypti ut egrederetur de terra sua: tulerat enim rex Babylonis, a rivo Ægypti usque ad fluvium Euphraten, omnia quæ fuerant regis Ægypti.
And the kyng of Egipt addide no more to go out of hys lond; for the kyng of Babiloyne hadde take alle thingis that weren the kyngis of Egipt, fro the strond of Egipt `til to the flood Eufrates.
8 Decem et octo annorum erat Joachin cum regnare cœpisset, et tribus mensibus regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus Nohesta filia Elnathan de Jerusalem.
Joakyn was of eiytene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde thre monethis in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Nahesta, douytir of Helnathan of Jerusalem.
9 Et fecit malum coram Domino, juxta omnia quæ fecerat pater ejus.
And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis whiche hise fadir hadde do.
10 In tempore illo ascenderunt servi Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis in Jerusalem, et circumdata est urbs munitionibus.
In that tyme the seruauntis of Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, stieden `in to Jerusalem, and the citee was cumpassid with bisegyngis.
11 Venitque Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis ad civitatem cum servis suis ut oppugnarent eam.
And Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam to the citee with hise seruauntis, that he schulde fiyte ayens it.
12 Egressusque est Joachin rex Juda ad regem Babylonis, ipse et mater ejus, et servi ejus, et principes ejus, et eunuchi ejus: et suscepit eum rex Babylonis anno octavo regni sui.
And Joakyn, kyng of Juda, yede out to the king of Babiloyne, he, and his modir, and hise seruauntis, and hise princis, and hise chaumburleyns; and the king of Babiloyne resseyuede him, in the eiythe yeer of `his rewme.
13 Et protulit inde omnes thesauros domus Domini, et thesauros domus regiæ: et concidit universa vasa aurea quæ fecerat Salomon rex Israël in templo Domini juxta verbum Domini.
And he brouyte forth fro thens alle the tresours of the `hous of the Lord, and the tresours of the kingis hous; and he beet togider alle the goldun vessels, whiche Salomon, king of Israel, hadde maad in the temple of the Lord, bi the `word of the Lord.
14 Et transtulit omnem Jerusalem, et universos principes, et omnes fortes exercitus, decem millia, in captivitatem, et omnem artificem et clusorem: nihilque relictum est, exceptis pauperibus populi terræ.
And he translatide al Jerusalem, and alle the princis, and alle the strong men of the oost, ten thousynde, in to caitiftee, and ech crafti man, and goldsmyyt; and no thing was left, outakun the pore puplis of the lond.
15 Transtulit quoque Joachin in Babylonem, et matrem regis, et uxores regis, et eunuchos ejus: et judices terræ duxit in captivitatem de Jerusalem in Babylonem.
Also he translatide Joakyn in to Babiloyne, and the moder of the king, `the wyues of the king, and the chaumburleyns of the king; and he ledde the iugis of the lond in to caitifte fro Jerusalem in to Babiloyne;
16 Et omnes viros robustos, septem millia, et artifices, et clusores mille, omnes viros fortes et bellatores: duxitque eos rex Babylonis captivos in Babylonem.
and alle stronge men, seuene thousynde; and crafti men and goldsmyythis, a thousynde; alle stronge men and werriouris; and the king of Babiloyne ledde hem prisoners in to Babiloyne.
17 Et constituit Matthaniam patruum ejus pro eo: imposuitque nomen ei Sedeciam.
And he ordeynede Mathanye, the brother of his fadir, for hym; and puttide to hym the name Sedechie.
18 Vigesimum et primum annum ætatis habebat Sedecias cum regnare cœpisset, et undecim annis regnavit in Jerusalem: nomen matris ejus erat Amital filia Jeremiæ de Lobna.
Sedechie hadde the oon and twentithe yeer of age, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde eleuene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Amychal, douyter of Jeremye of Lobna.
19 Et fecit malum coram Domino, juxta omnia quæ fecerat Joakim.
And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which Joachym hadde do.
20 Irascebatur enim Dominus contra Jerusalem et contra Judam, donec projiceret eos a facie sua: recessitque Sedecias a rege Babylonis.
For the Lord was wrooth ayens Jerusalem, and ayens Juda, til he caste hem awey fro his face; and Sedechie yede awei fro the king of Babiloyne.

< Ii Regum 24 >