< Ii Paralipomenon 35 >

1 Fecit autem Josias in Jerusalem Phase Domino, quod immolatum est quartadecima die mensis primi:
Forsothe Josie made pask to the Lord in Jerusalem, that was offrid in the fourtenthe dai of the firste monethe;
2 et constituit sacerdotes in officiis suis, hortatusque est eos ut ministrarent in domo Domini:
and he ordeynede prestis in her offices; and he comaundide hem for to mynystre in the hows of the Lord.
3 Levitis quoque, ad quorum eruditionem omnis Israël sanctificabatur Domino, locutus est: Ponite arcam in sanctuario templi, quod ædificavit Salomon filius David rex Israël, nequaquam enim eam ultra portabitis: nunc autem ministrate Domino Deo vestro, et populo ejus Israël.
And he spak to the dekenes, at whos techyng al Israel was halewid to the Lord, Sette ye the arke in the seyntuarie of the temple, which Salomon, kyng of Israel, the sone of Dauid, bildide; for ye schulen no more bere it. But now serue `youre Lord God and his puple Israel,
4 Et præparate vos per domos et cognationes vestras in divisionibus singulorum, sicut præcepit David rex Israël, et descripsit Salomon filius ejus.
and make you redi bi youre housis and meynees in the departyngis of ech bi hym silf, as Dauid, king of Israel, comaundide, and Salomon, his sone, discryuede;
5 Et ministrate in sanctuario per familias turmasque Leviticas,
and serue ye in the seyntuarie bi the meynees and cumpenyes of dekenes,
6 et sanctificati immolate Phase: fratres etiam vestros, ut possint juxta verba quæ locutus est Dominus in manu Moysi facere, præparate.
and be ye halewid, and offre ye pask; also `make redi youre britheren, that thei moun `do bi the wordis, whiche the Lord spak in the hond of Moyses.
7 Dedit præterea Josias omni populo qui ibi fuerat inventus in solemnitate Phase, agnos et hædos de gregibus et reliqui pecoris triginta millia, boum quoque tria millia: hæc de regis universa substantia.
Ferthermore Josie yaf to al the puple, that was foundun there in the solempnytee of pask, lambren, and kidis of the flockis, and of residue scheep `he yaf thritti thousynde, and of oxis thre thousynde; these thingis of al the catel of the kyng.
8 Duces quoque ejus sponte quod voverant, obtulerunt, tam populo quam sacerdotibus et Levitis. Porro Helcias, et Zacharias, et Jahiel principes domus Domini dederunt sacerdotibus ad faciendum Phase pecora commixtim duo millia sexcenta, et boves trecentos.
And hise duykis offriden tho thingis whiche thei avowiden bi fre wille, as wel to the puple as to prestis and dekenes. Forsothe Elchie, and Zacharie, and Jehiel, princes of the hows of the Lord, yauen to preestis, to make pask in comyn, two thousynde and sixe hundrid scheep, and thre hundrid oxis.
9 Chonenias autem, et Semeias, etiam Nathanaël fratres ejus, necnon Hasabias, et Jehiel, et Jozabad principes Levitarum, dederunt ceteris Levitis ad celebrandum Phase quinque millia pecorum, et boves quingentos.
Forsothe Chononye, and Semei, and Nathanael and hise britheren, also Asabie, Jahiel, and Josabaz, princis of dekenes, yauen to othere dekenes, to make pask, fyue thousynde of scheep, and fyue hundrid oxis.
10 Præparatumque est ministerium, et steterunt sacerdotes in officio suo: Levitæ quoque in turmis, juxta regis imperium.
And the seruyce was maad redi; and preestis stoden in her office, and dekenes in cumpenyes, bi comaundement of the kyng; and pask was offrid.
11 Et immolatum est Phase: asperseruntque sacerdotes manu sua sanguinem, et Levitæ detraxerunt pelles holocaustorum:
And preestis spreynten her hondis with blood, and dekenes drowen of the skynnes of sacrifices, and departiden tho sacrificis,
12 et separaverunt ea ut darent per domos et familias singulorum, et offerrentur Domino, sicut scriptum est in libro Moysi: de bobus quoque fecerunt similiter.
for to yyue bi the housis and meyneis of alle men; and that tho schulden be offrid to the Lord, as it is writun in the book of Moises; and of oxis thei diden in lijk maner.
13 Et assaverunt Phase super ignem, juxta quod in lege scriptum est: pacificas vero hostias coxerunt in lebetibus, et cacabis, et ollis, et festinato distribuerunt universæ plebi:
And thei rostiden pask on the fier, bi that that is writun in the lawe. Sotheli thei sethiden pesible sacrifices in pannes, and cawdruns, and pottis, and in haste thei deliden to al the puple;
14 sibi autem et sacerdotibus postea paraverunt, nam in oblatione holocaustorum et adipum usque ad noctem sacerdotes fuerunt occupati, unde Levitæ sibi et sacerdotibus filiis Aaron paraverunt novissimis.
but thei maden redi aftirward to hem silf, and to prestis; for preestis weren occupied `til to nyyt in the offryng of brent sacrifices and of ynnere fatnessis. Wherfor dekenes maden redi to hem silf and to preestis, the sones of Aaron, `the laste.
15 Porro cantores filii Asaph stabant in ordine suo, juxta præceptum David, et Asaph, et Heman, et Idithun prophetarum regis: janitores vero per portas singulas observabant, ita ut nec puncto quidem discederent a ministerio: quam ob rem et fratres eorum Levitæ paraverunt eis cibos.
Forsothe syngeris, the sones of Asaph, stoden in her ordre, bi the comaundement of Dauid, and of Asaph, and of Eman, and of Yditum, the profetis of the kyng; but the porteris kepten bi ech yate, so that thei yeden not awei fro the seruice, sotheli in a poynt; wherfor and dekenes, her britheren, maden redi metis to hem.
16 Omnis igitur cultura Domini rite completa est in die illa, ut facerent Phase, et offerrent holocausta super altare Domini, juxta præceptum regis Josiæ.
Therfor al the religioun of the Lord was fillid riytfuli in that day, that thei maden pask, and offriden brent sacrifices on the auter of the Lord, bi the comaundement of kyng Josie.
17 Feceruntque filii Israël, qui reperti fuerant ibi, Phase in tempore illo, et solemnitatem azymorum septem diebus.
And the sones of Israel, that weren foundun there, maden pask in that tyme, and the solempnite of therf looues seuene daies.
18 Non fuit Phase simile huic in Israël a diebus Samuelis prophetæ: sed nec quisquam de cunctis regibus Israël fecit Phase sicut Josias, sacerdotibus, et Levitis, et omni Judæ et Israël qui repertus fuerat, et habitantibus in Jerusalem.
No pask was lijk this in Israel, fro the daies of Samuel, the prophete; but nethir ony of the kyngis of Israel made pask as Josie dide, to preestis and dekenes, and to al Juda and Israel, that was foundun, and to the dwelleris of Jerusalem.
19 Octavodecimo anno regni Josiæ hoc Phase celebratum est.
This pask was halewid in the eiytenthe yeer of `the rewme of Josie.
20 Postquam instauraverat Josias templum, ascendit Nechao rex Ægypti ad pugnandum in Charcamis juxta Euphraten: et processit in occursum ejus Josias.
Aftir that Josie hadde reparelid the temple, Nechao, the kyng of Egipt, stiede to fiyte in Carcamys bisidis Eufrates; and Josie yede forth in to his metyng.
21 At ille, missis ad eum nuntiis, ait: Quid mihi et tibi est, rex Juda? non adversum te hodie venio, sed contra aliam pugno domum, ad quam me Deus festinato ire præcepit: desine adversum Deum facere, qui mecum est, ne interficiat te.
And he seide bi messangeris sent to hym, Kyng of Juda, what is to me and to thee? Y come not ayens thee to dai, but Y fiyte ayens another hows, to which God bad me go in haste; ceesse thou to do ayens God, which is with me, lest he sle thee.
22 Noluit Josias reverti, sed præparavit contra eum bellum, nec acquievit sermonibus Nechao ex ore Dei: verum perrexit ut dimicaret in campo Mageddo.
Josie nolde turne ayen, but made redi batel ayens hym; and he assentide not to the wordis of Nechao, bi Goddis mouth, but he yede for to fiyte in the feeld of Magedo.
23 Ibique vulneratus a sagittariis, dixit pueris suis: Educite me de prælio, quia oppido vulneratus sum.
And there he was woundide of archeris, and seide to hise children, `Lede ye me out of the batel, for Y am woundid greetli.
24 Qui transtulerunt eum de curru in alterum currum, qui sequebatur eum more regio, et asportaverunt eum in Jerusalem: mortuusque est, et sepultus in mausoleo patrum suorum, et universus Juda et Jerusalem luxerunt eum.
Whiche baren hym ouer fro the chare in to an other chare, that suede hym, bi custom of the kyng, and `baren out hym in to Jerusalem; and he diede, and was biried in the sepulcre of hise fadris. And al Juda and Jerusalem biweiliden hym,
25 Jeremias maxime: cujus omnes cantores atque cantatrices, usque in præsentem diem, lamentationes super Josiam replicant, et quasi lex obtinuit in Israël: Ecce scriptum fertur in lamentationibus.
Jeremye moost, of whom alle syngeris and syngeressis `til in to present dai rehersen `lamentaciouns, ether weilyngis, on Josie; and it cam forth as a lawe in Israel, Lo! it is seid writun in Lamentaciouns.
26 Reliqua autem sermonum Josiæ, et misericordiarum ejus, quæ lege præcepta sunt Domini,
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Josie, and of hise mercies, that ben comaundid in the lawe of the Lord,
27 opera quoque illius prima et novissima, scripta sunt in libro regum Juda et Israël.
and hise werkis, `the firste and the laste, ben wryten in the book of kyngis of Israel and of Juda.

< Ii Paralipomenon 35 >