< Ii Paralipomenon 15 >

1 Azarias autem filius Oded, facto in se spiritu Dei,
Forsothe Azarie, the sone of Obeth, whanne the spirit of the Lord was comyn in to hym,
2 egressus est in occursum Asa, et dixit ei: Audite me, Asa, et omnis Juda et Benjamin: Dominus vobiscum, quia fuistis cum eo. Si quæsieritis eum, invenietis: si autem dereliqueritis eum, derelinquet vos.
yede out in to the metyng of Asa; and seide to hym, Asa and al Juda and Beniamyn, here ye me; the Lord is with you, for ye weren with hym; if ye seken hym, ye schulen fynde hym; sotheli if ye forsaken hym, he schal forsake you.
3 Transibant autem multi dies in Israël absque Deo vero, et absque sacerdote doctore, et absque lege.
Forsothe many daies schulen passe in Israel with outen veri God, and without preest, and without techere, and without lawe.
4 Cumque reversi fuerint in angustia sua ad Dominum Deum Israël, et quæsierint eum, reperient eum.
And whanne thei turnen ayen in her angwisch, and crien to the Lord God of Israel, and seken hym, thei schulen fynde hym.
5 In tempore illo, non erit pax egredienti et ingredienti, sed terrores undique in cunctis habitatoribus terrarum:
In that tyme schal not be pees to go out and to go in, but dredis on al side on alle the dwelleris of londis.
6 pugnavit enim gens contra gentem, et civitas contra civitatem, quia Dominus conturbabit eos in omni angustia.
For a folk schal fiyte ayens folk, and a citee ayens a citee, for the Lord schal disturble hem in al anguysch;
7 Vos ergo confortamini, et non dissolvantur manus vestræ: erit enim merces operi vestro.
but be ye coumfortid, and youre hondis be not slakid; for mede schal be to youre werk.
8 Quod cum audisset Asa, verba scilicet, et prophetiam Azariæ filii Oded prophetæ, confortatus est, et abstulit idola de omni terra Juda et de Benjamin, et ex urbibus quas ceperat, montis Ephraim: et dedicavit altare Domini quod erat ante porticum Domini.
And whanne Asa hadde herd this thing, that is, the wordis and profesye of Asarie, the sone of Obed, the profete, he was coumfortid, and he dide a wei alle the idols fro al the lond of Juda and of Beniamyn, and fro the citees whiche he hadde take of the hil of Effraym. And he halewide the auter of the Lord, that was bifor the porche of the hows of the Lord.
9 Congregavitque universum Judam et Benjamin, et advenas cum eis de Ephraim, et de Manasse, et de Simeon: plures enim ad eum confugerant ex Israël, videntes quod Dominus Deus illius esset cum eo.
And he gaderide togidere al Juda and Beniamyn, and with hem the comelyngis of Effraym, and of Manasses, and of Symeon; for manye of Israel, seynge that his Lord God was with hym, fledden ouer to hym.
10 Cumque venissent in Jerusalem mense tertio, anno decimoquinto regni Asa,
And whanne thei hadden comun in to Jerusalem, in the thridde monethe, in the fiftenthe yeer of the rewme of Asa,
11 immolaverunt Domino in die illa de manubiis et præda quam adduxerant, boves septingentos, et arietes septem millia.
thei offriden `to the Lord in that dai, bothe of the spuylis and of the prey, which thei hadden brouyt, seuene hundrid oxis, and seuene thousynde wetheris.
12 Et intravit ex more ad corroborandum fœdus ut quærerent Dominum Deum patrum suorum in toto corde, et in tota anima sua.
And Asa entride bi custom to make strong the boond of pees, that thei schulden seke the Lord God of her fadris in al her herte, and in al her soule.
13 Si quis autem, inquit, non quæsierit Dominum Deum Israël, moriatur, a minimo usque ad maximum, a viro usque ad mulierem.
Sotheli he seide, If ony man sekith not the Lord God of Israel, die he, fro the leeste `til to the mooste, fro man `til to womman.
14 Juraveruntque Domino voce magna in jubilo, et in clangore tubæ, et in sonitu buccinarum,
And alle that weren in Juda sworen with cursyng to the Lord, with greet vois, in hertli song, and in sown of trumpe, and in sown of clariouns;
15 omnes qui erant in Juda, cum execratione: in omni enim corde suo juraverunt, et in tota voluntate quæsierunt eum, et invenerunt: præstititque eis Dominus requiem per circuitum.
for thei sworen in al her herte, and in al the wille thei souyten hym, and founden hym; and the Lord yaf to hem reste bi cumpas.
16 Sed et Maacham matrem Asa regis ex augusto deposuit imperio, eo quod fecisset in luco simulacrum Priapi: quod omne contrivit, et in frustra comminuens combussit in torrente Cedron.
But also he puttide doun Maacha, the modir of `Asa the kyng, fro the streit empire, for sche hadde made in a wode the symylacre, `ether licnesse, of a mannus yerde; and he al to-brak al `that symylacre, and pownede it in to gobetis, and `brente it in the stronde of Cedron.
17 Excelsa autem derelicta sunt in Israël: attamen cor Asa erat perfectum cunctis diebus ejus,
But hiy places weren left in Israel; netheles the herte of Asa was riytful in alle hise daies.
18 eaque quæ voverat pater suus, et ipse, intulit in domum Domini, argentum, et aurum, vasorumque diversam supellectilem.
And he brouyte in to the hows of the Lord tho thingis that his fadir avowide, siluer and gold, and dyuerse purtenaunce of vessels;
19 Bellum vero non fuit usque ad trigesimum quintum annum regni Asa.
sotheli batel was not `til to the threttithe yeer of the rewme of Asa.

< Ii Paralipomenon 15 >