< I Samuelis 31 >

1 Philisthiim autem pugnabant adversum Israël: et fugerunt viri Israël ante faciem Philisthiim, et ceciderunt interfecti in monte Gelboë.
Forsothe Filisteis fouyten ayens Israel, and the men of Israel fledden bifor the face of Filisteis, and felden slayn in the hil of Gelboe.
2 Irrueruntque Philisthiim in Saul et in filios ejus, et percusserunt Jonathan, et Abinadab, et Melchisua filios Saul:
And Filisteis hurliden on Saul, and on hise sones, and smytiden Jonathas, and Amynadab, and Melchisua, sones of Saul.
3 totumque pondus prælii versum est in Saul, et consecuti sunt eum viri sagittarii, et vulneratus est vehementer a sagittariis.
And al the weiyte of batel was turned `in to Saul; and men archeris pursueden hym, and he was woundid greetli of the archeris.
4 Dixitque Saul ad armigerum suum: Evagina gladium tuum, et percute me: ne forte veniant incircumcisi isti, et interficiant me, illudentes mihi. Et noluit armiger ejus: fuerat enim nimio terrore perterritus. Arripuit itaque Saul gladium, et irruit super eum.
And Saul seide to his squyer, Drawe out thi swerd, and sle me, lest perauenture these vncircumcidid men come, and sle me, and scorne me. And his squyer nolde, for he was aferd bi ful grete drede; therfor Saul took his swerd, and felde theronne.
5 Quod cum vidisset armiger ejus, videlicet quod mortuus esset Saul, irruit etiam ipse super gladium suum, et mortuus est cum eo.
And whanne his squyer hadde seyn this, `that is, that Saul was deed, also he felde on his swerd and was deed with hym.
6 Mortuus est ergo Saul, et tres filii ejus, et armiger illius, et universi viri ejus in die illa pariter.
Therfor Saul was deed, and hise thre sones, and his squyer, and alle his men in that dai togidere.
7 Videntes autem viri Israël qui erant trans vallem et trans Jordanem, quod fugissent viri Israëlitæ, et quod mortuus esset Saul et filii ejus, reliquerunt civitates suas, et fugerunt: veneruntque Philisthiim, et habitaverunt ibi.
Forsothe the sones of Israel, that weren biyendis the valei, and biyendis Jordan, sien that the men of Israel hadden fled, and that Saul was deed, and hise sones, and thei leften her citees and fledden; and Filisteis camen, and dwelliden there.
8 Facta autem die altera, venerunt Philisthiim ut spoliarent interfectos, et invenerunt Saul et tres filios ejus jacentes in monte Gelboë.
Forsothe in `the tother dai maad, Filisteis camen, that thei schulden dispuyle the slayn men, and thei founden Saul, and hise thre sones, liggynge in the hil of Gelboe; and thei kittiden awei the heed of Saul,
9 Et præciderunt caput Saul, et spoliaverunt eum armis: et miserunt in terram Philisthinorum per circuitum, ut annuntiaretur in templo idolorum, et in populis.
and dispuyliden hym of armeris; and senten in to the lond of Filisteis bi cumpas, that it schulde be teld in the temple of idols, and in the puplis.
10 Et posuerunt arma ejus in templo Astaroth, corpus vero ejus suspenderunt in muro Bethsan.
And thei puttiden hise armeris in the temple of Astoroth; sotheli thei hangiden his bodi in the wal of Bethsan.
11 Quod cum audissent habitatores Jabes Galaad, quæcumque fecerant Philisthiim Saul,
And whanne the dwellers of Jabes of Galaad hadden herd this, what euer thingis Filisteis hadden do to Saul,
12 surrexerunt omnes viri fortissimi, et ambulaverunt tota nocte, et tulerunt cadaver Saul, et cadavera filiorum ejus, de muro Bethsan: veneruntque Jabes Galaad, et combusserunt ea ibi:
alle the strongeste men risiden, and yeden in al that nyyt, and token the deed bodi of Saul, and the deed bodies of hise sones fro the wal of Bethsan; and the men of Jabes of Galaad camen, and brenten tho deed bodies bi fier.
13 et tulerunt ossa eorum, et sepelierunt in nemore Jabes, et jejunaverunt septem diebus.
And thei token the boonus of hem, and birieden in the wode of Jabes, and fastiden bi seuene daies.

< I Samuelis 31 >