< I Samuelis 22 >

1 Abiit ergo David inde, et fugit in speluncam Odollam. Quod cum audissent fratres ejus, et omnis domus patris ejus, descenderunt ad eum illuc.
Therfor Dauid yede fro thennus, and fledde in to the denne of Odollam; and whanne hise britheren, and al the hows of his fadir hadden herd this, thei camen doun thidur to hym.
2 Et convenerunt ad eum omnes qui erant in angustia constituti, et oppressi ære alieno, et amaro animo: et factus est eorum princeps, fueruntque cum eo quasi quadringenti viri.
And alle men that weren set in angwisch, and oppressid with othere mennus dette, and in bittir soule, camen togidere to hym; and he was maad the prince `of hem, and as foure hundrid men weren with hym.
3 Et profectus est David inde in Maspha, quæ est Moab: et dixit ad regem Moab: Maneat, oro, pater meus et mater mea vobiscum, donec sciam quid faciat mihi Deus.
And Dauid yede forth fro thennus in to Masphat, which is of Moab; and he seide to the kyng of Moab, Y preye, dwelle my fadir and my modir with you, til Y wite what thing God schal do to me.
4 Et reliquit eos ante faciem regis Moab: manseruntque apud eum cunctis diebus quibus David fuit in præsidio.
And he lefte hem bifor the face of the kyng of Moab; and thei dwelliden at hym in alle daies, `in whiche Dauid was in `the forselet, ether stronghold.
5 Dixitque Gad propheta ad David: Noli manere in præsidio: proficiscere, et vade in terram Juda. Et profectus est David, et venit in saltum Haret.
And Gad, the profete, seide to Dauid, Nyle thou dwelle in `the forselet; go thou forth, and go in to the lond of Juda. And Dauid yede forth, and cam in to the forest of Areth.
6 Et audivit Saul quod apparuisset David, et viri qui erant cum eo. Saul autem cum maneret in Gabaa, et esset in nemore quod est in Rama, hastam manu tenens, cunctique servi ejus circumstarent eum,
And Saul herde, that Dauid apperide, and the men that weren with hym. Forsothe whanne Saul dwellide in Gabaa, and was in the wode which is in Rama, and `helde a spere in the hond, and alle hise seruauntis stoden aboute hym,
7 ait ad servos suos qui assistebant ei: Audite nunc, filii Jemini: numquid omnibus vobis dabit filius Isai agros et vineas, et universos vos faciet tribunos et centuriones?
he seide to hise seruauntis that stoden nyy hym, The sones of Gemyny, here me now; whether the sone of Ysai schal yyue to alle you feeldis and vyneris, and schal make alle you tribunes and centuriouns?
8 quoniam conjurastis omnes adversum me, et non est qui mihi renuntiet, maxime cum et filius meus fœdus inierit cum filio Isai. Non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis, nec qui annuntiet mihi: eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me, insidiantem mihi usque hodie.
For alle ye han swore, ether conspirid, togidere ayens me, and noon is that tellith to me; moost sithen also my sone hath ioyned boond of pees with the sone of Ysai; noon is of you, that sorewith `for my stide, nether that tellith to me, for my sone hath reisid my seruaunt ayens me, settynge tresoun to me `til to dai.
9 Respondens autem Doëg Idumæus, qui assistebat, et erat primus inter servos Saul: Vidi, inquit, filium Isai in Nobe apud Achimelech filium Achitob sacerdotem.
Sotheli Doech of Ydumye answeride, that stood nyy, and was the firste among `the seruauntis of Saul, and seide, Y siy `the sone of Ysai in Nobe, at Achymelech, preest, the sone of Achitob;
10 Qui consuluit pro eo Dominum, et cibaria dedit ei: sed et gladium Goliath Philisthæi dedit illi.
which counseilide the Lord for Dauid, and yaf meetis `to hym, but also he yaf to Dauid the swerd of Goliath Filistei.
11 Misit ergo rex ad accersendum Achimelech sacerdotem filium Achitob, et omnem domum patris ejus, sacerdotum qui erant in Nobe, qui universi venerunt ad regem.
Therfor the kyng sente to clepe Achymelech, the preest, `the sone of Achitob, and al the hows of his fadir, of preestis that weren in Nobe; whiche alle camen to the kyng.
12 Et ait Saul ad Achimelech: Audi, fili Achitob. Qui respondit: Præsto sum, domine.
And Saul seide to Achymelech, Here, thou sone of Achitob.
13 Dixitque ad eum Saul: Quare conjurastis adversum me, tu et filius Isai, et dedisti ei panes et gladium, et consuluisti pro eo Deum, ut consurgeret adversum me, insidiator usque hodie permanens?
Which answeride, Lord, Y am redi. And Saul seide to hym, Whi hast thou conspirid ayens me, thou, and the sone of Ysai, and yauest looues and a swerd to hym, and councelidist the Lord for hym, that he schulde rise ayens me, and he dwellith a tretour `til to dai?
14 Respondensque Achimelech regi, ait: Et quis in omnibus servis tuis sicut David, fidelis, et gener regis, et pergens ad imperium tuum, et gloriosus in domo tua?
And Achymelech answeride to the kyng, and seide, And who among alle thi seruauntis is as Dauid feithful, and the sone in lawe `of the kyng, and goynge at thi comaundement, and gloriouse in thin hows?
15 num hodie cœpi pro eo consulere Deum? absit hoc a me: ne suspicetur rex adversus servum suum rem hujuscemodi, in universa domo patris mei: non enim scivit servus tuus quidquam super hoc negotio, vel modicum vel grande.
Whether Y bigan to dai to counsele the Lord for hym? Fer be this fro me; suppose not the kyng ayens his seruaunt `siche a thing in al `the hows of my fadir; for thi seruaunt knew not ony thing, ether litil ethir greet, of this cause.
16 Dixitque rex: Morte morieris Achimelech, tu et omnis domus patris tui.
And the kyng seide, Achymelech, thou schalt die bi deeth, thou, and al the hows of thi fadir.
17 Et ait rex emissariis qui circumstabant eum: Convertimini, et interficite sacerdotes Domini, nam manus eorum cum David est: scientes quod fugisset, et non indicaverunt mihi. Noluerunt autem servi regis extendere manus suas in sacerdotes Domini.
And the kyng seide to men able to be sent out, that stoden aboute hym, Turne ye, and sle the preestis of the Lord, for the hond of hem is with Dauid; and thei wisten that he fledde, and thei schewiden not to me. Sotheli the seruauntis of the kyng nolden holde forth her hond in to the preestis of the Lord.
18 Et ait rex ad Doëg: Convertere tu, et irrue in sacerdotes. Conversusque Doëg Idumæus, irruit in sacerdotes, et trucidavit in die illa octoginta quinque viros vestitos ephod lineo.
And the kyng seide to Doech, Turne thou, and hurle in to the preestis of the Lord. And Doech of Ydumee turnede, and hurlide in to the preestis, and stranglide in that dai foure score and fyue men, clothid with `ephoth of lynnun cloth.
19 Nobe autem civitatem sacerdotum percussit in ore gladii, viros et mulieres, et parvulos et lactentes, bovemque, et asinum, et ovem in ore gladii.
Forsothe he smoot Nobe, the citee of preestis, by the scharpnesse of swerd, men and wymmen, litle children and soukynge, and oxe, and asse, and sheep, bi the scharpnesse of swerd.
20 Evadens autem unus filius Achimelech filii Achitob, cujus nomen erat Abiathar, fugit ad David,
Forsothe o sone of Achymelech, sone of Achitob, ascapide, of which sone the name was Abiathar; and he fledde to Dauid,
21 et annuntiavit ei quod occidisset Saul sacerdotes Domini.
and telde to hym that Saul hadde slayn the preestis of the Lord.
22 Et ait David ad Abiathar: Sciebam in die illa quod cum ibi esset Doëg Idumæus, procul dubio annuntiaret Sauli: ego sum reus omnium animarum patris tui.
And Dauid seide to Abiathar, Sotheli Y wiste, `that is, Y coniectide, ether dredde, in that dai, that whanne Doech of Ydumee was there, he wolde telle with out doute to Saul; Y am gilti of alle the lyues of thi fadir.
23 Mane mecum: ne timeas: si quis quæsierit animam meam, quæret et animam tuam, mecumque servaberis.
Dwelle thou with me, drede thou not; if ony man sekith thi lijf, he schal seke also my lijf, and thou schalt be kept with me.

< I Samuelis 22 >