< I Regum 4 >

1 Erat autem rex Salomon regnans super omnem Israël:
`Forsothe kyng Salomon was regnynge on al Israel.
2 et hi principes quos habebat: Azarias filius Sadoc sacerdotis:
And these weren the princes which he hadde; Azarie, sone of Sadoch, preest;
3 Elihoreph et Ahia filii Sisa scribæ: Josaphat filius Ahilud a commentariis:
Helioreb, and Haia, sones of Sila, `weren scryueyns; Josophat, sone of Achilud, was chaunseler;
4 Banaias filius Jojadæ super exercitum: Sadoc autem et Abiathar sacerdotes:
Banaie, sone of Joiada, was on the oost; forsothe Sadoch and Abiathar weren preestis;
5 Azarias filius Nathan super eos qui assistebant regi: Zabud filius Nathan sacerdos, amicus regis:
Azarie, sone of Nathan, was on hem that stoden niy the kyng; Zabul, the sone of Nathan, was preest, `that is, greet and worschipful, a freend of the kyng;
6 et Ahisar præpositus domus: et Adoniram filius Abda super tributa.
and Ahiasar was stiward of the hows; and Adonyram, sone of Adda, was on the tributis.
7 Habebat autem Salomon duodecim præfectos super omnem Israël, qui præbebant annonam regi et domui ejus: per singulos enim menses in anno, singuli necessaria ministrabant.
Forsothe Salomon hadde twelue `prefectis, ether cheef minystrys, on al Israel, that yauen lijflode to the kyng, and to his hows; sotheli bi ech monethe bi it silf in the yeer, ech prefect bi hym silf mynystride necessaries.
8 Et hæc nomina eorum: Benhur in monte Ephraim.
And these ben the names of hem; Benhur, in the hil of Effraym;
9 Bendecar in Macces, et in Salebim, et in Bethsames, et in Elon, et in Bethanan.
Bendechar, in Macces, and in Salebbym, and in Bethsames, and in Helon, and in Bethanan;
10 Benhesed in Aruboth: ipsius erat Socho, et omnis terra Epher.
Beneseth, in Araboth; forsothe Socco, and al the lond of Epher was his;
11 Benabinadab, cujus omnis Nephath Dor: Tapheth filiam Salomonis habebat uxorem.
Benabidanab, whos was al Neptad, hadde Dortaphaed, `Solomons douyter, to wijf.
12 Bana filius Ahilud regebat Thanac et Mageddo, et universam Bethsan, quæ est juxta Sarthana subter Jezrahel, a Bethsan usque Abelmehula e regione Jecmaan.
Bena, sone of Achilud, gouernyde Thaneth, and Mageddo, and al Bethsan, which is bisidis Sarthana, vndur Jezrael, fro Bethsan `til to Abelmeula, euene ayens Zelmaan.
13 Bengaber in Ramoth Galaad: habebat Avothjair filii Manasse in Galaad: ipse præerat in omni regione Argob, quæ est in Basan, sexaginta civitatibus magnis atque muratis quæ habebant seras æreas.
Bengaber in Ramoth of Galaad hadde Anothiair, of the sone of Manasses, in Galaad; he was souereyn in al the cuntrey of Argob, which is in Basan, to sixti greet citees and wallid, that hadden brasun lockis.
14 Ahinadab filius Addo præerat in Manaim.
Achymadab, sone of Addo, was souereyn in Manaym;
15 Achimaas in Nephthali: sed et ipse habebat Basemath filiam Salomonis in conjugio.
Achymaas was in Neptalym, but also he hadde Bachsemath, douyter of Salomon, in wedloc;
16 Baana filius Husi in Aser, et in Baloth.
Banaa, sone of Husy, was in Aser, and in Balod;
17 Josaphat filius Pharue in Issachar.
Josephat, sone of Pharue, was in Ysachar; Semey, sone of Hela, was in Beniamyn;
18 Semei filius Ela in Benjamin.
19 Gaber filius Uri in terra Galaad, in terra Sehon regis Amorrhæi et Og regis Basan, super omnia quæ erant in illa terra.
sone of Sury, was in the lond of Galaad, and in the lond of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, and of Og, kyng of Basan, on alle thingis, that weren in that lond.
20 Juda et Israël innumerabiles, sicut arena maris in multitudine: comedentes, et bibentes, atque lætantes.
Juda and Israel weren vnnoumbrable, as the soond of the see in multitude, etynge, and drynkynge, and beynge glad.
21 Salomon autem erat in ditione sua, habens omnia regna a flumine terræ Philisthiim usque ad terminum Ægypti: offerentium sibi munera, et servientium ei cunctis diebus vitæ ejus.
Forsothe Solomon was in his lordschip, and hadde alle rewmes, as fro the flood of the lond of Filisteis `til to the laste part of Egipt, of men offrynge yiftis to hym, and seruynge to hym, in alle the daies of his lijf.
22 Erat autem cibus Salomonis per dies singulos triginta cori similæ, et sexaginta cori farinæ,
Forsothe the mete of Salomon was bi ech day, thritti chorus of clene flour of whete, and sixti chorus of mele,
23 decem boves pingues, et viginti boves pascuales, et centum arietes, excepta venatione cervorum, caprearum, atque bubalorum, et avium altilium.
ten fatte oxis, and twenti oxis of lesewe, and an hundrid wetheris, outakun huntyng of hertys, of geet, and of buglis, and of briddis maad fat.
24 Ipse enim obtinebat omnem regionem quæ erat trans flumen, a Thaphsa usque ad Gazan, et cunctos reges illarum regionum: et habebat pacem ex omni parte in circuitu.
For he helde al the cuntrei that was biyende the flood, as fro Caphsa `til to Gasa, and alle the kyngis of tho cuntreis; and he hadde pees bi ech part in cumpas.
25 Habitabatque Juda et Israël absque timore ullo, unusquisque sub vite sua et sub ficu sua, a Dan usque Bersabee, cunctis diebus Salomonis.
And Juda and Israel dwelliden withouten ony drede, ech man vndur his vyne, and vndur his fige tree, fro Dan `til to Bersabe, in alle the daies of Salomon.
26 Et habebat Salomon quadraginta millia præsepia equorum currilium, et duodecim millia equestrium.
And Salomon hadde fourty thousynd cratchis of horsis for charis, and twelue thousynde of roode horsis; and the forseid prefectis nurshiden tho horsis.
27 Nutriebantque eos supradicti regis præfecti: sed et necessaria mensæ regis Salomonis cum ingenti cura præbebant in tempore suo.
But also with greet bisynesse thei yauen necessaries to the boord of kyng Salomon in her tyme;
28 Hordeum quoque, et paleas equorum et jumentorum, deferebant in locum ubi erat rex, juxta constitutum sibi.
also thei brouyten barli, and forage of horsis and werk beestis, in to the place where the king was, `bi ordenaunce to hem.
29 Dedit quoque Deus sapientiam Salomoni, et prudentiam multam nimis, et latitudinem cordis quasi arenam quæ est in littore maris.
Also God yaf to Salomon wisdom, and prudence ful myche, and largenesse of herte, as the soond which is in the brenke of the see.
30 Et præcedebat sapientia Salomonis sapientiam omnium Orientalium et Ægyptiorum,
And the wisdom of Solomon passide the wisdom of alle eest men, and Egipcians;
31 et erat sapientior cunctis hominibus: sapientior Ethan Ezrahita, et Heman, et Chalcol, et Dorda filiis Mahol: et erat nominatus in universis gentibus per circuitum.
and he was wisere than alle men; he was wisere than Ethan Esraite, and than Eman, and than Cacal, and than Dorda, the sones of Maol; and he was named among alle folkis bi cumpas.
32 Locutus est quoque Salomon tria millia parabolas: et fuerunt carmina ejus quinque et mille.
And Salomon spak thre thousynde parablis, and hise songis weren fyue thousynde;
33 Et disputavit super lignis a cedro quæ est in Libano, usque ad hyssopum quæ egreditur de pariete: et disseruit de jumentis, et volucribus, et reptilibus, et piscibus.
and he disputide of trees fro a cedre which is in the Lyban, `til to the ysope that goith out of the wal; he disputide of werk beestis, and briddis, and crepynge beestis, and fischis.
34 Et veniebant de cunctis populis ad audiendam sapientiam Salomonis, et ab universis regibus terræ qui audiebant sapientiam ejus.
And thei camen fro alle puplis to here the wisdom of Salomon, and fro alle kyngis of erthe, that herden his wisdom.

< I Regum 4 >