< I Paralipomenon 5 >

1 Filii quoque Ruben primogeniti Israël. (Ipse quippe fuit primogenitus ejus: sed cum violasset thorum patris sui, data sunt primogenita ejus filiis Joseph filii Israël, et non est ille reputatus in primogenitum.
Also the sones of Ruben, the firste gendrid sone of Israel; for he was the first gendrid sone of Israel, but whanne he hadde defoulid the bed of his fadir, the dignitye of his firste gendryng was youun to the sones of Joseph, the sone of Israel; and Ruben was not arettid in to the firste gendrid sone.
2 Porro Judas, qui erat fortissimus inter fratres suos, de stirpe ejus principes germinati sunt: primogenita autem reputata sunt Joseph.)
Forsothe Judas, that was the strongeste among hise britheren, prynces weren gaderid of his generacioun; forsothe the `riyt of firste gendryng was arettid to Joseph.
3 Filii ergo Ruben primogeniti Israël: Enoch, et Phallu, Esron, et Carmi.
Therfor the sones of Ruben, the firste gendrid sone of Israel, weren Enoch, and Phallu, Esrom, and Charmy.
4 Filii Joël: Samia filius ejus, Gog filius ejus, Semei filius ejus,
The sones of Johel weren Samaie; his sone, Gog; his sone, Semey;
5 Micha filius ejus, Reia filius ejus, Baal filius ejus,
his sone, Mycha; his sone, Rema; his sone, Baal;
6 Beera filius ejus, quem captivum duxit Thelgathphalnasar rex Assyriorum, et fuit princeps in tribu Ruben.
his sone, Bera; whom Theglatphalassar, kyng of Assyriens, ledde prisoner; and he was prince in the lynage of Ruben.
7 Fratres autem ejus, et universa cognatio ejus, quando numerabantur per familias suas, habuerunt principes Jehiel, et Zachariam.
Sotheli hise britheren, and al the kynrede, whanne thei weren noumbrid bi her meynees, hadden princes Jehiel, and Zacharie.
8 Porro Bala filius Azaz filii Samma filii Joël, ipse habitavit in Aroër usque ad Nebo, et Beelmeon.
Forsothe Bala, the sone of Achaz, sone of Sama, sone of Johel, he dwellide in Aroer til to Nebo and Beelmoon;
9 Contra orientalem quoque plagam habitavit usque ad introitum eremi, et flumen Euphraten. Multum quippe jumentorum numerum possidebant in terra Galaad.
and he dwellide ayens the eest coost, til to the ende of deseert, `and to the flood Eufrates. And he hadde in possessioun myche noumbre of beestis in the lond of Galaad.
10 In diebus autem Saul præliati sunt contra Agareos, et interfecerunt illos, habitaveruntque pro eis in tabernaculis eorum, in omni plaga quæ respicit ad orientem Galaad.
Forsothe in the daies of Saul the sones of Ruben fouyten ayens Agarenus, and killide hem; and dwelliden for hem in the tabernaclis of hem, in al the coost that biholdith to the eest of Galaad.
11 Filii vero Gad e regione eorum habitaverunt in terra Basan usque Selcha:
Sotheli the sones of Gad euene ayens hem dwelliden in the lond of Basan til to Selca;
12 Joël in capite, et Saphan secundus: Janai autem et Saphat in Basan.
Johel was in the bygynnyng, and Saphan was the secounde; also Janahi and Saphan weren in Basan.
13 Fratres vero eorum secundum domos cognationum suarum, Michaël, et Mosollam, et Sebe, et Jorai, et Jachan, et Zie, et Heber, septem.
Also her britheren bi the housis of her kynredis, Mychael, and Mosollam, and Sebe, and Jore, and Jachan, and Zie, and Heber, seuene.
14 Hi filii Abihail, filii Huri, filii Jara, filii Galaad, filii Michaël, filii Jesesi, filii Jeddo, filii Buz.
These weren the sones of Abiahel, the sone of Vry, sone of Jaro, sone of Galaad, sone of Mychael, sone of Esesi, sone of Jeddo, sone of Buz.
15 Fratres quoque, filii Abdiel filii Guni, princeps domus in familiis suis.
Also the britheren of the sone of Abdiel, sone of Gumy, was prince of the hows in hise meynees.
16 Et habitaverunt in Galaad, et in Basan, et in viculis ejus, et in cunctis suburbanis Saron, usque ad terminos.
And thei dwelliden in Galaad, and in Basan, and in the townes therof, in alle the subarbis of Arnon, til to the endis.
17 Omnes hi numerati sunt in diebus Joathan regis Juda, et in diebus Jeroboam regis Israël.
Alle these weren noumbrid in the daies of Joathan, kyng of Juda, and in the daies of Jeroboam, kyng of Israel.
18 Filii Ruben, et Gad, et dimidiæ tribus Manasse, viri bellatores, scuta portantes et gladios, et tendentes arcum, eruditique ad prælia, quadraginta quatuor millia et septingenti sexaginta, procedentes ad pugnam.
The sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half the lynage of Manasses, weren men werriours, berynge scheeldis and swerdis, and beendynge bouwe, and tauyt to batels, foure and fourti thousynde seuene hundrid and sixti,
19 Dimicaverunt contra Agareos: Ituræi vero, et Naphis, et Nodab
and thei yeden forth to batel, and fouyten ayens Agarenus. Forsothe Ethureis, and Napheis,
20 præbuerunt eis auxilium. Traditique sunt in manus eorum Agarei, et universi qui fuerant cum eis, quia Deum invocaverunt cum præliarentur: et exaudivit eos, eo quod credidissent in eum.
and Nadab, yauen help to hem; and Agarenus, and alle men that weren with hem, weren bitakun in to the hondis of Ruben, and Gad, and Manasses; for thei clepiden inwardli the Lord, while thei fouyten, and the Lord herde hem, for thei `hadden bileuyd in to him.
21 Ceperuntque omnia quæ possederant, camelorum quinquaginta millia, et ovium ducenta quinquaginta millia, et asinos duo millia, et animas hominum centum millia.
And thei token alle thingis whiche Agarenus hadden in possessioun, fifti thousynde of camels, and twei hundrid and fifty thousynde of scheep, twei thousynde of assis, and an hundrid thousynde persoones of men;
22 Vulnerati autem multi corruerunt: fuit enim bellum Domini. Habitaveruntque pro eis usque ad transmigrationem.
for many men weren woundid and felden doun; for it was the batel of the Lord. And thei dwelliden for Agarenus til to the conquest.
23 Filii quoque dimidiæ tribus Manasse possederunt terram a finibus Basan usque Baal, Hermon, et Sanir, et montem Hermon: ingens quippe numerus erat.
Also the sones of the half lynage of Manasses hadden in possessioun the lond, fro the endis of Basan til to Baal Hermon, and Sanyr, and the hil of Hermon; for it was a greet noumbre.
24 Et hi fuerunt principes domus cognationis eorum: Epher, et Jesi, et Eliel, et Ezriel, et Jeremia, et Odoia, et Jediel, viri fortissimi et potentes, et nominati duces in familiis suis.
And these weren the princes of the hows of her kynrede; Epher, and Jesi, and Heliel, and Esryel, and Jeremye, and Odoie, and Jedihel, strongeste men and myyti, and nemyd duykis in her meynees.
25 Reliquerunt autem Deum patrum suorum, et fornicati sunt post deos populorum terræ, quos abstulit Deus coram eis.
Forsothe thei forsoken the God of her fadris, and diden fornycacioun after the goddis of puplis of the lond, whiche the Lord took awei bifor hem.
26 Et suscitavit Deus Israël spiritum Phul regis Assyriorum, et spiritum Thelgathphalnasar regis Assur: et transtulit Ruben, et Gad, et dimidiam tribum Manasse, et adduxit eos in Lahela, et in Habor, et Ara, et fluvium Gozan, usque ad diem hanc.
And the Lord God of Israel reiside the spirit of Phul, kyng of Assiriens, and the spirit of Theglatphalasser, kyng of Assur; and he translatide Ruben, and Gad, and the half lynage of Manasses, and brouyte hem in to Ale, and Abor, and Aram, and in to the ryuer of Gozam, til to this dai.

< I Paralipomenon 5 >