< I Paralipomenon 17 >

1 Cum autem habitaret David in domo sua, dixit ad Nathan prophetam: Ecce ego habito in domo cedrina: arca autem fœderis Domini sub pellibus est.
Forsothe whanne Dauid dwellide in his hows, he seide to Nathan, the prophete, Lo! Y dwelle in an hows of cedris; sotheli the arke of boond of pees of the Lord is vndur skynnys.
2 Et ait Nathan ad David: Omnia quæ in corde tuo sunt, fac: Deus enim tecum est.
And Nathan seide to Dauid, Do thou alle thingis that ben in thin herte, for God is with thee.
3 Igitur nocte illa factus est sermo Dei ad Nathan, dicens:
Therfor in that nyyt the word of the Lord was maad to Nathan,
4 Vade, et loquere David servo meo: Hæc dicit Dominus: Non ædificabis tu mihi domum ad habitandum.
and seide, Go thou, and speke to Dauid, my seruaunt, The Lord seith these thingis, Thou schalt not bilde to me an hows to dwelle in;
5 Neque enim mansi in domo ex eo tempore quo eduxi Israël usque ad diem hanc: sed fui semper mutans loca tabernaculi, et in tentorio
for Y `dwellide not in an hows, fro that tyme in which Y ledde Israel out of the lond of Egipt til to this dai, but euere Y chaungide places of tabernacle, and dwellide in a tente with al Israel.
6 manens cum omni Israël. Numquid locutus sum saltem uni judicum Israël, quibus præceperam ut pascerent populum meum, et dixi: Quare non ædificastis mihi domum cedrinam?
Where I spak nameli to oon of the iugis of Israel, to which I comaundide that thei schulde fede my puple, and seide, Whi `bildidist thou not to me an hous of cedre?
7 Nunc itaque sic loqueris ad servum meum David: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ego tuli te, cum in pascuis sequereris gregem, ut esses dux populi mei Israël:
Now therfor thou schalt speke thus to my seruaunt Dauid, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y took thee, whanne thou suedist the floc in the lesewis, that thou schuldist be duyk on my puple Israel;
8 et fui tecum quocumque perrexisti, et interfeci omnes inimicos tuos coram te, fecique tibi nomen quasi unius magnorum qui celebrantur in terra.
and Y was with thee whidur euere thou yedist, and Y killide alle thin enemyes bifor thee, and Y made to thee an name as of oon of the grete men that ben maad worschipful, ether `famouse, in erthe.
9 Et dedi locum populo meo Israël: plantabitur, et habitabit in eo, et ultra non commovebitur: nec filii iniquitatis atterent eos, sicut a principio,
And Y yaf a place to my puple Israel; it schal be plauntid, and schal dwelle there ynne, and it schal no more be moued, and the sones of wickydnesse schulen not defoule hem,
10 ex diebus quibus dedi judices populo meo Israël, et humiliavi universos inimicos tuos. Annuntio ergo tibi, quod ædificaturus sit tibi Dominus domum.
as fro the bigynnyng, fro the daies in whiche Y yaf iugis to my puple Israel; and Y made lowe alle thin enemyes. Therfor Y telle to thee, that the Lord schal bilde an hows to thee.
11 Cumque impleveris dies tuos ut vadas ad patres tuos, suscitabo semen tuum post te, quod erit de filiis tuis: et stabiliam regnum ejus.
And whanne thou hast fillid thi daies, that thou go to thi fadris, Y schal reise thi seed after thee, that schal be of thi sones, and Y schal stablische his rewme;
12 Ipse ædificabit mihi domum, et firmabo solium ejus usque in æternum.
he schal bilde to me an hows, and Y schal make stidefast his seete til in to with outen ende.
13 Ego ero ei in patrem, et ipse erit mihi in filium: et misericordiam meam non auferam ab eo, sicut abstuli ab eo qui ante te fuit.
Y schal be to hym in to a fadir, and he schal be to me in to a sone; and Y schal not do my mersi fro hym, as Y took awei fro hym that was bifore thee;
14 Et statuam eum in domo mea, et in regno meo usque in sempiternum: et thronus ejus erit firmissimus in perpetuum.
and Y schal ordeyne hym in myn hows and in my rewme til in to with outen ende; and his trone schal be moost stidefast with outen ende.
15 Juxta omnia verba hæc, et juxta universam visionem istam, sic locutus est Nathan ad David.
Bi alle these wordis, and bi al this reuelacioun, so Nathan spak to Dauid.
16 Cumque venisset rex David, et sedisset coram Domino, dixit: Quis ego sum, Domine Deus, et quæ domus mea, ut præstares mihi talia?
And whanne kyng Dauid hadde come, and hadde sete bifore the Lord, he seide, Lord God, who am Y, and what is myn hows, that thou schuldist yyue siche thingis to me?
17 sed et hoc parum visum est in conspectu tuo, ideoque locutus es super domum servi tui etiam in futurum: et fecisti me spectabilem super omnes homines, Domine Deus.
But also this is seyn litil in thi siyt, and therfor thou spakest on the hows of thi seruaunt, yhe, in to tyme to comynge; and hast maad me worthi to be biholdun ouer alle men.
18 Quid ultra addere potest David, cum ita glorificaveris servum tuum, et cognoveris eum?
My Lord God, what may Dauid adde more, sithen thou hast so glorified thi seruaunt, and hast knowe hym?
19 Domine, propter famulum tuum juxta cor tuum fecisti omnem magnificentiam hanc, et nota esse voluisti universa magnalia.
Lord, for thi seruaunt thou hast do bi thin herte al this grete doyng, and woldist that alle grete thingis be knowun.
20 Domine, non est similis tui, et non est alius deus absque te, ex omnibus quos audivimus auribus nostris.
Lord, noon is lijk thee, and noon other God is with oute thee, of alle whiche we herden with oure eeris.
21 Quis enim est alius, ut populus tuus Israël, gens una in terra, ad quam perrexit Deus ut liberaret et faceret populum sibi, et magnitudine sua atque terroribus ejiceret nationes a facie ejus, quem de Ægypto liberarat?
For who is anothir as thi puple Israel, o folc in erthe, to whom God yede, to delyuere and make a puple to hym silf, and to caste out bi his greetnesse and dredis naciouns fro the face therof, which he delyuerede fro Egipt?
22 Et posuisti populum tuum Israël tibi in populum usque in æternum, et tu, Domine, factus es Deus ejus.
And thou hast set thi puple Israel in to a puple to thee til in to with outen ende, and thou, Lord, art maad the God therof.
23 Nunc igitur Domine, sermo quem locutus es famulo tuo et super domum ejus confirmetur in perpetuum, et fac sicut locutus es.
Now therfor, Lord, the word which thou hast spoke to thi seruaunt, and on his hows, be confermed with outen ende, and do, as thou spake;
24 Permaneatque et magnificetur nomen tuum usque in sempiternum, et dicatur: Dominus exercituum Deus Israël, et domus David servi ejus permanens coram eo.
and thi name dwelle, and be magnefied `with outen ende; and be it seid, The Lord of oostis is God of Israel, and the hous of Dauid, his seruaunt, dwellynge bifor hym.
25 Tu enim, Domine Deus meus, revelasti auriculam servi tui, ut ædificares ei domum: et idcirco invenit servus tuus fiduciam, ut oret coram te.
For thou, my Lord God, hast maad reuelacioun to the eere of thi seruaunt, that thou woldist bilde to hym an hous; and therfor thi seruaunt foond trist, that he preie bifor thee.
26 Nunc ergo Domine, tu es Deus, et locutus es ad servum tuum tanta beneficia.
Now therfor, Lord, thou art God, and hast spoke to thi seruaunt so grete benefices;
27 Et cœpisti benedicere domui servi tui, ut sit semper coram te: te enim, Domine, benedicente, benedicta erit in perpetuum.
and thou hast bigunne to blesse the hous of thi seruaunt, that it be euer bifore thee; for, Lord, for thou blessist, it schal be blessid with outen ende.

< I Paralipomenon 17 >