< Mateu 12 >

1 Mu mazuva awo Kereste ava kuhita mu mawa mwi zuva lye Pumulo. Balutwana bakwe vava fwile izaala mi chi vatanga ku totola zikunku, ni kulya.
In that tyme went Iesus on the Sabot dayes thorow the corne and his disciples were anhogred and begane to plucke the eares of coorne and to eate.
2 Kono linu Vafalisi hava vona kuti; Chi va cho kuti kwa Kereste, “Voone, valutwana va ko kwete kuchola mulawo mwi zuva lye Pumulo.”
When ye pharises sawe that they sayde vnto him: Beholde thy disciples do that which is not lawfull to do apon ye saboth daye.
3 Kono Kereste cha wamba ku vali, “Kana ka mwini kuvala za vapangi Daafita, ha vali kufwile inzala, mi vakwame va vali kwina naye?
He sayde vnto the: Haue ye not reed what David did whe he was anhougered and they also which were with him?
4 Mwa vayendeli mwi zuuvo ye Reeza mi chalya chinkwa chivena kwateni, kena avali cha mulawo kuti alye, hape kena chivali cha mulawo kwavo va vena naye, mi ku vali mulawo ku vali valuti?
How he entred into the housse of God and ate ye halowed loves which were not lawfull for him to eate nether for the which were wt him but only for ye prestes.
5 Kana kena mu va vali mu mulawo, kuti mwi zuva lye Pumulo valuti mwi tempele va cholanga mulawo we Pumulo mi ka vena mulandu?
Or have ye not reed in ye lawe how that ye prestes in ye temple breake the saboth daye and yet are blamlesse?
6 Kono ni cho kwenu kuti mu kulwana yo hita kereke zonse kwena.
But I saye vnto you: that here is one greater then ye teple.
7 Kambe chi muvali kwizi, 'Ni lakaza chisemo mi isinyi chitavelo,' ni musena mu va nyansi va sa foseze.
Wherfore yf ye had wist what this sayinge meneth: I require mercy and not sacrifice: ye wold never have condened innocetes.
8 Chokuti Mwan'a Muntu nji Kereste we Pumulo.”
For ye sonne of man is lord even of ye saboth daye.
9 Linu Kereste cha funduka ku yenda mi cha yenda mu zivaka zavo za malapelelo. Mu lindile, kuvena mukwame ya va zuminine yiyanza.
And he departed thence and went into their synagoge:
10 Vafalisi chi va vuuza Jesu, chi vati, “Kana ku swanela kuhoza lye Pumulo?” kuti va wanine ha teni inzila yi cho kuti wa tenda chivi.
and beholde ther was a man whiche had his hande dryed vp. And they axed him sayinge: ys it lawfull to heale apon ye saboth dayes? because they myght acuse him.
11 Jesu na cho ku vali, “Muntu mwi ve njeni kwenu kuti ave ni ngu yi mwina, mi heva kuti iyi ngu iwila mwilindi mwi zuva lye Pumulo, ke se wi tuse ni kwi zwiisa?
And he sayde vnto the: whiche of you wolde it be yf he had a shepe fallen into a pitte on ye saboth daye that wolde not take him and lyft him out?
12 Mu ku ve vule ni vutokwa kuti muntu ahite ngu! Ni hakuvavulyo kulukela ku va mulawo wa kutenda vulotu mwi zuva lye Pumulo.”
And how moche is a man better the a shepe? Wherfore it is lefull to do a good dede on the saboth dayes.
13 Linu Jesu cha ti ku mukwamwe, “Wolole yanza lyanko.” Cha li wolola, mi cha vo zekezwa makete, sina nji limwi yi yanza.
Then sayde he to ye ma: stretch forth thy had. And he stretched it forthe. And it was made whole agayne lyke vnto ye other.
14 Kono va Falisi chi vazwa hanze mi chi va ka muveteka. Va vali ku ka vulola nzila mwe se va mwi hayile.
Then ye Pharyses wet out and helde a cousell agaynst hym how they myght destroye hym.
15 Kono Jesu heziva, cho volela mu masule. Vungi bwe nyangela vu va mwi chilile, mi cha va honza bonse.
When Iesus knewe yt he departed thece and moche people folowed him and he healed the all
16 Cho va layela kuti sanzi va mwi zi vahazi ku va mwi,
and charged the that they shuld not make him knowe:
17 iyo iwoleka ku va niti, ku wamana ni chi va wambwa kwa Isaya wa mupolofita, ku cho,
to fulfyll that which was spoden by Esay ye Prophet which sayeth.
18 “Vone, Iwe mutang'a ngu uni va keti; yini suuni, yiye kwali luhuho lwangu lu va mushukelyi. Ka ni vike kwali Luhuho lwangu, mi ka huweleze inkatulo ku Machava.
Beholde my chylde who I have chosen my beloved in who my soule deliteth. I wyll put my sprete on hym and he shall shewe iudgemet to ye gentyls.
19 Keti na hondane kamba ku huweleza hahulu; mane nangati zumwi vulyo kuti azuwe linzwi lyakwe mu makululu.
He shall not stryve he shall not crye nether shall eny man heare his voyce in ye streetes
20 Ke se na chole impee yitengeme; ke se na zimise mu muni usa zwisi vuusi, konji pili cha tumina inkatulo kuti nje yikome.
a brosed rede shall he not breacke and flaxe that begynneth to burne he shall not queche tyll he sende forth iudgement vnto victory
21 Mi va Machava konji chi va kolwisisa mwi ziina lyakwe.”
and in hys name shall the gentyls truste.
22 Linu zumwi yo fwile menso ni chimumu, wi nji hilwe madimona, ava letwa kwa Kereste. Cha mu haza, che kalavo yi cho kuti chimumu chiwambe ni ku vonna.
Then was brought to hym one possessed with a devyll which was both blynde and domme: and he healed hym insomoch that he which was blynd and domme both spake and sawe.
23 Inyangela yonse chi ya komokwa mi chi ya ti, “Kana kuti uzu muntu mwan'a Daafita?”
And all the people were amased and sayde: Ys not this that sonne of David?
24 Kono linu va Falisi ha va zuwa imakazo, chi vati, “Uzu muntu ka hindiki madimona konji cha Veelzebub, mu kulwana wa madimona”
But when the Pharises hearde that they sayde: This felow dryveth ye devyls no nother wyse oute but by the helpe of Belzebub ye chefe of the devyls.
25 Kono Jesu ave zivi milelo yavo mi cha ti ku vaali, “Umwi ni umwi muvuso ukawuhene hakati uwo wi ne ka wu wanike kuti u shinyiwa, mi muleneñi ni muleneñi kapa izuuvo yi ka wuhene hakati yiyo yine ke se ni zimane hamwina.
But Iesus knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the. Every kingdome devided wt in it sylfe shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agest it sylfe cotynue.
26 Heva Javulusi na hindika Javulusi, U li ka wuhenye hakati eye mwine. Kana uwo muuso ka wu kuzimane vule?
So if sata cast out sata the is he devyded agenst him sylfe. How shall then his kyngdome endure?
27 Mi heva ni hindika madimona cha Veelzevule, cwale nji mwi zina lyani valutwana mu va hindikila? Vakeñi che zi, ka va ve vaatuli venu.
Also if I by ye helpe of Belzebub cast oute devyls: by whose helpe do youre chyldren cast them out? Therfore they shalbe youre iudges.
28 Kono heva Ni tanda madimona cha Luhuho lwa Simwine Reeza, linu muvuso we Reeza wize hewulu lyenu.
But if I cast out the devyls by the sprite of God: then is the kyngdome of god come on you?
29 Mi kwiza vule kuti zumwi wi njila muzuvo ya muntu wina ziiho mi wiiva zibya za mwi zuuvo na sa sumini mukwame yo kolete lye tanzi? Linu cwale mweve zibya za kwe mwi zuuvo.
Ether how can a ma enter into a stroge manes housse and violently take awaye his goodes: excepte he fyrst binde ye stroge man and the spoyle his housse?
30 Yiye ya sa zimene name uni toyete, mi yiye ya sa likopanyi name u hasana.
He that is not wt me is agaynst me. And he yt gaddereth not wt me scattereth abrode.
31 Kuzwaho Ni cho kwenu niti, chivi chonse ni ku nyasilizwa ka zi swalelwe bantu, kono nyefulo zonse ku wamana ni Luhuho ke se ni kuve ni swalelo.
Wherfore I say vnto you all maner of synne and blasphemy shalbe forgeven vnto men: but the blasphemy of ye sprite shall not be forgeven vnto men.
32 Mi vonse va wamba linzwi lifusahele ku Mwan'a Muntu, ka va swalelwe kwali. Kono vonse va wamba kunyasiliza Luhuho lu Njolola, ke se ni va swalelwe, ni heva munu mwifasi, ni heva mwifasi likeza. (aiōn g165)
And whoso ever speaketh a worde agaynst the sonne of man it shalbe forgeven him. But whosoever speaketh agaynst the holy goost it shall not be forgeven hym: no nether in this worlde nether in the worlde to come. (aiōn g165)
33 U wola kutenda isamu vulotu ni zichelantu za teni kapa isamu kufwa ni zichelantu za teni kufwa, kakuti isamu lizivahala cha zi chelantu za teni.
Ether make ye tree good and his frute good also: or els make ye tree evyll and his frute evyll also. For ye tree is knowe by his frute.
34 Yinwe vaana va zihili, kuzwaho mwina vuuvi, mu woola vule ku wamba zilotu? Kakuti ku zwililila kunkulo kaholo kawamba.
O generacio of viperes how can ye saye well whe ye youre selves are evyll? For of ye aboundace of the hert ye mouthe speaketh.
35 Muntu yo shiyeme u zwisa chimbule chilotu kuzwililila kunkulo, mi muntu u fosahele u zwiisa chimbule chi fosahele ku zwililila kwikulo yakwe.
A good ma oute of ye good treasure of his hert bringeth forth good thynges. And an evyll man out of his evyll treasure bringeth forth evyll thinges.
36 Mi ni milwilite kuti mwi zuva lwe katulo bantu ka va ve ni bwikalavelo ku linzwi ni linzwi li va va wamba.
But I say vnto you that of every ydell worde that men shall have spoken: they shall geve acountes at the daye of iudgement.
37 Cho kuti cha maanzwi yenu ka mu wane ku shemuviwa, mi cha manzwi yenu ka mu hewe mulandu.”
For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustifyed: and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.
38 Linu va mwi vañoli ni va Falisi chi vetava Jesu mi chi vaati, “Muluti, tu likumbuta ku vona chisupo chi zwa kwako.
Then answered certeyne of the scribes and of the Pharises sayinge: Master we wolde fayne se a sygne of ye.
39 Kono Jesu che tava naati kuvali, “Mu vilala ni lusika lusangu lu lola vulyo chisupo. Kono ka kwina chisupo chense chi vonwe konji chisupo cha Joona wa mupolofita.
He answered and sayde to the: The evyll and advoutrous generacio seketh a signe but ther shall no signe be geve to the saue the signe of the Prophete Ionas.
40 Chokuti Joona ave kali mazuva otatwe ni masiku otatwe mwi vuumo lye inswi yikulite, mi na ye Mwan'a Muntu mwe kale mazuva otatwe ni masiku otatwe mwi kulo ye faasi.
For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales belly: soo shall ye sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in ye hert of ye erth.
41 Vaanakwame va munzi wa Nenive ka va zimane kwi katulo ni lusika lunu lwa suunu mi ka lunyanswe. Chokuti mu va sikuluhi chekutazo ya Joona, mi voone, zumwi mukulana kwa Joona kwena hanu.
The men of Ninivie shall rise at the daye of iugdement with this nacion and condemne them: for they amended at ye preachinge of Ionas. And beholde a greater then Ionas is here.
42 Simwine wa mukulwakazi yo zwa kwa Mbowela ka zimane ni lusika lunu lwa suunu ni ku watulwa. U kazwila ku ma mani mani ye kanda ku keza kwi za kuzuwa za vutali bya Solomoni, mi voone, zumwi mukulwana kwa Solomoni kwena hanu.
The quene of ye south shall ryse at ye daye of iudgement with this generacion and shall condemne the: for she came fro the vtmost parties of the worlde to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomo is here.
43 Linu cwale luhuho luvilala haluzwa ku muntu ku yenda, lu yenda muzivaka zi sena menzi mi lu lola chi vaka cha ku pumula kono ka chi waniki.
When the vnclene sprite is gone out of a man he walketh throughout dry places seking reest and fyndeth none.
44 Linu lu wamba kuti, 'Mu ni vole kuzuvo yangu ku ni vali kuhala.' Ha lu voola, lu ka wana kuti inzuvo yikulitwe hande mi ni ku vikwa hande.
Then he sayeth: I will retourne ageyne into my housse fro whece I came oute. And when he is come he fyndeth the housse empty and swepte and garnisshed.
45 Linu luyenda ni ku ka hinda zimwi yihuho zi kwanisa yiyaza ni tovele ku hita lyetanzi, mi yonse ni yenza kuhala mwateni. Linu mayemo a muntu ava mavilala kuhita lye tanzi. Mu ku ve vulyo vu vilala ni ku lusika lunu lwa sunu.”
Then he goeth his waye and taketh vnto him seven other spretes worsse then himsilfe and so entre they in and dwell there. And the ende of that man is worsse then the beginning. Even so shall it be with this evell nacion.
46 Haho Jesu na si kwete ku wamba ku chilundwamanje, muvone, vanyina ni vanche va va zimene hanze ni va saka ku wamba kwali.
Whill he yet talked to the people: beholde his mother and his brethren stode without desyringe to speake with him.
47 Zuumwi chati kwali, “Voone, va nyoko ni va chanko va zimene hanze, va sa ka ku wamba kwako.”
Then one sayde vnto hym: beholde thy mother and thy brethre stonde without desiringe to speke wt the.
48 Linu Jesu che tava mi naati kwali ya va mu wambili, “Njeni Mayo? Mi nji vaani va chevangu?”
He answered and sayd to him that tolde hym: Who is my mother? or who are my brethren?
49 Linu cha wolola yi yanza lya kwe ku va lutwana mi cha ti, “Voone, ava nji va mayo ni va chevangu!
And he stretched forth his hond over his disciples and sayd: behold my mother and my brethren.
50 Chokuti yense wi chilila intato ya Taayo wina kwiwulu, uzo muntu mwa changu, mi nji nchizyangu mi nji maayo.”
For whosoever dothe my fathers will which is in heve the same is my brother suster and mother.

< Mateu 12 >