< Mareka 9 >
1 Imi nacho kuvali; “chavusakusima ni milwirite, kwina vamwi kwenu inwe zimene hanu va sete nivasoole lufu ni vaseni kuvona muvuso wa Ireeza ciukeza ni ziho.”
“I tell you,” he added, “that some of those who are standing here will not know death until they have seen the kingdom of God come in power.”
2 Imi mazuva ahinde iyaza nikamwiina hahita, Jesu nahinda Pitolosi, ni Jakobo ni Johani nakaya nabo hewulu lye ruundu, bonke bo bulyo. Linu cha chincha mazimo havusu bwabo.
Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain alone by themselves. There his appearance was transformed before their eyes,
3 Zizwato zakwe chiza taanga ku venya, kutuva kuhitiliza, kutuva kuhita zituviso zonze hansi muzi wola kutuvila.
and his clothes became whiter than any launderer in the whole world could bleach them.
4 Linu Eliya ni Mushe chiveza kuboneka kuvali, imi vava kuwamba ni Jesu.
And Elijah appeared to them, in company with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.
5 Pitorosi chetava nikucho kwa Jesu, “Muruti, kwina neenza hatwina hanu, cwale niha kwina bulyo tuzaake zitoomba zotatwe, chimwiina chako, chimwiina cha Mushe ni chimwiina cha Eliya.”
“Rabbi,” said Peter, interposing, “it is good to be here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
6 (Mukuti kena avezi choku wamba, mi chivavatiite.)
For he did not know what to say, because they were much afraid.
7 Ikope nilyeza ni kuva wumba. Linu liinzwi chilya zwa mwi kope, “Unzu mwanangu wa Muswisu uni suni, muteeke kwaali.
Then a cloud came down and enveloped them; and from the cloud there came a voice – “This is my dearly loved son; listen to him.”
8 Haho bulyo, havazoolola, kena vavakusi bwene zumwi yavena navo kwanda Jesu.
And suddenly, on looking around, they saw that there was now no one with them but Jesus alone.
9 Mukuka vusuuka iruundu, nichava laela kusa wambila muntu kazi vavona, hesi Mwana Muntu cha vuswa kuvafu.
As they were going down the mountainside, Jesus cautioned them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
10 Chiva ili bikira indaba mukati kavo, imi nivawambolisana mukati kavo cha “Ku vuuka kuvavuwile” chi iwola kutoloka.
They seized on these words and discussed with one another what this ‘rising from the dead’ meant.
11 Chiva muvuuza “Chizi vañoli hava chokuti Eliya uswanela kwiza lwentanzi?”
“How is it,” they asked Jesus, “that our teachers of the Law say that Elijah has to come first?”
12 Chacho kuvali, Eliya initi ukeza lwentaanzi kukuvoza zintu sonnse neenza. “Linu chinzi haku ñoletwe kuti Mwana Muuntu mwa sukuluke muzintu zingi nikuhindwa uvu kena chimwi?
“Elijah does indeed come first,” answered Jesus, “and re-establish everything; and does not scripture speak, with regard to the Son of Man, of his undergoing much suffering and being utterly despised?
13 Kono nimilwira kuti Eliya chavakezi, mi vavapangi zonse zivava kusaka kwali, sina mañoli mu awamila ku amana naye.”
But I tell you that Elijah has come, and people have treated him just as they pleased, as scripture says of him.”
14 Imi havakabola kuvarutwana, ni vona chinavuungi chiva zimbulukitwe ni vañoli vava ku kunana navo.
When they came to the other disciples, they saw a great crowd around them, and some teachers of the Law arguing with them.
15 Imi hava muvona, chinavuungi chiva komokwa niku tilila kwali ku mulumelisa.
But, as soon as they saw Jesus, all the people, in great astonishment, ran up and greeted him.
16 Navuuza varutwana, “Chinzi chi mukwete ku kanana navo.
“What are you arguing about with them?” Jesus asked.
17 Zumwi mu chinavuungi namu mwitava. “Muruti, naleta mwanangu waswinsu kwako. Wina luhuho lumukanisa kuwamba,
“Teacher,” answered a man in the crowd, “I brought my son to see you, as he has a spirit in him that makes him mute;
18 lumu hindeka, niku mudanseeka hansi nikuzwisa ifulo kumulomo, ni kusuma meeno akwe niku zuminina mubili. Na kumbira varutwai vako kulu zwisa kono vakangwa.”
and, wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth, and he is pining away. I asked your disciples to drive the spirit out, but they failed.”
19 Navetava, “masika asa zumini, muku hinde inako ikuma kuhi ninikele nawe? Kanive nanwe inako ikumahi? Mumu lete kwangu.”
“Faithless generation!” exclaimed Jesus. “How long must I be with you? How long must I have patience with you? Bring the boy to me.”
20 Ni valeta muswisu kwali. imi luhuho haluvona Jesu, hohwaho chilwa kumu nyunga ni kumuwisa hansi. Muswisu nawila hansi niku zwa ifulo kumulomo.
They brought him to Jesus; but no sooner did the boy see him than the spirit threw him into convulsions; and he fell on the ground, and rolled about, foaming at the mouth.
21 Jesu cha vuza vesi wa muswisu, “Kuzwa lili nena vuti?” Vesi chivati, “kuzwa vunini bwake.
“How long has he been like this?” Jesus asked the boy’s father.
22 Lumu wisikizanga hamulilo kamba mu menzi ni kusaka kumusinya. Heva uwola kuchita cimwi, tufwire nse nikutu tusa.”
“From his childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire and into water to put an end to his life; but, if you can possibly do anything, take pity on us, and help us!”
23 Jesu chati kwali, “'Heva uwola'? Zose zintu ziwoleka kozuna yo zumina.'”
“Why say ‘possibly’?” Jesus replied. “Everything is possible for one who has faith.”
24 “Hohwaho insi wa muhwile chahuwa nikucho kuti, “Ni zumina! Tuse kusa zumina kwangu!”
The boy’s father immediately cried out, “I have faith; help my want of faith!”
25 Jesu havona cinavuungi nichi tilile kuvali, cha kalimela luhuho zisa jololi nati: “Iwe luhuho lokusa wamba nikusazuwa, niku laela, uzwe kwali, kanji novoleli kumwinjila.”
But, when Jesus saw that a crowd was quickly collecting, he rebuked the foul spirit, “Deaf and dumb spirit, it is I who command you. Come out from him and never enter him again.”
26 Chilwa lila ahulu nikunyunga muswisu ni kukumusiya. Muswisu navonahala ubu sakayofwiile, nji kuti vuungi nivwati “U fwiile.”
With a loud cry the spirit threw the boy into repeated convulsions, and then came out from him. The boy looked like a corpse, so that most of them said that he was dead.
27 Kono Jesu chamuwonda kwiyaza niku muzimanika mwiwulu, imi muswisu chazimana mwiwulu.
But Jesus took his hand, and lifted him; and he stood up.
28 Hacheza kwinjira muzuvo, varutwana vakwe ni vamuvuza kumbali, “Chinzi iswe hatusana twawola kuzizwisa?”
When Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”
29 Nacho kuvali, “Zina vuti kaziwoli kuzwiswa mbwita chentapelo.”
“A spirit of this kind,” he said, “can be driven out only by prayer.”
30 Chiva kazwako ni kuhita cha Galileya. Kana avakusaka niumwina kwiziva kubena,
Leaving that place, Jesus and his disciples went on their way through Galilee; but he did not wish anyone to know it,
31 kakuti avakuruta varutwana vakwe: Nacho kuvali, “Mwana Muntu mwahewe mumanza avaantu, imi muvamwihaye. Imi chinivamwihaya, chikwahita mazuva wo tatwe ka vuuke.”
for he was instructing his disciples, and telling them – “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of his fellow men, and they will put him to death, but, when he has been put to death, he will rise again after three days.”
32 Kono kana vavazuwisisi iyi indava, imi vavatite kumuvuuza.
But the disciples did not understand his meaning and were afraid to question him.
33 Ni chibeza kwa Kapanauma. imi havena munzuvo chava vuza, “Saka muka wambolanzi mu nzila?”
They came to Capernaum. When Jesus had gone into the house, he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?”
34 Kono vava totwere. Mukuti vava kukavulikananisa munzila za kucho njeni mukulwana.
But they were silent; for on the way they had been arguing with one another which was the greatest.
35 Nekala hansi nikusupa venekumi ni vovere hawiina, ni kucho kuvali, “Yosaka kuva wentanzi, ave wamamanimani kuvonse ni kuva muhikaana wavonse.
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wishes to be first, he must be last of all, and servant of all.”
36 Chahinda muhwirezana ni ku muvika mukati kavo. namubika hamavoko akwe nikucho kuvali,
Then Jesus took a little child, and placed it in the middle of them. Taking it in his arms, he said to them,
37 “Yese yo tambula muhwire winavuti mwizina lyangu, name uni tambula, imi heva umwi unitambula, katambuli ime memeena, kono ni yavanitumi.”
“Anyone who, for the sake of my name, welcomes even a little child like this is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming not me, but him who sent me as his messenger.”
38 Johani nati kwali, “Muruti, tuva voni umwi yo zwisa madimona mwizina lyako nitwa muziimika, mukuti katwi chilili.”
“Teacher,” said John, “we saw a man driving out demons by using your name, and we tried to prevent him, because he did not follow us.”
39 Imi Jesu chati, “Kanji mumu ziimiki, kakuti kakwina yete natende mutendo mukando mwizina lyangu ni kuzwahateni kusanduka kuwamba chintu chivilala changu.
“None of you must prevent the man,” answered Jesus, “for no one will use my name in working a miracle, and yet find it easy to speak evil of me.
40 Yense yasa tulwisi nji wetu.
He who is not against us is for us.
41 Yese yo kuha inkomoki ya mezi akunywa kakuti uwila kwa Keresite, chovusakusima niti kwenu, kete naluze mupuzo wakwe.
If anyone gives you a cup of water because you belong to Christ, I tell you, he will assuredly not lose his reward.
42 Yense yetena letele umwi wava vahwilezana vazumina kwangu kuti awe, uyelele kusungwa ivwe ikando ni kusohelwa mwiwate.
“And, if anyone puts temptation in the way of one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be far better for him if he had been thrown into the sea with a great millstone around his neck.
43 Chi kuti iyaza lyako likuretera kuwa, linokole kwateni. Kulotu kwako kuwana vuhalo vusamaani, kuhita kuba ni mayaza ovele ni kuke njila mulihele, mumulilo usa zimiswa. (Geenna )
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It would be better for you to enter life maimed, than to have both your hands and go into Gehenna, into the fire that cannot be put out. (Geenna )
44 Musafwi isene ni mulilo usazimiswa.
45 Heva itende lyako likuletiseza kuwa, linokole kwateni. Kukuyelele kwinjila mubuhalo nochunkuta, kuhita kuva ni matende ovele ni kuka sohelwa mulihele. (Geenna )
If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It would be better for you to enter life lame, than to have both your feet and be thrown into Gehenna. (Geenna )
46 Mu safwii isene mi nimulilo usa zimiswa.
47 Heva liinso lyako li kuletela kuti uwe, li nongomone mwateni. Kuku yelele kwinjira mwipuso ya Ireeza ni liso limwiina, kuhita kuke njira mulihere ni meeso overe. (Geenna )
If your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It would be better for you to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye, than to have both eyes and be thrown into Gehenna, (Geenna )
48 Uko masene avo kaafwi, ni mulilo usa zimiswa.
where their worm does not die, and the fire is not put out.
49 Mukuti umwi no umwi mwa luungwe sautu ni mulilo.
For it is by fire that everyone will be salted.
50 Isautu ilotu, kono heva isautu chilwa sampuka, uwoola vule kuli tenda isautu hape? Muve mwisautu mukati kenu, imi muve ni nkoozo niva mwenu.
Salt is good, but, if the salt should lose its saltiness, what will you use to season it? You must have salt in yourselves, and live at peace with one another.”