< Mareka 15 >
1 Kakusasani luli, bapurisita bakulwana choku kopana hamwiina ni bakulwana ni bañoli mi ni khuta yonse ya Majuda. Linu chi basumina Jesu ni ku mutwala. Chi ba mu tambika kwa Pilato.
And anone in ye dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders and ye scribes and ye whoole cogregacion and bounde Iesus and ledde him awaye and delivered him to Pilate.
2 Pilato na mu buza, “Njiwe u Simwine wa Majuda?” Cha mwitaba, “Uwe njo wamba bulyo.”
And Pilate axed him: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? And he answered and sayde vnto him: thou sayest it.
3 Bapurisita bakulwana ba bali ku hambiza Jesu milandu mingi.
And the hye prestes accused him of many thinges.
4 Hape Pilato cha mubuza, “Ko ni tabi? Bone milandu ku bungi yi ba leta ni ku ku hambiliza!”
Wherfore Pilate axed him agayne sayinge: Answerest thou nothinge? Beholde how many thinges they lay vnto thy charge.
5 Kono Jesu kana abali ku chi mwi taba Pilato, mi iyo ndaba ni ya mukomokisa.
Iesus yet answered never aworde so that Pilate merveled.
6 Linu mu inako ya mukiti, Pilato a vali ku lukululanga kuvantu chifosi cho nke, chifosi chi vavali ku li kumbililanga.
At that feast Pilate was wont to delivre at their pleasure a presoner: whomsoever they wolde desyre.
7 Mwateni ni vasandukile muntolongo, mukati ka vehayi va vakwatilwe ka kuva ni chiyemba mu kusandukila, kuvena mukwame ya vali ku sumpwa Banabasi.
And ther was one named Barrabas which laye bounde with the that made insurreccion and in the insurreccion comitted murther.
8 Vungi vwa vantu chi vweza kwa Pilato mi chi va tangisa ku mu kumbila ku va pangila sina mwa va pangililanga inako yonse.
And ye people called vnto him and began to desyre accordinge as he had ever done vnto them.
9 Cha ve tava Pilato mi nati kuti, “Musaka kuti ime ni mi lukululele Simwine wa Majuda?”
Pylate answered them and sayd: Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kynge of the Iewes?
10 Kakuti a vezi kuti i vali che vaka lya muna vapurista vakulwana ha va va hi Jesu kwali.
For he knewe that the hye Prestes had delyvered him of envy.
11 Kono vapurista vakulwana chi va shongeleketa vungi vwa vantu kuhuwa ahulu kuti Vanavasi a lukululwe.
But the hye prestes had moved the people that he shuld rather delyvre Barrabas vnto them.
12 Pilato chave tava hape ni niku wamba, Chinzi cwale chini swanera kupanga ni Mulena wa Majuda”
And Pylate answered agayne and sayd vnto the: What will ye then that I do wt him whom ye call ye kynge of ye Iewes?
13 Chiva huwereza hape, “Mu kokotele!”
And they cryed agayne: crucifie him.
14 Pilato cha wamba kuvali, “Mulandu nzi wa tenda?” Kono chi ba huwa ahula ni ahulu, “Mu mu kokotele.”
Pylate sayde vnto them: What evell hath he done? And they cryed ye moore fervently: crucifie him.
15 Ka kuti Pilato abali ku saka ku zuwisa hande vantu, mi cho ku lukulula Banabasi. Cha shupa Jesu mi ni ku mubaha kuti ba mu kokotele.
And so Pylate willinge to content the people lowsed them Barrabas and delyvered Iesus when he had scourged him for to be crucified.
16 Masole chi ba mutwala mukati ke ilapa (iri muleneñi wo muvuso), mi chi ba sumpila masole bonse hamwina.
And the souddeers ledde him awaye into ye commen hall and called togedder the whoole multitude
17 Chi ba zwatika Jesu chizwato chisubile mi chi ba zingela ihusi ya miya mi chi bai mu zwatika ku mutwi.
and they clothed him with purple and they platted a croune of thornes and crouned him with all
18 Linu chi ba tangisa ku mu lumelisa ni bati, “Osho, Simwine wa Majuda!”
and beganne to salute him. Hayle kynge of the Iewes.
19 Chi ba mukaba ha mutwi ka luhe ni ku muswila. Ba ba kuchola mazwi abo habusu bwa kwe ku mukuteka.
And they smoote him on the heed wt a rede and spat apon him and kneled doune and worsheped him.
20 Mi linu ha chi ba mana ku mushubula, chi ba mu chupula chi zwato chi subila ni ku mu zwatika za kwe zi zwato, mi linu chi ba mu zwisa ku mutwala ku ka mu kokotela.
And when they had moocked him they toke the purple of him and put his awne cloothes on him and ledde him oute to crucifie him.
21 Chi ba bika ya bali kulihila fela mu musebezi, ya bali ku ka zwa mu nkanda, mukwame ya bali ku sumpwa Simoni wa Sirene (isi wa Alexander ni Rufusi); chi ba mu hambiliza ku kulika cifapano cha Jesu.
And they compelled one that passed by called Symon of Cyrene (which cam oute of the felde and was father of Alexander and Rufus) to beare his crosse.
22 Masole chi ba twala Jesu ha cibaka chi sumpwa Gologota (i talusa kuti Cibaka cha katendere).
And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (which is by interpretacion the place of deed mens scoulles)
23 Ni ba mu newira iwaine ikopenywe ni shantukwe, kono ka hena a ba inywi.
and they gave him to drinke wyne myngled with myrte but he receaved it not.
24 Ni ba mu kokotela mi ci bali kauhanyeza zi zwato za kwe ka ku sumikiza kwi ziba kuti uzu lisole ni lisole ka hinde nzi.
And when they had crucified him they parted his garmentes castinge loottes for them what every man shulde have.
25 I bali ke nako ya butatu ha ba mu kokotela.
And it was aboute ye thyrde houre and they crucified him.
26 Ha chishupo ku ba ñoletwa indaba za ku mu lwisa, “Simwine wa Majuda.”
And the tytle of his cause was wrytten: The kynge of the Iewes.
27 Ku ba kokotelwe naye basa bobele, umwina ku malyo mi zumwi ku ma monso akwe.
And they crucified with him two theves: the one on the ryght honde and the other on his lyfte.
28 Mi inolo ni le zuzilizwa lita kuti a be haiwa ni zifosi.
And the scripture was fulfilled which sayeth: he was counted amonge the wicked.
29 Avo vava kuhita vavali ku mutuka, ni va nyunga mwi twi yavo mi ni vati, “Ehe! U vali kuti no va lutununi itempele ni kui zaka hape mu ma zuva o tatwe,
And they that went by rayled on him: waggynge their heedes and sayinge: A wretche that destroyest the temple and byldest it in thre dayes:
30 U lihaze u mwine mi uzwe u suke ha chifapano!”
save thy sylfe and come doune from the crosse.
31 Mu nzila iswana vapurisita vakulwana va vali ku mushuvula mukaati kavo navo, hamwina ni vañoli ni va cho, “A vali kuhaza vamwi, kono iye ka lihazi mwine.
Lyke wyse also mocked him ye hye preestes amonge them selves with the scribes and sayde: He saved other men him sylfe he cannot save.
32 Musiye Kilesite, Simwine wa Isilaele a zwe a suke ha chifapano hwa hanu, kuti tu mu vone mi tu zumine.” Mi va va kokotelwe naye na vo va vali ku mu sheununa.
Let Christ the kynge of Israel now descende from the crosse that we maye se and beleve. And they that were crucified with him checked him also.
33 Mi nako imane iyanza ha ikwana, keerima ni ka wumba inkaanda yonse mbwiita che inako yoku mana iyanza ni tone.
And when the sixte houre was come darknes aroose over all the erth vntyll ye nynthe houre.
34 Mi inako ya kumana iyanza ni tone, Jesu cha huwa ka linzwi li zuweka ahulu “Eloi, Eloi, la masabakatani?” I talusa kuti, Ireeza Wangu, Ireeza wangu, Wani siila nzi?”
And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi Eloi lamaasbathani which is yf it be interpreted: my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
35 Vamwi kwa va vo va va ku zimena he mbali, chi va zuwa mi ni vati, “Muvwene, cha sumpa Elia.”
And some of them that stode by when they hearde yt sayde: beholde he calleth for Helyas
36 Zumwi cha tiya, ku kahinda chiponchi ku chitila i waine i chanchumuka, cha chi bika ku mpela ya luhe, mi chi ku muha kuti a nywe. Uzo muntu cha wamba kuti, “Musiye! tubone kamba Elia ukezite kwiza ku mu hangula.”
And one ran and filled a sponge full of veneger and put it on a rede and gave him to drinke sayinge: let him alone let vs se whether Helyas will come and take him doune.
37 Mi Jesu cha huwa ka linzwi li zuweka ahulu mi cho kufwa.
But Iesus cryed with aloude voyce and gave vp the gooste.
38 Isira lya mu itempele chi lya haluka tobele kutangiseza ku iwulu kutwala hansi.
And the vayle of the temple dyd rent in two peces from the toppe to the boottome.
39 Mi muyendisi we chisole ya ba zimine na lolete Jesu, ha vona kuti wa fwa mweyi nzila, cha wamba, “Cha Vuniti uzu mukwame ivali mwana we Ireeza.”
And when the Centurion which stode before him sawe that he so cryed and gave vp the gooste he sayd: truly this man was the sonne of God.
40 Ku vena vamwi vanakazi va va bwenene kule. Mukati kabo ku vena Maria Magadalena, Maria (inyina wa Jakobo munini ni Josesi) ni Salome.
Ther were also wemen a good waye of beholdinge him: amonge whom was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses and Mary Salome
41 Mi havena mwa Galileya va va mwi chilile ni ku mu tendela. Vamwi va vanakazi bangi na vo va va kezite naye kwa Jerusalema.
which also when he was in Galile folowed him and ministred vnto him and many other wemen which came vp with him to Hierusalem.
42 Mi nako ya chitengu ha yi sika, ka kuti li bali izuba lyo mughivero nji kuti, izuba lwe Sabata, ni li seni ku sika.
And now when nyght was come (because it was ye even that goeth before ye saboth)
43 Josefa ya va kuzwa kwa Arimatea ca keza mwa teni. A vali i membala ya vali ku kutekewa we chikwta cha Majuda, ya vali ku lindile mubuso wa Ireeza. Na kenjila kwa Pilato kakusa tiya ni ku ka kumbila mubili wa Jesu.
Ioseph of Arimathia a noble councelour which also loked for ye kyngdome of God came and went in booldly vnto Pylate and begged ye boddy of Iesu.
44 Mi Pilato cha komokwa ahulu hazuwa kuti Jesu wa fwa kale; ava sumpi mukulwana wa masole ni ku mubuza heba Jesu cha va ku fwile.
And Pylate merveled that he was alredy deed and called vnto him ye Centurion and axed of him whether he had bene eny whyle deed.
45 Pilato ha zuwa kumuyendisi wa masole kuti Jesu chavali kufwire, cha lukulwila chitunta chakwe kwa Josefa.
And when he knewe the trueth of the Centurion he gave ye body to Ioseph.
46 Josefa a va li ku wulite masira e lineni. Cha muzwisa ha chifapano, ni ku mu bungila mumasira e lineni, mi chi ku mulalika mu ikumbu lya ba chakuile mu mavwe. Linu cha pindumwina ibwe mu mulyango we ikumbu.
And he bought a lynnen cloothe and toke him doune and wrapped him in ye lynnen cloothe and layde him in a tombe yt was hewen oute of ye rocke and rolled a stone vnto the doze of the sepulcre.
47 Maria Magadalena ni Maria inyina wa Josesi va va voni chivaka i cho Jesu mwa va zikwa.
And Mary Magdalen and Mary Ioses beheld where he was layde.