< Johani 15 >

1 Njeme ni isamu lye niti lye veine, mi Itayo nji mu va valeli.
I am the true vyne and my father ys an husbande man.
2 U zwisa mutavi onse mwangu usahi chihantu, mi u kosola mutavi onse usahi chihantu kuti uhe chihantu cho vungi.
Every braunche that beareth not frute in me he will take awaye. And every braunche that beareth frute will he pourge yt it maye bringe moare frute.
3 Mujolola ivaka lya iñusa li ni va wambi kwenu.
Now are ye cleane thorow ye wordes which I have spoke vnto you.
4 Mushale mwangu, mi Name mwenu. Sina mutavi ha wusawoli kuha chihantu cha wo wine konji chi ha wushala mwisamu lye veine, mane nanga inwe, kwanda kuti mushale mwangu.
Byde in me and let me byde in you. As ye braunche canot beare frute of it sylfe excepte it byde in the vyne: no more can ye excepte ye abyde in me.
5 Njime ni samu lye veine, inwe mu mitavi. Iye yo shala mwangu mi Name mwali, uha chihantu chingi, kakuti mukuti kusena Ime ka kwina chi muwola kutenda.
I am the vyne and ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth moche frute. For with out me can ye do nothinge.
6 Haiva zumwi kashali mwangu usohelwa kuna ni kuzuma, mi va kunganya mitavi ni ku isohela mu mulilo, ni ku hiswa.
Yf a man byde not in me he ys cast forthe as a braunche and is wyddered: and men gadder it and cast it into the fyre and it burneth.
7 Haiva mushala mwangu, mi haiva ni manzwi angu a shala mwenu, mu kumbile zonse zi mu litakaleza, mi ka muzi tendelwe.
Yf ye byde in me and my wordes also byde in you: axe what ye will and it shalbe done to you.
8 Mi Itayo ka tembwe mwezi: kuti muhe chihantu chingi mu valutwani vangu.
Heare in is my father glorified that ye beare moche frute and be made my disciples.
9 Mi sina Itayo ha vani suni, Name mu ni va misuni, mushale mwi ilato lyangu.
As the father hath loved me eve so have I leved you. Continue in my love.
10 Haiva mu vika intaelo zangu, ka mushale mwi ilato lyangu mi sina ha ni va viki intaelo za Itayo mi ni kushala mwi ilato lyakwe.
Yf ye shall kepe my comaudemetes ye shall byde in my love eve as I have kept my fathers comaundementes and byde in his love.
11 Na wamba izi zintu kwenu kuti ku sanga kwangu ku ve nanwe, ili kuti ku sangu kwenu kwi zu zilizwa.
These thinges have I spoken vnto you yt my ioye myght remayne in you and that youre ioye might be full.
12 Iyi nji intaelo yangu, mu lisune sina ha ni va mi suni.
This is my commaundement that ye love togedder as I have loved you.
13 Ka kwina wina ilato ikando li likana neli, kuti uha vuhalo bwa kwe ku valikani vakwe.
Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
14 Mu valikani vangu haiva muvika zintu zi ni va milaeli.
Ye are my fredes yf ye do whatsoever I commaunde you.
15 Ka ni si misumpi vahikana, mukuti vahikana kavezi izo simwine wavo za tenda. Na misupi valikani, mi zonse zi ni vazuwi kwa Itayo, ni va zi zivahazi kwenu.
Hence forth call I you not servauntes: for the servaunt knoweth not what his Lorde doeth. But you have I called frendes: for all thinges that I have hearde of my father I have opened to you.
16 Kana mu va ni keti, kono ni va miketi mi ni ku mita kuti mukahe chihantu, ili kuti chihantu chikale. Mu kuve vulyo kuti chonse chi mukumbila cha Itayo mwi zina lyangu, mwa chi mihe.
Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordeyned you that ye go and bringe forthe frute and that youre frute remayne that whatsoever ye shall axe of the father in my name he shulde geve it you.
17 Izi zintu ni milaela: mu mulisune mu vonse.
This comaunde I you that ye love to gedder.
18 Haiva inkanda imi toya, mwizive kuti ivani toyete ni iseni ku mitoya.
Yf ye worlde hate you ye knowe that he hated me before he hated you.
19 Kamba mu ve inkanda, mi inkanda ni va misuni sina muvayo. Kono cho kuti ka hena mu ve inkanda mi chelyo ivaka ni va miketi kuzwa mwi inkanda, mi he inkanda i mi toyete
Yf ye were of the worlde ye worlde wolde love his awne. How be it because ye are not of ye worlde but I have chosen you out of the worlde therfore hateth you the worlde.
20 Muzeze linzwi li ni va mi wambi kwenu,' Muhikana ka hena mukando kwa simwine wake'. Haiva va va nyandisi ime, nanwe ka va mi nyandise; haiva va viki linzwi lyangu, navo vulyo ka vike lyenu.
Remember the sayinge that I sayde vnto you: the servaute is not greater then his lorde. Yf they have persecuted me so will they persecute you Yf they have kept my sayinge so will they kepe youres.
21 Ka va tende izi kwenu che ivaka lye zina lyangu kakuti ka vezi ya va ni tumi.
But all these thinges will they do vnto you for my names sake because they have not knowen him that sent me.
22 Kamba ka na ni vezi ku wamba ku vali, ni vasana va va pangi chivi, kono hanu ka vena ivaka lya chivi chavo.
If I had not come and spoken vnto them they shulde not have had synne: but now have they nothinge to cloke their synne with all.
23 Iye yo ni toya uto yete vulyo ni Itayo.
He that hateth me hateth my father.
24 Kamba kana ni vapangi mitendo ni ku sena zumwi ya va itendi mukati kavo, ni vasena chivi, kono hanu va va voni ni ku nitoya tuvose Ime ni Itayo.
If I had not done workes amoge the which none other ma dyd they had not had synne. But now have they sene and yet have hated bothe me and my father:
25 Kono ichi nji kwi zu zilikiza linzwi liñoletwe mu mulao, 'Va vani toyi ni ku sena chimwi.'
eve that the sayinge myght be fulfilled that is written in theyr lawe: they hated me wtout a cause.
26 Linu Musengisengi- iye yese Ni tumine ku zwa kwa Itayo, iye njiye, Luhuho Lujolola lwa initi, lu zwilila kwa Itayo-kwiza, ka pake changu.
But when the comforter is come whom I will sende vnto you fro the father which is the sprete of truthe which proceadeth of the father he shall testifie of me.
27 Nanwe vulyo mupaka cha kuti muvena name ku zwa ku matangilo.
And ye shall beare witnes also because ye have bene with me from the begynninge.

< Johani 15 >