< Agalatiya 2 >

1 Pepepita zaka fotini neluta soti ku Yerusalemu na Banaba, netola Tito noluta naye.
Then fourteene yeeres after, I went vp againe to Hierusalem with Barnabas, and tooke with me Titus also.
2 Neluta kamba ka civumbuluso nakuleta kwabeve ulaliki unulalika pakati pa amitundu. Nenzo kamba mwakabisila kwabala benzo oneka olemekeza, kuti nionesheshe kuti nuutuka lini lubilo lwatyala.
And I went vp by reuelation, and declared vnto them that Gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but particularly to them that were the chiefe, least by any meanes I should runne, or had runne in vaine:
3 Koma ngakhale Tito, enze naneo ndipo enze Mugiliki, aliye kangamijyiwa kucita mudulidwe.
But neither yet Titus which was with me, though he were a Grecian, was compelled to be circumcised,
4 Madoda yaboza mwacisinsi bewela kuzoona mtendele utilinao mwa Kristu Yesu. Benzo laka laka kuti tinkhale akapolo,
To wit, for the false brethren which were craftily sent in, and crept in priuily to spie out our libertie, which we haue in Christ Iesus, that they might bring vs into bondage.
5 koma tiliyegonjele kwabeve olo pakanthawi katontho, kuti coonadi ca uthenga cikhalilile mwa mweo.
To whom we gaue not place by subiection for an houre, that the trueth of the Gospel might continue with you.
6 Koma ao benze oneka ngati olemekezeka (mulimonse mwebenzelili aliye kanthu kwa neo, cifukwa Mulungu aliye sankho)- ao, binikuti, enzeolemekezeka aliye onjezele kanthu kwa neo.
But by them which seemed to be great, I was not taught (whatsoeuer they were in time passed, I am nothing the better: God accepteth no mans person) for they that are the chiefe, did adde nothing to me aboue that I had.
7 Mosiyana, beona kuti nepasiwa udindo kulalikila uthenga kwaopanda mudulidwe, monga Petulo epasiwa udindo olalikila uthenga kwa amudulidwe.
But contrariwise, when they saw that ye Gospel ouer ye vncircumcision was comitted vnto me, as the Gospel ouer ye circumcision was vnto Peter:
8 Pakuti Mulungu, esebenza mwa Petulo potumikila kwa ao oduliwa, soti asebenza mwa neo kwa amitundu.
(For he that was mightie by Peter in the Apostleship ouer the circumcision, was also mightie by me toward the Gentiles)
9 Pamene Jemusi, Kefasi, na Yohane, enze na mbili ngati sandamila, pebezindikila cisomo cenze pa neo etilola
And when Iames, and Cephas, and Iohn, knew of the grace that was giuen vnto me, which are counted to be pillars, they gaue to me and to Barnabas the right hands of fellowship, that we should preach vnto the Gentiles, and they vnto the Circumcision,
Warning onely that we should remember the poore: which thing also I was diligent to doe.
11 Lyahanu linu Kefasi henza kwa Antioke, Chi ni mu kanina havusu bwe mpaata ya kwe kakuti ava foseze.
And when Peter was come to Antiochia, I withstood him to his face: for he was to be condemned.
12 Chetanzi vamwi vakwame ni va seni ku sika kwa Jakovo, Kefasi avali kulya ni va Machava. Kono cwale ava vakwame ha va keza, cha zimana mi ni kuva vutavuleni ni va Machava. Cha vali ku tite ava vakwame va vali kusaka mupato.
For before that certaine came from Iames, he ate with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himselfe, fearing them which were of the Circumcision.
13 Mane ni vungi bya Majuda ni va kopana ne Kefasi mu kulinyemona. Ikalavo ivaali kuti nanga Barabasi chava yembulwilwe ku linuneka kwaavo.
And the other Iewes played the hypocrites likewise with him, in so much that Barnabas was led away with them by that their hypocrisie.
14 Kono hani vona kuti ka ve chilile vusakusima bye linzwi, ni na waamba ne Kefasi ha vusu byaavo voonse, “Haiva mu Vajuda mi ni mu hala che ikute lya vantu va Lichava vulyo kwaanda a ikute lya Vajuda, mu woola ku hambiliza vule va Lichava kuhala ili Vajuda?
But when I saw, that they went not ye right way to the trueth of ye Gospel, I sayd vnto Peter before all men, If thou being a Iewe, liuest as the Gentiles, and not like the Iewes, why constrainest thou the Gentiles to doe like the Iewes?
15 Iswe tu maJuda cha ku pepya mi yisini “ve Lichava va tenda ziivi”
We which are Iewes by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,
16 mwi zive kuti ka kwina na ngati wu mwina yeta njolozwe cha musevezi wa mulawo. Ni hakuvavulyo, va njolozwa che tumelo ya Jesu Kereste. Tu vakezi che tumelo kwa Jesu Kereste cwale kuti tu njolozwe che tumelo kwa Kereste mi yi sinyi cha musevezi wa mulawo kakwina nyama ye te ni njolozwe.
Knowe that a man is not iustified by the works of the Law, but by ye faith of Iesus Christ, euen we, I say, haue beleeued in Iesus Christ, that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ, and not by the workes of the Lawe, because that by the workes of the Lawe, no flesh shalbe iustified.
17 Kono heva, ni tusaka Reeza kuti atu njoloze ka Kereste, tu liwane na swe tu veene kuti tu va yenzalivi, kana Kereste u swanela ku va mutanga we chiivi? Sanzi ku ve vulyo!
If then while we seeke to be made righteous by Christ, we our selues are found sinners, is Christ therefore the minister of sinne? God forbid.
18 Heva ni zaaka isempo yangu cha kuya cha mulawo, Isempo ichini va sinyi kaale, ni livonahaza kuti ni mucholi wa mulawo.
For if I build againe the things that I haue destroyed, I make my selfe a trespasser.
19 Ku zwila ku mulawo ni va fwi ku mulawo, ili kuti ni haale che Ireeza.
For I through the Lawe am dead to the Lawe, that I might liue vnto God.
20 Ni va konkotelwa vulyo ni Kereste. Kayisili me ni haala kono Kereste njo haala kwangu. Vuhalo vuni haala linu mwi nyama ni vuhala che tumelo ya Mwana Reeza, Uzo ya va ni suni ni kuliha yiye mwine kwangu.
I am crucified with Christ, but I liue, yet not I any more, but Christ liueth in me: and in that that I now liue in the flesh, I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God, who hath loued me, and giuen him selfe for me.
21 Ke se ni manise chisemo che Reeza, chokuti heva va lukite vavali kuhala mulawo, linu Kereste ni ku sena za va fwili.
I doe not abrogate the grace of God: for if righteousnes be by the Lawe, then Christ dyed without a cause.

< Agalatiya 2 >