< On Lal Solomon 7 >

1 Fisrak mutan, mutan fusr na kato se pa kom an! Niom arulana oasku in fahluk lom an. Finyepom uh raraun Oana ma mwet usrnguk ke tufahlfal uh orala.
How beautiful are your feet in sandals, prince’s daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a skilful workman.
2 Futom oana sie ahlu pol Ma wain keng uh tia wi lisr loac uh. Kapin siom oana tohktok in wheat se Ma ros kiuf uh raunela.
Your body is like a round goblet, no mixed wine is wanting. Your waist is like a heap of wheat, set about with lilies.
3 Titi lom uh oana deer fak lukwa, Ku kosro gazelle lukwa.
Your two breasts are like two fawns, that are twins of a roe.
4 Inkwawom oana sie tower naweyukla ke ivory. Atronmotom oana lulu in kof in siti Heshbon Su oan sisken mutunpot lun siti pwengpeng sac. Infwem kato oana tower lun Lebanon Su tuyak suwohs ac tawi acn Damascus.
Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks towards Damascus.
5 Kom pusrukak sifom nu lucng oana Fineol Carmel. Aunsifom pirakla ac saromrom oana nuknuk musresre na wowo; Katoiya uh ku in akmunasyela sie tokosra.
Your head on you is like Carmel. The hair of your head like purple. The king is held captive in its tresses.
6 Kom arulana kato ac oasku; Lungse lom nu sik arulana akpwaryeyu.
How beautiful and how pleasant you are, love, for delights!
7 Kom loes oasriksrik oana soko sak palm, Ac titi lom an oana ungin fokin palm uh.
This, your stature, is like a palm tree, your breasts like its fruit.
8 Nga ac fanukya palm soko uh Ac filiya pouk ke fahko kac uh. Titi lom oana ungin grape uh sik, Ac momong lom uh keng oana foulin apple uh.
I said, “I will climb up into the palm tree. I will take hold of its fruit.” Let your breasts be like clusters of the vine, the smell of your breath like apples.
9 Ac oalum oana wain ma wo oemeet uh. Verse Lun Mutan Se Fin ouinge, lela wain uh in sororla nu yurin el su saok sik, Ac kahkla fin ngoasrol ac wihsel.
Your mouth is like the best wine, that goes down smoothly for my beloved, gliding through the lips of those who are asleep.
10 Nga ma na lun el su nga lungse, ac el mwelyu na.
I am my beloved’s. His desire is towards me.
11 Fahsru, kom su saok sik. Lela kut in illa nu inimae Ac motullana we.
Come, my beloved! Let’s go out into the field. Let’s lodge in the villages.
12 Kut ac fah toang na tukakek ac som nu ke ima in grape, Ac liye lah elos mutawauk in kapak, Ac liye lah ros uh mutawauk in farengelik, Ac oayapa in liye lah sak pomegranate oasr ros kac. Na nga ac fah akkalemye lungse luk nu sum uh e we.
Let’s go early up to the vineyards. Let’s see whether the vine has budded, its blossom is open, and the pomegranates are in flower. There I will give you my love.
13 Kom ac ku na in ngokak foul keng ke ros mandrake uh, Ac fokinsak wowo nukewa pa na oan sisken srungul in lohm uh. Ku na safla luk, nga elosak kain mwe insewowo nukewa nu sum.
The mandrakes produce fragrance. At our doors are all kinds of precious fruits, new and old, which I have stored up for you, my beloved.

< On Lal Solomon 7 >