< Psalm 142 >
1 [Psalm lal David ke el muta in luf sac] Nga pang nu sin LEUM GOD Elan kasreyu; Aok, nga kwafe nu sel.
“A psalm of David; a prayer, when he was in the cave” I cry unto the LORD with my voice; With my voice to the LORD do I make my supplication.
2 Nga use mwe torkaskas luk nukewa nu yorol, Nga fahkak ongoiya nukewa luk nu sel.
I pour out my complaint before him; I declare before him my distress.
3 Ke nga apkuran in fuhleak, El etu lah mea fal nga in oru. Ke inkanek su nga fahsr kac Mwet lokoalok luk elos okanla mwe kwasrip in sruokyuwi.
When my spirit is overwhelmed within me, Thou knowest my path! In the way which I walk, they have hid a snare for me.
4 Ke nga ngetnget nu siskuk, Nga liye tuh wanginna mwet in kasreyu. Wangin mwet in karinginyu, Wanginna mwet nunku keik.
I look on my right hand, and behold, But no man knoweth me; Refuge faileth me; No one careth for me.
5 LEUM GOD, nga pang nu sum tuh kom in kasreyu; Kom nien molela luk, LEUM GOD. Kom mukena pa nga enenu in moul se inge.
I cry unto thee, O LORD! I say, Thou art my refuge, My portion in the land of the living.
6 Porongo ke nga pang, Tuh nga arulana muta in ongoiya. Moliyula liki mwet lokoalok luk; Elos arulana ku likiyu.
Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low; Deliver me from my persecutors, For they prevail against me!
7 Aksukosokyeyu liki mwe keok luk, Na nga fah kaksakin kom in walil lun mwet lom Ke sripen orekma wo lom nu sik.
Bring me out of prison, That I may praise thy name! The righteous shall gather around me, When thou shalt show me thy favor.