< Psalm 119 >

1 Insewowo elos su wangin mwatalos, Su moul fal nu ke ma sap lun LEUM GOD.
How blessed! [are people] blameless of way those [who] walk in [the] law of Yahweh.
2 Insewowo elos su fahsr ke ma sap lal, Su aksol ke insialos nufon.
How blessed! [are those who] observe testimonies his with all [the] heart they seek him.
3 Elos tiana oru ma koluk; A elos fahsr fal nu ke ma lungse lun LEUM GOD.
Also not they do injustice in ways his they walk.
4 LEUM GOD, kom ase tari ma sap lom Ac kom sapkin tuh kut in arulana akos.
You you have commanded precepts your to keep exceedingly.
5 Saok ngan ku in arulana oaru In liyaung mwe luti lom!
Would that! they will be steadfast ways my to keep decrees your.
6 Nga fin liyaung ma sap lom nukewa, Na nga fah tia akmwekinyeyuk.
Then not I will be ashamed when look I to all commandments your.
7 Ke nga lutlut ke nununku suwoswos lom Nga fah kaksakin kom ke inse nasnas.
I will give thanks to you in uprightness of heart when learn I [the] judgments of righteousness your.
8 Nga fah akos ma sap lom; Nikmet sisyula.
Decrees your I will keep may not you forsake me up to muchness.
9 Sie mwet fusr ac liyaung fuka tuh in nasnas moul lal? Pa inge: el fin akos ma sap lom.
How? will he keep pure a youth path his by keeping [it] according to word your.
10 Ke insiuk nufon nga srike in kulansupwekom; Nik kom lela nga in seakos ma sap lom.
With all heart my I seek you may not you allow to stray me from commandments your.
11 Nga likiya ma sap lom insiuk, Tuh nga in tia orekma koluk lain kom.
In heart my I have hidden word your so that not I will sin to you.
12 Nga kaksakin kom, O LEUM GOD, Lutiyu inkanek lom.
[be] blessed You O Yahweh teach me decrees your.
13 Nga fah kaskaskin Ma sap nukewa ma kom oakiya.
With lips my I recount all [the] judgments of mouth your.
14 Nga engan in fahsr ke ma sap lom Liki na in eis mwe kasrup yohk.
In [the] way of testimonies your I exult as on all wealth.
15 Nga lutlut ke oakwuk lom; Nga lohang nu ke mwe luti lom.
On precepts your I will meditate and I will pay attention to paths your.
16 Nga insewowo ke ma sap lom, Nga fah tiana mulkunla kas lom.
In statutes your I will delight myself not I will forget word your.
17 Nga mwet kulansap lom, kom in kulang nu sik Tuh nga fah ku in moul ac akos mwe luti lom.
Deal bountifully towards servant your I will live and I will keep word your.
18 Ikasla mutuk tuh nga fah ku in akilen Wolana lun mwe luti pwaye lom.
Uncover eyes my so let me pay attention to wonderful [things] from law your.
19 Nga muta fin faclu ke kitin pacl na fototo; Nikmet okanla ma sap lom likiyu.
[am] a sojourner I on the earth may not you hide from me commandments your.
20 Insiuk kena ma lulap In liye nununku lom pacl e nukewa.
It is crushed self my for longing to judgments your at every time.
21 Kom kai mwet filang; Elos su tia akos ma sap lom elos selngawiyuk.
You rebuke arrogant [people] cursed [people] who go astray from commandments your.
22 Eisla kaskou ac aksruksruk lalos likiyu, Tuh nga liyaung na ma sap lom.
Roll away from on me reproach and contempt for testimonies your I observe.
23 Mwet leum elos tukeni ac pwapa koluk lainyu, Tusruktu nga fah lutlut ke mwe luti lom.
Also they sit officials in me they speak together servant your he meditates on decrees your.
24 Kas in luti lom akinsewowoyeyu Ac oana mwet kasru nu sik.
Also testimonies your [are] delight my [the] people of counsel my.
25 Nga putatla nu infohk uh ke kutangyukla nga, Tukasyuyak, oana kom tuh wulela kac.
It clings to the dust self my preserve alive me according to word your.
26 Nga fahkyuyak nu sum, ac kom topukyu; Luti nu sik inkanek lom.
Ways my I recounted and you answered me teach me decrees your.
27 Kasreyu tuh nga in kalem ke ma sap lom, Ac nga fah nunku yohk ke kas in luti wolana lom.
[the] way of Precepts your give understanding of me so let me meditate on wonders your.
28 Insiuk munasla ke asor; Akkeyeyu, oana kom tuh wulela kac.
It weeps self my from grief strengthen me according to word your.
29 Sruokyuwi liki inkanek tafongla; Ke kulang lom, luti nu sik ke ma sap lom.
A way of falsehood remove from me and law your show favor to me.
30 Nga sulela tuh nga in akosten; Nga lohang nu ke nununku lom.
A way of faithfulness I have chosen judgments your I have placed.
31 LEUM GOD nga liyaung na mwe luti lom, Nikmet lela tuh nga in akmwekinyeyuk.
I have clung to testimonies your O Yahweh may not you put to shame me.
32 Nga arulana engan in akos ma sap lom, Mweyen kom ac fah akyokye etauk luk.
[the] way of Commandments your I run for you enlarge heart my.
33 O LEUM GOD, luti nu sik kalmen ma sap lom, Na nga fah akos in pacl e nukewa.
Teach me O Yahweh [the] way of decrees your so I may observe it end.
34 Aketeya ma sap lom nu sik, ac nga fah akos; Nga fah liyaung ke insiuk nufon.
Give understanding me so let me observe law your so I may keep it with all [the] heart.
35 Oru tuh nga in fahsr fal nu ke ma sap lom, Tuh nga konauk insewowo kac.
Lead me in [the] path of commandments your for in it I delight.
36 Oru tuh nga in lungse akos ma sap lom Yohk liki na tuh nga in kasrup.
Incline heart my to testimonies your and may not [it incline] to unjust gain.
37 Furokla mutuk liki ma lusrongten; Liyeyume oana kom tuh wulela kac.
Take away eyes my from looking at worthlessness in ways your preserve alive me.
38 Nga mwet kulansap lom, akfalye wulela lom nu sik, In oana wulela su kom oru nu selos su akos kom.
Fulfill to servant your word your which [is] for fear your.
39 Moliyula liki kaskas kou su nga sangeng kac; Fuka woiyen nununku lom!
Take away reproach my which I dread for judgments your [are] good.
40 Nga kena akos ma sap lom; Ase moul sasu nu sik, tuh kom suwoswos.
Here! I long for precepts your in righteousness your preserve alive me.
41 LEUM GOD, akkalemye lupan lungse lom nu sik, Ac moliyula oana kom wulela kac.
And may they come to me covenant loyalti your O Yahweh salvation your according to word your.
42 Na nga fah ku in topkolos su kaskas kou keik, Mweyen nga lulalfongi ke kas lom.
So I may answer [the] [one who] taunts me a word for I trust in word your.
43 Oru tuh nga in ku in kaskas pwaye pacl e nukewa, Tuh finsrak luk oan in nununku lom.
And may not you take away from mouth my a word of faithfulness up to muchness for for judgments your I hope.
44 Nga ac fah liyaung ma sap lom pacl e nukewa, Nu tok ma pahtpat.
And I will keep law your continually for ever and ever.
45 Nga fah muta in sukosok pwaye, Mweyen nga srike in akos kas in luti lom.
And I will walk about in the broad place for precepts your I have sought.
46 Nga fah fahkak nu sin tokosra uh ma kom sapkin, Ac nga fah tia akmwekinyeyuk.
And I will speak in testimonies your before kings and not I will be ashamed.
47 Nga pulakin insewowo ke nga akos ma sap lom, Mweyen nga arulana lungse kas lom.
And I may delight myself in commandments your which I love.
48 Nga sunakin ac lungse ma sap lom, Ac nga fah nunku yohk ke mwe luti lom.
And I may lift up hands my to commandments your which I love and I will meditate on decrees your.
49 Esam wulela lom nu sik, mwet kulansap lom, Tuh ma inge ase finsrak nu sik.
Remember [the] word to servant your on that you have made hope me.
50 Finne in pacl in keok luk, nga akwoyeyuk Mweyen wulela lom ase moul nu sik.
This [is] comfort my in affliction my that word your it has preserved alive me.
51 Mwet filang elos aksruksrukiyu pacl nukewa, Tusruktu nga tiana fahsr liki ma sap lom.
Arrogant [people] they have mocked me up to muchness from law your not I have turned aside.
52 Nga esam nununku lom in pacl oemeet, Ac ma inge akwoyeyu, O LEUM GOD.
I remember judgments your from long ago - O Yahweh and I have comforted myself.
53 Ke nga liye mwet koluk ke elos lain ma sap lom, Nga arulana kasrkusrak.
Burning indignation it has seized me from wicked [people] [who] forsake law your.
54 In pacl fototo luk fin faclu Nga kinala on ke sap lom.
Songs they have been of me decrees your in [the] house of sojournings my.
55 Ke fong uh nga esam kom, O LEUM GOD, Ac nga nunku ke ma sap lom.
I have remembered in the night name your O Yahweh and I have kept! law your.
56 Nga pulakin insewowo Ke nga akos ma sap lom.
This it has belonged to me that precepts your I have observed.
57 O LEUM GOD, kom na pa nga enenu, Ac nga wulela tuh nga fah akos ma sap lom.
[is] portion My Yahweh I have said to keep words your.
58 Nga siyuk sum ke insiuk nufon Tuh kom in pakomutuk, in oana wulela lom.
I have entreated face your with all [the] heart show favor to me according to word your.
59 Ke nga nunku ke ouiyen moul luk, Nga wulela nga in sifil forla ac fahsr tukun mwe luti lom.
I have thought about ways my and I have turned back! feet my to testimonies your.
60 Nga sulaklak, ac tia tuptupan In akos ma kom sapkin.
I have made haste and not I have delayed to keep commandments your.
61 Mwet koluk elos filiya mwe kwasrip nu sik, Tusruktu nga tiana mulkunla ma sap lom.
[the] ropes of Wicked [people] they have surrounded me law your not I have forgotten.
62 Ke infulwen fong nga tukakek Ac kaksakin kom ke nununku suwoswos lom.
[the] middle of [the] night I arise to give thanks to you on [the] judgments of righteousness your.
63 Nga mwet kawuk lun mwet nukewa su kulansupwekom, Aok, elos nukewa su akos ma sap lom.
[am] a companion I of all [those] who they fear you and of [those who] keep precepts your.
64 LEUM GOD, faclu sessesla ke lungkulang lom; Lutiyu ke ma sap lom.
Covenant loyalty your O Yahweh it is full the earth decrees your teach me.
65 LEUM GOD, kom oru wo nu sik, mwet kulansap lom, Fal nu ke wulela lom.
Good you have done with servant your O Yahweh according to word your.
66 Ase etauk ac lalmwetmet nu sik, Tuh nga lulalfongi ke sap lom.
Goodness of discernment and knowledge teach me for in commandments your I trust.
67 Meet liki kom tuh kaiyu, nga fahsr sayen ma sap lom, A inge nga akos kas lom.
Before I was afflicted I [was] going astray and now word your I keep.
68 Kom arulana wo ac arulana kulang! Lutiyu ke sap lom.
[are] good You and [are] doing good teach me decrees your.
69 Mwet filang elos tuh fahk kas kikiap keik, Tusruktu nga akos mwe luti lom ke insiuk nufon.
They have smeared on me falsehood arrogant [people] I with all [the] heart - I observe precepts your.
70 Wanginna kalem lun mwet inge, A funu nga, nga insewowo ke ma sap lom.
It is insensitive like fat heart their I law your I delight.
71 Kaiyuk lom nu sik mwe akwoyeyu, Mweyen ke sripa sac nga lutlut ke ma sap lom.
It was good for me that I was afflicted so that I may learn decrees your.
72 Ma sap su kom ase nu sik, yohk kalmac nu sik Liki mani nukewa fin faclu.
[is] good For me [the] law of mouth your more than thousands of gold and silver.
73 Kom oreyula ac karinginyu; Ase etauk nu sik tuh nga fah luti ma sap lom.
Hands your they made me and they prepared me give understanding me so let me learn commandments your.
74 Elos su akfulatye kom elos ac engan ke elos liyeyu, Mweyen nga lulalfongi ke wulela lom.
[those] fearing You may they see me and they may rejoice for for word your I have hoped.
75 LEUM GOD, nga etu tuh nununku lom suwohs, Ac kom kaiyu mweyen kom inse pwaye.
I know O Yahweh that [are] righteousness judgments your and faithfulness you have afflicted me.
76 Lela lungse kawil lom in akwoyeyu, Oana kom tuh wulela nu sik, mwet kulansap lom.
Let it be please covenant loyalty your to comfort me according to word your to servant your.
77 Pakomutuk, ac nga fah moul, Tuh nga insewowo ke ma sap lom.
Let them come to me compassion your so I may live for law your [is] delight my.
78 Lela mwet filang in mwekin lah elos akkolukyeyu ke kikiap; A funu nga, nga fah arulana nunku ke kas in luti lom.
Let them be ashamed arrogant [people] for falsehood they have subverted me I I will meditate on precepts your.
79 Lela tuh elos su akfulatye kom in tuku nu yuruk — Elos nukewa su etu ke ma sap lom.
Let them turn to me [those] fearing you (and [those who] know *Q(K)*) testimonies your.
80 Lela nga in akos na pwaye ma sap lom Tuh nga fah tia akmwekinyeyuk.
May it be heart my blameless in decrees your so that not I will be ashamed.
81 LEUM GOD, nga totola in soano molela lom nu sik; Nga filiya lulalfongi luk ke kas lom.
It is exhausted for salvation your being my for word your I hope.
82 Mutuk totola in tupan ma kom tuh wulela kac, Ac nga fahk, “Kom ac kasreyu ngac?”
They are exhausted eyes my for word your saying when? will you comfort me.
83 Nga oana sie pak in neinyuk wain ma sisila ac wanginla sripa, Tusruktu nga tiana mulkunla ma sap lom.
For I have become like a skin-bottle in smoke decrees your not I have forgotten.
84 Nga ac soano putaka? Kom ac kai mwet su akkeokyeyu ngac?
How many? [are] [the] days of servant your when? will you do in [those who] harass me judgment.
85 Mwet filang su tia akos ma sap lom, Elos pukanak luf in sruokyuwi.
They have dug for me arrogant [people] pits which not [are] according to law your.
86 Ma sap lom nukewa fal in lulalfongiyuk; Mwet elos akkeokyeyu ke kas kikiap — kasreyu!
All commandments your [are] faithfulness falsehood they have harassed me help me.
87 Elos apkuranna in uniyuwi, Tusruk nga tiana pilesrala ma sap lom.
Like a little they have made an end of me on the earth and I not I have forsaken precepts your.
88 Ke lungse kawil lom, oru wo nu sik, Tuh nga fah akos ma sap lom.
According to covenant loyalty your preserve alive me so let me keep [the] testimony of mouth your.
89 Kas lom, O LEUM GOD, oan ma pahtpat, Aok, oan ma pahtpat inkusrao.
For ever O Yahweh word your [is] standing firm in the heavens.
90 Oaru lom oanna ke fwil nukewa; Kom tuh oakiya faclu, ac faclu srakna oan.
[is] to A generation and a generation faithfulness your you have established [the] earth and it endures.
91 Ma nukewa oanna nwe misenge ke sripen sap lom, Ac ma nukewa kulansapwekom.
For judgments your they stand forth this day for everything [are] servants your.
92 Ma sap lom funu tia ase insewowo nu sik, Nga lukun misa tari ke mwe keok nu sik.
If not law your [had been] delight my then I perished in affliction my.
93 Nga fah tiana pilesru kas in luti lom; Tuh ke ma inge kom moliyula.
For ever not I will forget precepts your for by them you have preserved alive me.
94 Nga ma lom — moliyula! Nga srike na in akos ma sap lom.
[belong] to You I save me for precepts your I have sought.
95 Mwet koluk elos soano in uniyuwi, Tusruktu nga fah arulana nunku ke ma sap lom.
For me they have waited wicked [people] to destroy me testimonies your I will consider carefully.
96 Nga etu tari lah oasr saflaiyen ma nukewa; Tusruktu ma sap lom wangin saflaiya.
To all perfection I have seen an end [is] broad commandment your exceedingly.
97 Arulana yohk lungse luk ke ma sap lom! Nga nunku kac ke len nufon.
How! I love law your all the day it [is] meditation my.
98 Ma sap lom wiyu pacl e nukewa Ac oru nga lalmwetmet liki mwet lokoalok luk.
More than enemies my it makes wise me commandments your for for ever it [belongs] to me.
99 Nga kalem kac yohk liki mwet luti luk nukewa, Mweyen nga arulana nunku ke kas in luti lom.
More than all teachers my I have insight for testimonies your [are] a meditation of me.
100 Yohk lalmwetmet luk liki mwet matu, Mweyen nga akos ma sap lom.
More than old [people] I gain understanding for precepts your I have observed.
101 Nga taranyu liki orekma koluk nukewa, Mweyen nga lungse akos kas lom.
From every path evil I have restrained feet my so that I may keep word your.
102 Nga tiana pilesrala kas in luti lom, Mweyen kom na pa lutiyu.
From judgments your not I have turned aside for you you have taught me.
103 Kas in luti lom arulana emwem, Aok, emwem liki na honey nu ke oalik!
How! they are smooth to palate my word your more than honey to mouth my.
104 Nga eis lalmwetmet ke ma sap lom, Ke ma inge nga srunga inkanek koluk nukewa.
From precepts your I gain understanding there-fore I hate - every path of falsehood.
105 Kas lom lam nu ke niuk Ac kalem nu ke inkanek luk.
[is] a lamp For foot my word your and a light for pathway my.
106 Nga orala sie wulela na ku Tuh nga in akos kas in luti suwoswos lom.
I have sworn an oath and I have confirmed! to keep [the] judgments of righteousness your.
107 LEUM GOD, pwayena lah mwe keok luk arulana upa; Sruokya moul luk, oana ke kom wulela.
I have been afflicted up to muchness O Yahweh preserve alive me according to word your.
108 Eis pre in sang kulo luk, O LEUM GOD, Ac lutiyu ke ma sap lom.
[the] freewill offerings of Mouth my accept please O Yahweh and judgments your teach me.
109 Nga akola pacl nukewa in pilesrala moul luk, Tuh nga tiana mulkunla ma sap lom.
Life my [is] in hand my continually and law your not I forget.
110 Mwet koluk elos filiya mwe kwasrip nu sik, Tuh nga tiana pilesrala ma sap lom.
They have set wicked [people] a snare for me and from precepts your not I have gone astray.
111 Ma sap lom mwe usru luk nwe tok, Aok, mwe engan lun insiuk.
I have inherited testimonies your for ever for [are] [the] joy of heart my they.
112 Nga sulela tari tuh nga in akos ma sap lom Nwe ke na nga misa.
I have turned heart my to do decrees your for ever end.
113 Nga srungalos su tia inse pwaye nu sum, A nga lungse ma sap lom.
Half-hearted people I hate and law your I love.
114 Kom nien wikla luk ac lango luk; Nga filiya finsrak luk in wuleang lom.
[are] hiding place My and shield my you for word your I hope.
115 Mwet koluk, kowos fahla likiyu. Nga ac fah akos ma sap lun God luk.
Turn aside from me O evil-doers and let me observe [the] commandments of God my.
116 Akkeyeyu, oana kom wulela, ac nga fah moul; Nikmet lela tuh nga in toasrla ke sripen tia sun mwe finsrak luk!
Sustain me according to word your so I may live and may not you put to shame me from hope my.
117 Sruokyuwi tuh nga fah tu na ku, Ac nga fah lohang nu ke ma sap lom pacl e nukewa.
Uphold me so let me be saved and I may have regard for decrees your continually.
118 Kom ngetla liki mwet nukewa su seakos ma sap lom; Pwapa kutasrik lalos wangin sripa.
You reject all [those who] go astray from decrees your for [is] falsehood deceitfulness their.
119 Kom oru mwet koluk nukewa oana kutkut, Ke ma inge nga lungse kas in luti lom.
Dross you cause to cease all [the] wicked [people] of [the] earth therefore I love testimonies your.
120 Ke sripom nga sangeng; Nga arulana sangeng ke sripen nununku lom.
It trembles from dread of you flesh my and from judgments your I am afraid.
121 Nga oru ma suwohs ac pwaye; Nikmet filiyula nu inpoun mwet lokoalok luk.
I have done justice and righteousness not you will abandon me to oppressors my.
122 Wulela nu sik lah kom ac kasru mwet kulansap lom; Nikmet lela mwet inse fulat in akkeokyeyu.
Stand surety for servant your for good may not they oppress me arrogant [people].
123 Mutuk totola in soano molela lom nu sik Su kom tuh wulela kac.
Eyes my they are exhausted for deliverance your and for [the] word of righteousness your.
124 Oru nu sik fal nu ke lungse kawil lom, Ac luti nu sik sap ku lom.
Do with servant your according to covenant loyalty your and decrees your teach me.
125 Nga mwet kulansap lom; ase etauk nu sik Tuh nga fah etu kas in luti lom.
[am] servant Your I give understanding me so let me know testimonies your.
126 LEUM GOD, pacl fal kom in kai mwet uh, Mweyen elos seakos ma sap lom.
A time to act [belongs] to Yahweh people have broken law your.
127 Nga lungse ma sap lom yohk liki gold, Yohk liki gold ma arulana nasnas.
There-fore I love commandments your more than gold and more than pure gold.
128 Ke ma inge nga fahsr ke inkanek in luti lom nukewa; Ac nga srunga inkanek sutuu nukewa.
There-fore - all [the] precepts of everything I approve every path of falsehood I hate.
129 Kas in luti lom wolana; Nga akos ke insiuk nufon.
[are] wonders Testimonies your there-fore it observes them self my.
130 Aketeyen mwe luti lom ase kalem, Ac sang etauk nu sin mwet nikin.
[the] opening of Words your it gives light [it is] giving understanding to simple people.
131 In kena luk nu ke sap ku lom Nga mangelik na ke malak luk.
Mouth my I opened wide and I panted! for for commandments your I longed.
132 Forma nu sik ac pakomutuk, Oana kom oru nu selos nukewa su lungse kom.
Turn to me and show favor to me according to custom to [those who] love name your.
133 Sruokyuwi nga in tia ikori, fal nu ke wulela lom, Ac tia lela tuh ma koluk in kutangyula.
Footsteps my direct by word your and may not it have power over me any wickedness.
134 Moliyula liki mwet su akkeokyeyu, Tuh nga fah akos sap lom.
Redeem me from oppression of humankind so let me keep precepts your.
135 Kom in akinsewowoyeyu ke kalem lun motom, Ac lutiyu ke oakwuk lom.
Face your make shine on servant your and teach me decrees your.
136 Sroninmutuk sororla oana soko infacl Mweyen mwet uh elos tia akos ma sap lom.
Streams of water they have gone down eyes my because not people keep law your.
137 LEUM GOD, kom suwoswos, Ac ma sap lom suwosna.
[are] righteous You O Yahweh and [are] upright judgments your.
138 Oakwuk ma kom ase tari Arulana fal ac suwohs.
You commanded righteousness testimonies your and faithfulness much.
139 Kasrkusrak luk tayak in nga oana sie e, Mweyen mwet lokoalok luk elos tia akilen ma sap lom.
It has destroyed me zeal my for they have forgotten words your opponents my.
140 Wulela lom pwayena! Nga arulana lungse!
[has been] refined Word your exceedingly and servant your he loves it.
141 Nga mwet lusrongten, ac kwaseyuk nga, Tusruktu nga tia pilesru kas in luti lom.
[am] insignificant I and [am] despised precepts your not I have forgotten.
142 Suwoswos lom ac fah oan ma pahtpat, Ac ma sap lom pwaye pacl e nukewa.
Righteousness your [is] righteousness for ever and law your [is] truth.
143 Nga arulana keok ac fosrnga, Tusruktu ma sap lom akinsewowoyeyu.
Distress and anguish they have found me commandments your [are] delight my.
144 Kas in luti lom suwosna in pacl e nukewa; Ase nu sik etauk ac nga fah moul.
[are] righteousness Testimonies your for ever give understanding me so I may live.
145 Nga pang nu sum ke insiuk nufon. Topukyu, O LEUM GOD, ac nga fah akos ma sap lom.
I call out with all [the] heart answer me O Yahweh decrees your I will observe.
146 Nga pang nu sum, Moliyula, ac nga fah liyaung ma sap lom.
I call out to you save me so let me keep testimonies your.
147 Meet liki lenelik nga pang nu sum in kasreyu; Nga filiya finsrak luk in wulela lom.
I am early in the twilight and I cried for help! (for word your *Q(K)*) I hope.
148 In fong nufon se nga oanna ngetnget, Ac nunku yohk ke kas in luti lom.
They anticipate eyes my [the] night-watches to meditate on word your.
149 Lohngyu, O LEUM GOD, ke sripen lungse lom kawil; Pakomutuk ac moliyula.
Voice my hear! according to covenant loyalty your O Yahweh according to judgments your preserve alive me.
150 Mwet su akkeokyeyu elos apkuranme, Aok, elos su tiana karinganang ma sap lom.
They draw near [those who] pursue wickedness from law your they are distant.
151 Tusruk kom apkuran nu yuruk, LEUM GOD, Ac ma sap lom nukewa oanna nwe tok.
[are] near You O Yahweh and all commandments your [are] truth.
152 In pacl loeloes somla nga lutlut ke mwe luti lom, Tuh kom oakiya in oan ma pahtpat.
Antiquity I have known from testimonies your that for ever you have established them.
153 Liye keok luk, ac moliyula, Mweyen nga tiana pilesru ma sap lom.
See affliction my and rescue me for law your not I have forgotten.
154 Loangeyu ac aksukosokyeyu; Moliyula, oana kom tuh wulela.
Conduct! case my and redeem me to word your preserve alive me.
155 Mwet koluk ac fah tia moliyukla, Mweyen elos tia akos ma sap lom.
[is] far From wicked [people] salvation for decrees your not they have sought.
156 A pakoten lom yoklana, LEUM GOD. Akkalemye pakoten lom ac moliyula.
Compassion your [are] great - O Yahweh according to judgments your preserve alive me.
157 Pus mwet lokoalok luk ac mwet kalyeiyu, Tusruktu nga tiana mulkunla in akos ma sap lom.
[are] many [those who] harass Me and foes my from testimonies your not I have turned aside.
158 Ke nga liye mwet kutasrik inge, nga arulana toasr selos, Mweyen elos tia liyaung sap lom.
I see [those who] act treacherously and I felt disgust! that word your not they have kept.
159 LEUM GOD, liye lupan lungse luk nu ke kas in luti lom. Lungse lom uh tiana ekyek, ke ma inge moliyula!
See that precepts your I love O Yahweh according to covenant loyalty your preserve alive me.
160 Kas nukewa in ma sap lom arulana pwaye, Ac nununku suwoswos nukewa lom oan ma pahtpat.
[the] head of Word your [is] truth and [is] for ever every judgment of righteousness of your.
161 Mwet leum elos kalyeiyu ke wangin mwetik, Tusruktu nga akfulatye ma sap lom.
Icials they have harassed me without cause (and from word your *Q(K)*) it is in dread heart my.
162 Nga arulana engan ke wuleang lom Oana sie mwet su konauk mwe kasrup yohk lal.
[am] rejoicing I on word your like [one who] brings out plunder much.
163 Nga srunga ac kwase ma kikiap nukewa, A nga lungse ma sap lom.
Falsehood I hate and I abhor law your I love.
164 Pacl itkosr in len se nga fahkak kulo luk nu sum, Ke sripen nununku suwohs lom.
Seven [times] in the day I praise you on [the] judgments of righteousness your.
165 Elos su lungse ma sap lom elos muta in misla wo, Ac wangin kutena ma ac fah aktukulkulyelos.
Peace great [belongs] to [those who] love law your and not [belongs] to them a stumbling block.
166 LEUM GOD, nga soano kom in moliyula, Ac nga oru ma kom sapkin.
I wait for salvation your O Yahweh and commandments your I do.
167 Nga akos kas in luti lom, Ac lungse ma inge ke insiuk nufon.
It keeps self my testimonies your and I have loved them exceedingly.
168 Nga akos ma sap lom ac mwe luti lom; Kom liye ma nukewa nga oru.
I keep precepts your and testimonies your for all ways my [are] before you.
169 Lela pusren pang luk nu sum in sun kom, LEUM GOD! Ase etauk nu sik, oana kom tuh wulela.
May it draw near cry of entreaty my before you O Yahweh according to word your give understanding me.
170 Porongo pre luk, Ac moliyula, fal nu ke wulela lom!
May it come supplication my before you according to word your deliver me.
171 Nga fah kaksakin kom pacl e nukewa, Mweyen kom lutiyu ke ma sap lom.
May they pour forth lips my praise for you teach me decrees your.
172 Nga fah onkakin ma sap lom, Mweyen ma sap lom suwohs.
May it sing tongue my word your for all commandments your [are] righteousness.
173 Akola pacl nukewa in kasreyu, Tuh nga sulela in fahsr tukun ma sap lom.
May it be hand your [about] to help me for precepts your I have chosen.
174 O LEUM GOD, nga kena eis kasru sum in moliyula. Nga konauk engan in ma sap lom.
I long for salvation your O Yahweh and law your [is] delight my.
175 Lela nga in moul, tuh nga fah ku in kaksakin kom; Lela tuh mwe luti lom in kasreyu.
May it live self my so it may praise you and judgments your may they help me.
176 Nga nikinyula in fufahsryesr luk oana soko sheep tuhlac; Ke ma inge fahsru ac sukyu, mwet kulansap lom, Mweyen nga tiana pilesru ma sap lom.
I have gone astray like a sheep lost seek servant your for commandments your not I have forgotten.

< Psalm 119 >