< Soakas 6 >

1 Wen nutik, ya kom wulela in akfalye soemoul lun siena mwet?
My son, if thou hast become surety for another, If thou hast stricken hands for another,
2 Ya kom sremla ke kas lom sifacna, ac sruhu ke wulela lom sifacna?
If thou hast become ensnared by the words of thy mouth, If thou hast been caught by the words of thy mouth,
3 Ke ouinge, wen nutik, kom muta ye ku lun mwet sacn, tusruktu pa inge inkanek se ma ac ku in tulekomla liki uh: sulaklak nu yorol ac kwafe elan tulekomla.
Do this now, my son, and rescue thyself, —Since thou hast fallen into the hands of thy neighbor, —Go, prostrate thyself, and be urgent with thy neighbor!
4 Nimet motulla ku mongla nwe ke na kom orala.
Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids;
5 Srola liki kwasrip sacn oana sie won, ku soko deer ma kaingla liki sie mwet sruh kosro.
Rescue thyself, as a roe from the hand, And as a bird from the hand of the fowler.
6 Mwet alsrangesr uh enenu in lutlut ke ouiyen moul lun mak uh.
Go to the ant, O sluggard! Consider her ways, and be wise!
7 Wangin mwet kol, mwet fulat, ku mwet leum lalos,
She hath no governor, Nor overseer, nor ruler;
8 a elos etu in elosak mwe mongo nalos ke pacl fol, in akola nu ke pacl mihsrisr.
Yet she prepareth in the summer her food, She gathereth in the harvest her meat.
9 Mwet alsrangesr se ac oan nwe ngac? El ac tukakek ngac?
How long wilt thou lie in bed, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise from thy sleep?
10 El fahk, “Nga ac motullana kutu srisrik. Nga ac elongak pouk ac monglana kitin pacl.”
“A little sleep, —a little slumber, —A little folding of the hands to rest:”
11 A ke el motul, ma lal nukewa ac wanginla, oana in pisrapasrla sin sie mwet sulallal.
So shall thy poverty come upon thee like a robber, Yea, thy want, as an armed man!
12 Mwet lusrongten ac mwet koluk elos forfor ac kinauk kas kikiap.
A worthless wretch is the unrighteous man, Who walketh with a deceitful mouth;
13 Elos kotmwet ac oru mwe akul ke lumahlos in kiapwekom,
Who winketh with his eyes, Speaketh with his feet, And teacheth with his fingers.
14 ac pacl se na elos oru ma inge uh elos akoo in oru pwapa sulallal ma oan selos. Elos pirakak ma koluk yen nukewa.
Fraud is in his heart; He deviseth mischief continually; He scattereth contentions.
15 Ke ma inge mwe ongoiya ac fah sikyak nu selos tia suiyak pah, ac elos fah kunausyukla ac wangin kasru ku in orek nu selos.
Therefore shall calamity come upon him suddenly; In a moment shall he be destroyed, and that without remedy;
16 Oasr ma onkosr su LEUM GOD El srunga; aok, itkosr mwe srungayuk nu sel su El tia ku in muteng pa inge:
These six things doth the LORD hate; Yea, seven are an abomination to him:
17 Ngetnget filang, Loh kikiap, Po su aksororye srahn mwet wangin mwata,
Lofty eyes, a false tongue, And hands which shed innocent blood;
18 Sie inse su kinauk pwapa koluk, Ne su sa in kasrusr nu ke ma koluk,
A heart that contriveth wicked devices; Feet that are swift in running to mischief,
19 Sie mwet orek loh kikiap, Ac sie mwet su pirakak mwe sraclik in masrlon sou.
A false witness, that uttereth lies, And him that soweth discord among brethren.
20 Wen nutik, oru ma papa tomom el fahk nu sum, ac nik kom mulkunla ma nina kiom el luti kom kac.
Keep, O my son! the commandment of thy father, And forsake not the precepts of thy mother!
21 Sruokya kas lalos in oanna insiom pacl nukewa.
Bind them continually to thy heart, Tie them around thy neck!
22 Mwe luti lalos uh ac kol kom ke pacl kom fufahsryesr, ac karingin kom ke fong, ac akkalemye ma kom in oru ke len.
When thou goest forth, they shall guide thee; When thou sleepest, they shall watch over thee; And, when thou awakest, they shall talk with thee.
23 Mwe luti lalos uh sie kalem nu sum, ac kas in kai lalos ac fah luti kom ke ouiyen moul.
For the commandment is a lamp, and instruction a light; Yea, the rebukes of correction lead to life.
24 Ku in sruokkomi liki mutan koluk, ac liki kas in akmunas lun mutan kien kutena mukul saya.
They shall guard thee from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the unchaste woman.
25 Nimet sruhfla ke oasku lalos, nimet sremla ke elos kotmwet nu sum uh.
Desire not her beauty in thy heart, Nor let her catch thee with her eyelids;
26 Sie mukul ku in sang na molin lof in bread se in moli sie mutan kosro su eis molin kosro lal, tuh el fin orek kosro nu sin mutan kien siena mukul, ma lal nukewa ac fah wanginla.
For by a harlot a man is brought to a morsel of bread, And the adulteress layeth snares for the precious life.
27 Ya kom ku in us e iniwom ac nuknuk lom tia firiryak?
Can a man take fire into his bosom, And his clothes not be burned?
28 Ya kom ku in fahsr fin mulut fol ac niom tia folla?
Can one walk upon burning coals, And his feet not be scorched?
29 Sensen ke ma inge oapana ke kom utyak nu yurin mutan kien siena mukul. Kutena mwet su oru ouinge uh ac sun keok.
So is it with him who goeth in to his neighbor's wife; Whoever toucheth her shall not go unpunished.
30 Mwet uh tia arulana srunga mwet pusr el fin pisrapasr in akkihpyal ke el masrinsral;
Men do not overlook a thief, Though he steal to satisfy his appetite, when he is hungry;
31 a el fin koneyukyak, el enenu in akfalye pacl itkosr — el enenu in sang ma lal nukewa.
If found, he must repay sevenfold, And give up all the substance of his house.
32 Tusruktu sie mukul su orek kosro nu sin mutan kien siena mukul, wangin etauk lal. El sifacna oru ma ac kunausulla.
Whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding; He that doeth it destroyeth himself;
33 Ac fah akkolukyeyuk el, anwuk el, ac mwekin lal ac fah tiana wanginla nwe tok.
Blows and dishonor shall he get, And his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34 Wangin kasrkusrak lun sie mukul payuk ku in oana kasrkusrak lal ke el lemta; ac fah wangin nunak munas lal nu sin mukul sac ke pacl se el ac orek foloksak kac.
For jealousy is the fury of a man; He will not spare in the day of vengeance;
35 El ac fah tia eis kutena mwe moul in akfalye; wangin kutena mwe kite ku in akwoyela kasrkusrak lal uh.
And he will not pay regard to any ransom, Nor be content, though thou offer many gifts.

< Soakas 6 >