< Soakas 1 >

1 Soakas lal Solomon, wen natul David ac tokosra lun Israel.
The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel:
2 Soakas uh ma ac ku in kasrekom in ku in akilen lalmwetmet ac kas in kasru wowo, oayapa in kalem ke kas na loal kalmac.
That one may learn wisdom and instruction, And receive words of understanding;
3 Ku in luti kom ke moul in etauk, tuh moul lom in pwaye, suwohs, ac fal.
That one may gain the instruction of prudence, Justice, equity, and uprightness;
4 Ku in sang etauk nu sin sie mwet srik etu la, ac luti mwet fusr in pah in nunak.
Which will give caution to the simple, To the young man wisdom and discretion;
5 Soakas inge ku pac in akyokyelik etauk lun mwet lalmwetmet, ac sang inkanek pwaye nu sin mwet etauk
Let the wise man hear, and he will increase his knowledge, And the man of understanding will gain wise counsels;
6 tuh elos in ku in etu kalmac lukma lun soakas, ac kalmen pupulyuk lun mwet lalmwetmet.
So as to understand a proverb and a deep maxim, The words of the wise and their dark sayings.
7 Sangeng sin LEUM GOD pa mutaweyen etauk. Mwet lalfon uh pilesru lalmwetmet, ac srunga suk etauk.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
8 Tulik nutik, lohng kas in luti lun papa tomom ac nina kiom.
Hear, O my son! the instruction of thy father, And neglect not the teaching of thy mother!
9 Mwe luti lalos uh ac mwe nawu moul lom oana sie mwe yun nu fin sifom, ku sie mwe walwal nu inkwawom.
For they shall be a graceful wreath for thy head, And a chain around thy neck.
10 Tulik nutik, mwet koluk fin kwafe kom, nik kom wi.
My son, if sinners entice thee, Consent thou not!
11 Elos fin fahk, “Fahsru kut som kasriki sie mwet ah, ku kutu mwet wangin mwata, ac uniya mwe na pwar.
If they say, “Come with us, Let us lie in wait for blood, Let us lurk secretly for him who is innocent in vain;
12 Sahp pacl se kut ac sonolos elos ac moul na fokoko, tusruktu pacl se kut tari selos elos ac misa! (Sheol h7585)
Let us swallow them up alive, like the underworld, Yea, in full health, as those that go down into the pit; (Sheol h7585)
13 Kut ac konauk mwe kasrup pus ac nwakla lohm sesr ke ma kut pisrala.
We shall find all kinds of precious substance, We shall fill our houses with spoil;
14 Fahsru wi kut. Kut ac kitalik ma nukewa in oana sie nu sesr kewa.”
Thou shalt cast thy lot among us; We will all have one purse;”—
15 Tulik nutik, nimet wi mwet ouinge uh. Fahla lukelos.
My son, walk thou not in their way, Refrain thy foot from their path!
16 Elos rarala in oru ma koluk. Elos akola pacl nukewa in akmas.
For their feet run to evil, And make haste to shed blood.
17 Tia wo in akoo sie sruhf, ke won se ma kom ke sruokya uh el tu na liye,
For as the net is spread in vain Before the eyes of any bird,
18 mweyen mwet oru ouinge uh sifacna akoo mwe kwasrip nu selos, sie mwe kwasrip ma elos ac misa kac.
So they lie in wait for their own blood; They lurk secretly for their own lives.
19 Pacl nukewa, pisrapasr uh ac eisla moul lun mwet rapku — pa inge ma ac sikyak nu sin kutena mwet su moulkin moul sulallal.
Such are the ways of every one greedy of unjust gain; It taketh away the life of the possessor thereof.
20 Porongo! Lalmwetmet el pang inkanek uh ac in iwen kuka uh.
Wisdom crieth out in the highway; In the market-place she uttereth her voice;
21 El wowoyak ke mutunoa in siti uh, ac in acn nukewa mwet uh tukeni we:
At the head of the noisy streets she crieth aloud; At the entrances of the gates, throughout the city, she proclaimeth her words [[saying]]:
22 “Mwet lalfon, kowos ac lungse in lalfon putaka? Kowos ac pwarkin in aksruksruki etauk uh nwe ngac? Ya kowos ac tiana lutlut in etu mau?
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? How long will scoffers delight themselves in scoffing, And fools hate knowledge?
23 Lohng ke pacl nga kai kowos. Nga ac sot kas in kasru wo ac oayapa etauk luk nu suwos.
Turn ye at my reproof! Behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make known my words to you!
24 Nga tuh pangon kowos ac suli kowos in tuku, a kowos tia lungse lohng. Kowos likinsaiyu.
“Because I have called, and ye have refused, —Because I have stretched out my hand, and no one hath regarded.
25 Kowos pilesru kas in kasru luk nukewa, ac tia lungse nga in aksuwosye kowos.
Because ye have rejected all my counsel, And have slighted my rebuke, —
26 Ouinge ke pacl kowos ac sun ongoiya, nga fah isrun kowos. Nga ac fah aksruksruki kowos ke pacl mwe aksangeng uh sikyak —
I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 pacl se ac tuku nu fowos oana paka, ac use mwe ongoiya oana sie eng na upa, ac kowos muta in keok ac waiok.
When your fear cometh upon you like a storm. And destruction overtaketh you like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.
28 Na kowos ac fah pang nu ke lalmwetmet, tuh nga ac tia topuk. Kowos ac sukyu yen nukewa, tuh kowos ac tia ku in koneyuyak.
Then will they call upon me, but I will not answer! They will seek me early, But they shall not find me!
29 Wanginna pacl kowos lohang nu ke etauk, ac pacl nukewa kowos srunga akos LEUM GOD.
Because they have hated knowledge, And have not chosen the fear of the LORD, —
30 Kowos tiana lungse eis kas in kasru luk, ku porongo pacl nga aksuwosye kowos uh.
Because they would not attend to my counsel, And have despised all my reproof, —
31 Ke ma inge, kowos ac fah kosrani fal nu ke orekma lowos, ac pwapa koluk lowos ac tingilkowosi ac pwanang kowos maskin.
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own devices;
32 Mwet selalkung uh misa ke sripen elos pilesru lalmwetmet. Mwet lalfon uh kunausyukla ke nunak in aksrikyaten lalos.
Yea, the turning away of the simple shall slay them, And the carelessness of fools shall destroy them.
33 Tusruktu, kutena mwet su lohngyu fah muta in misla. Moul lal ac fah wo, ac el ac fah tia enenu in sangeng ke kutena ma.”
But whoso hearkeneth to me shall dwell securely, And shall not be disquieted with the fear of evil.”

< Soakas 1 >