< Micah 6 >

1 Kowos in lohng ma LEUM GOD El lain Israel kac. Tuyak, O LEUM GOD, ac fahk ma kom lain Israel kac. Lela fineol uh ac inging uh in lohng ma kom fahk an.
Hear ye what Jehovah saith! Arise, contend thou before the mountains, And let the hills hear thy voice!
2 Kowos eol uh, su pwelung kawil lun faclu, porongo mwe nununku lun LEUM GOD! Oasr ma se LEUM GOD El nununku mwet lal kac. El ac srukak sie kas in tukak in lain Israel.
Hear, O ye mountains, the controversy of Jehovah! Hear, ye strong foundations of the earth! For Jehovah hath a controversy with his people; He contendeth with Israel.
3 LEUM GOD El fahk, “Mwet luk, mea nga oru koluk nu suwos uh? Nga aktoasrye kowos fuka? Topukyu.
“O my people, what have I done to thee, And wherein have I offended thee? Testify against me!
4 Nga uskowosme liki Egypt. Nga tulekowosla liki kohs. Nga supwalot Moses, Aaron, ac Miriam in tuh pwenkowosla.
I brought thee up from the land of Egypt, And from the house of bondage I redeemed thee; I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, to go before thee.
5 Mwet luk, esam ma Tokosra Balak lun Moab el tuh akoo in oru nu suwos, ac mea Balaam, wen natul Beor, el topuk nu sel. Esam ma tuh sikyak ke kowos fahsr liki nien aktuktuk Acacia nu Gilgal. Esam ma inge ac kowos fah akilen ma nga tuh oru in molikowosla.”
O my people, remember what Balak the king of Moab devised. And what Balaam, the son of Beor, answered him, What happened from Shittim to Gilgal, That ye may know the mercies of Jehovah.”
6 Mea nga ac use nu sin LEUM GOD lun kusrao, ke nga ac tuku in alu nu sel? Ya nga ac use cow fusr ma wo emeet in mwe kisa firir nu sel?
Wherewith shall I come before Jehovah, And bow myself before the most high God? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, With calves of a year old?
7 Ya LEUM GOD El fah insewowo nga fin use pus liki tausin sheep mukul nu yorol, ku pus liki singoul infacl in oil in olive? Ya nga ac kisakin wounse se nutik in sang moli ma koluk luk?
Will Jehovah be pleased with thousands of rams, Or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for the sin of my soul, The fruit of my body for my transgression?
8 Mo, LEUM GOD El fahk tari nu sesr lah mea wo uh. Ma El enenu sesr uh inge: in oru ma suwohs, in moulkin lungse pacl e nukewa, ac in moul in inse pusisel yurin God lasr.
He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; What doth Jehovah require of thee, But to do justly, and to love mercy, And to walk humbly before thy God?
9 Sie mwet fin lalmwetmet el ac etu in sangeng sin LEUM GOD. LEUM GOD El pang nu sin mwet in siti Jerusalem ac fahk, “Lohng, kowos mwet su fahsreni nu in siti uh!
The voice of Jehovah crieth to the city, And the man of wisdom will discern thee; Hear ye the rod, and who hath threatened it!
10 Oasr ma saok in lohm sin mwet koluk uh, su elos eisla ke inkanek kutasrik. Elos orekmakin mwe srikasrak kikiap, sie ouiya su nga kwase.
Are there not yet in the houses of the unrighteous the treasures of iniquity, And the scanty measure, which is abominable?
11 Nga ac nunak munas fuka nu sin mwet su orekmakin mwe paun sutuu ac srikasrak kikiap?
Shall I count her pure with the wicked balances, And with the bag of deceitful weights?
12 Mwet kasrup lowos aklalfonye mwet sukasrup, ac kowos nukewa mwet kikiap.
For her rich men are full of violence, And her inhabitants speak lies, And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.
13 Ke ma inge nga mutawauk tari in sot mwe ongoiya nu suwos, in kunauskowosla ke sripen ma koluk lowos.
Therefore will I sorely smite thee, And make thee desolate on account of thy sins.
14 Kowos ac mongo ac tia kihpi — aok, kowos ac masrinsral na. Kowos ac telak ma uh, a ac tia ku in oan paht yuruwos. Kutena ma lula yuruwos nga fah kunausla ke mweun.
Thou shalt eat and not be satisfied, And hunger shall be within thee. Thou shalt remove, but shalt not save, And what thou savest will I give up to the sword.
15 Kowos ac taknelik wheat, tuh tia ku in kosrani kac. Kowos ac fule oil liki olive, tuh koflana orekmakin. Kowos ac orek wain, tuh tiana nim kac.
Thou shalt sow, but shalt not reap; Thou shalt tread the olives, but shalt not anoint thee with oil, And the grapes, but shalt not drink the wine.
16 Ma inge fah sikyak mweyen kowos fahsr tukun ouiya koluk lal Tokosra Omri ac Tokosra Ahab, wen natul, ac tafwelana in oru oakwuk laltal. Ke ma inge nga fah kunauskowosla, ac mwet nukewa ac fah srungakowos. Mutanfahl nukewa fah aklusrongtenye kowos.”
For ye keep the statutes of Omri, And all the works of the house of Ahab, And walk in their devices; Therefore will I make thee a desolation, And thine inhabitants a derision; And ye shall bear the reproach of my people.

< Micah 6 >