< Mark 8 >

1 Tia paht toko, sie pac u lula sifil fahsreni. Ac ke wangin ma nalos, Jesus el pangon mwet tumal lutlut nu yorol ac fahk.
In those days, the multitude being large, and having nothing which they may eat, Jesus calling His disciples, says to them,
2 “Nga pakomuta mwet inge ke sripen elos muta yuruk len tolu lac, ac inge wangin mongo nalos.
I sympathize with the multitude because three days already abide unto me, and they have nothing which they may eat.
3 Nga fin supwalosla nu yen selos ke elos tia mongo, elos ac mulalla inkanek uh, mweyen kutu selos tuku yen loesla me.”
If I shall send them away to their homes fasting, they will faint on the road; indeed some of them have come from afar.
4 Ac mwet tumal lutlut elos siyuk sel, “Mwe mongo ma ac fal in kiteya mwet inge nukewa ac tuku ya me, ke acn se inge acn mwesis se?”
And His disciples responded, Whence shall any one be able to feed these with bread in the desert?
5 Jesus el siyuk selos, “Lof ekasr oasr yuruwos?” Ac elos topuk, “Lof itkosr.”
And He asked them, How much bread have you? And they said, Seven loaves.
6 Ac el sap nu sin u lulap sac in muta infohk uh. Na el eis lof itkosr inge, ac sang kulo nu sin God. El kunsalik ac sang nu sin mwet tumal lutlut tuh elos in kitalik nu sin u lulap sac, ac elos oru oana el fahk.
He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground; and taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, He broke, and gave them to His disciples, that they may dispense them; and they presented them to the multitude.
7 Oayapa oasr kutu ik srisrik yorolos. Ac Jesus el pre kac ac el sap mwet tumal lutlut in kitalik pac nu selos.
And they had a few fishes: and blessing them, He delivered them.
8 Elos nukewa mongo ac kihpi. Ac elos srukak luwen mongo uh, oasr kuom itkosr.
And they ate, and were filled: and they took up the residue of the fragments, seven baskets.
9 Pisen mwet uh akuran tausin akosr. Tukunna Jesus el supwalosla,
And those eating were about four thousand. And He sent them away.
10 el sroang nu fin oak soko wi mwet tumal lutlut, ac elos kalla nu Dalmanutha.
And immediately having gone into the ship with His disciples, He came to the parts of Dalmanutha.
11 Kutu mwet Pharisee tuku nu yurin Jesus ac mutawauk in akukuin nu sel. Elos kena srikal, ouinge elos siyuk tuh elan oru sie mwe akul in akkalemye lah ku lal ma inkusrao me.
And the Pharisees came out, and began to question Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven. tempting Him.
12 Jesus el arulana oela ac fahk, “Efu ku mwet in pacl inge suk sie mwe akul? Pwayena nga fahk nu suwos, wangin mwe akul ac fah itukyang nu sin mwet inge!”
And groaning in spirit, He says, What sign does this generation seek after? truly I say unto you, No sign shall be given unto this generation.
13 Ac el fahsr lukelos, ac sroang nu fin oak uh ac som nu lefahlo.
And having left them, coming in again He departed to the other side.
14 Mwet tumal lutlut elos mulkunla in us bread ma ac fal nu selos, na lof soko na oasr yorolos fin oak uh.
And they forgot to take bread; and had but one loaf with them in the ship.
15 Jesus el sensenkakinulos ac fahk, “Kowos in taran ac liyekowosyang liki mwe akpulol lun mwet Pharisee ac lal Herod.”
And He commanded them, saying, See, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
16 Na elos mutawauk in asiyuki inmasrlolos ac fahk, “El fahk ma inge mweyen wangin bread yorosr.”
And they were reasoning to one another, saying, It is because we have not bread.
17 Jesus el etu ma elos fahk, ouinge el siyuk selos, “Efu kowos ku kaskaskin lah wangin bread? Ya kowos soenna etu ku kalem kac? Ya arulana lohsr nunkowos?
And Jesus knowing says to them, Why do you reason because you have not bread? do you not yet know, nor understand? have you your heart still hardened?
18 Oasr motowos, ya kowos tia liye? Oasr pac insrewos, ya kowos tia lohng? Ya kowos tia esam
Having eyes, do you not see? having ears, do you not hear? and do you not remember?
19 ke nga tuh kunsalik lof limekosr nu sin mwet tausin limekosr ah? Kuom ekasr sessesla ke luwen mongo kowos tuh srukak ah?” Elos fahk nu sel, “Kuom singoul luo.”
When I broke the five loaves to the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They say to Him, Twelve.
20 Ac el siyuk selos, “Ac ke pacl se nga kunsalik lof itkosr nu sin mwet tausin akosr ah, kuom ekasr sessesla ke luwen mwe mongo kowos tuh srukak ah?” Elos fahk, “Kuom itkosr.”
And when the seven loaves to the four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? And they said, Seven.
21 Ac el fahk nu selos, “Ac kowos soena kalem kac?”
And He said to them, Do you not yet understand?
22 Elos tuku nu Bethsaida, ac kutu mwet ah use sie mwet kun nu yurin Jesus, ac kwafe sel elan kahlilya.
And they come into Bethsaida: and they bring Him a blind man, and they intreat Him that He may touch him.
23 Jesus el sruokya paol ac kololla liki siti uh. Ac ke el aniya mutal, el filiya paol nu facl ac siyuk sel, “Ya oasr ma kom ku in liye?”
And taking the blind man by the hand, He led him out of the village; and spitting in his eyes, putting His hands on him, He asked him, if he sees anything.
24 Ac mwet sac ngetak ac fahk, “Aok, nga ku in liye mwet, elos forfor tuh elos oana luman sak.”
And looking up he said, I see the men walking about like trees.
25 Na Jesus el sifil filiya paol fin mutal. Ac mukul sac ngetang na suiya, na el kwela ac el ku in liye ma nukewa arulana kalem.
Then again He put His hands on his eyes, and he looked up; and was restored, and saw all things distinctly.
26 Na Jesus el supwalla nu yen sel, ac wili nu sel ac fahk, “Nik kom folokla nu in siti ah.”
And He sent him to his own house, saying, Go not into the village.
27 Na Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut elos som nu in siti srisrik oan apkuran nu Caesarea Philipi. Ke elos fahsr inkanek uh, el siyuk selos, “Mea mwet uh fahk keik? Elos mu su nga uh?”
And Jesus and His disciples went away into the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way He asked His disciples, saying to them, Whom do the people say that I am?
28 Ac elos topuk ac fahk, “Kutu mwet uh fahk mu kom pa John Baptais, ac kutu fahk mu kom pa Elijah, ac kutu fahk mu kom pa siena sin mwet palu ah.”
And they answered Him saying, John the Baptist: and others, Elijah; and others, One of the prophets.
29 Ac el siyuk selos, “A kowos? Kowos fahk mu su nga uh?” Ac Peter el topuk ac fahk, “Kom pa Messiah.”
And He asked them, Whom do you say that I am? And Peter responding says to Him, Thou art the Christ.
30 Na Jesus el sap ku nu selos, “Nik kowos fahkak ma inge nu sin kutena mwet.”
And He charged them that they should speak to no one concerning Him.
31 Na Jesus el mutawauk in luti mwet tumal lutlut ac fahk, “Wen nutin Mwet el ac fah keok ke ma puspis. Un mwet matu ac mwet tol fulat ac mwet luti Ma Sap elos fah sisella. El ac fah anwuki, tuh tukun len tolu el fah sifilpa moulyak.”
And He began to teach them, that it behooves the Son of man to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests and the scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to rise.
32 El fahkak ma inge lemtulauk nu selos. Ouinge Peter el usalla nu saya ac mutawauk in kael.
And He was boldly speaking the word. And Peter taking Him to him began to rebuke Him.
33 A Jesus el tapulla ac liye mwet tumal lutlut, na el kael Peter ac fahk nu sel, “Fahla likiyu, Satan! Nunak lom tia ma sin God, a nunak lun mwet!”
And He turning and seeing His disciples rebuked Peter, and says, Get behind me, adversary: because thou art not thinking the things of God, but those of men.
34 Na Jesus el pangonma un mwet uh wi mwet tumal lutlut nu yorol ac fahk nu selos, “Kutena mwet fin lungse wiyu, el enenu in sifacna lafwekunulla, srukak sakseng lal ac fahsr tukuk.
And calling the multitude to Him with His disciples, He said to them, Whosoever wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
35 Tuh el su lungse molela moul lal, ac fah tuhlac lukel. A el su moul lal tuhlac lukel keik ac ke Wosasu, fah molela moul lal.
For whosoever may wish to save his soul shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his soul for my sake and that of the gospel shall save it.
36 Ac tuh mwe mea nu sin sie mwet el fin eis faclu nufon tuh in ma lal, a moul lal tuhlac lukel? Wangin sripa!
For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37 Ac fah wanginna ma el ku in sang aolla moul lal.
For what would a man give in exchange for his soul?
38 Sie mwet fin mwekyekinyu ac mwe lutlut luk inmasrlon fil se inge su arulana koluk ac tia inse pwaye nu sin God, na Wen nutin Mwet el ac fah oayapa mwekyekunul ke pacl se el ac tuku in wolana lun Papa tumal wi un lipufan mutal.”
For whosoever may be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and wicked generation, the Son of man shall also be ashamed of him, when He may come in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.

< Mark 8 >