< Job 5 >

1 “Job, srike pang ac liye lah oasr mwet ac topuk kom. Ya oasr lipufan kom ac ku in nget nu se?
Call now, see if any will answer thee! And to which of the holy ones wilt thou look?
2 Sie mwet el fin inse koluk ac sruokyana mulat lal, El lalfon, mweyen ouiya inge ku in unilya.
Verily grief destroyeth the fool, And wrath consumeth the weak man.
3 Oasr kutu mwet na lalfon nga liye oana in mutana okak, Tusruktu nga pangon mu selngawiyuki lohm selos.
I have seen an impious man taking root, But soon I cursed his habitation.
4 Tulik natulos tia ku in konauk acn elos in wikla we; Ac wangin mwet tuyak in kasrelos ke pacl nununkeyuk elos.
His children are far from safety; They are oppressed at the gate, and there is none to deliver them.
5 Mwet masrinsral ac fah kangla fokin ima lun mwet lalfon inge — Finne ma su kapak inmaslon kokul uh — Ac mwet malu elos fah sok selos ke sripen kasrup lalos.
His harvest the hungry devour, Carrying it even through the thorns; And a snare gapeth after his substance.
6 Ma koluk uh tia kapak infohk uh, Ku mwe lokoalok tuku ye fohk uh me.
For affliction cometh not from the dust, Nor doth trouble spring up from the ground;
7 Mo na mo! Mwet uh sifacna orala mwe lokoalok nu selos, Oana ke kosran e uh ac pisryak liki e uh.
Behold, man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.
8 “Funu nga pa kom, nga lukun forla nu sin God Ac fahkyuyak nu sel.
I would look to God, And to God would I commit my cause,
9 Kut tia ku in kalem ke orekma usrnguk lal uh, Ac mwenmen ma El oru inge, wangin safla kac.
Who doeth great things and unsearchable; Yea, marvellous things without number;
10 El supwama af nu fin acn uh, Ac aksroksrokyauk infohk uh.
Who giveth rain upon the earth, And sendeth water upon the fields;
11 Aok, pwaye lah God El akmwetyalos su pusisel, Ac akpwaryalos nukewa su muta in asor.
Who placeth the lowly in high places, And restoreth the afflicted to prosperity;
12 El kunausla pwapa sulal lun mwet kutasrik, Ac oru tuh paolos in tiana orala ma elos ke oru.
Who disappointeth the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot perform their enterprises;
13 El sruokya mwet orek lalmwetmet ke ma elos sifacna nunkauk, Pwanang ako sulallal lalos sa na fosla;
Who taketh the wise in their own craftiness, And bringeth to nought the counsel of the artful.
14 Finne infulwen len, a elos ac kahlimin acn uh in lohsr.
They meet with darkness in the daytime; They grope at noon as if it were night.
15 Tusruktu God El molela mwet sukasrup uh liki misa, Ac karingin mwet enenu uh liki mwe keok.
So he saveth the persecuted from their mouth; The oppressed from the hand of the mighty.
16 El sang finsrak nu sin mwet sukasrup ac kaliya oalin mwet koluk.
So the poor hath hope, And iniquity stoppeth her mouth.
17 “Insewowo mwet se su God El kai! Nimet kom srunga El fin kai kom.
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth; Therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.
18 God El sifacna losya kinet su El kanteya; Paol fin kantekomi, na paol ac sifil pacna akkeyekomla.
For he bruiseth, and bindeth up; He woundeth, and his hands make whole.
19 In pacl na pus El ac molikomla liki mwe ongoiya;
In six troubles will he deliver thee; Yea, in seven shall no evil touch thee.
20 Ke pacl in sracl El ac fah karingin moul lom, Ac in pacl in mweun El ac fah liyekomyang liki misa.
In famine he will redeem thee from death, And in war from the power of the sword.
21 God El ac fah loangekom liki kas kikiap lun mwet keim; Ac molikomla ke pacl mwe kunausten lulap sikyak.
Thou shalt be safe from the scourge of the tongue, And shalt not be afraid of destruction, when it cometh.
22 Ke pacl ongoiya ac sracl tuku, kom ac fah israsr na kac, Ac kom ac fah tia sangeng ke kosro lemnak.
At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh, And of the wild beasts of the land shalt thou not be afraid.
23 Acn ma kom pikin nu ke ima lom, ac fah wangin eot we; Kosro lemnak ac fah tiana anwuk nu sum.
For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field; Yea, the beasts of the forest shall be at peace with thee.
24 Na kom ac fah muta in misla in lohm nuknuk sum; Ac ke kom ac som liye un sheep nutum, wangin ma koluk sikyak nu selos.
Thou shalt find that thy tent is in peace; Thou shalt visit thy dwelling, and not be disappointed.
25 Ac fah arulana pus tulik nutum Oana pusiyen mah inima uh.
Thou shalt see thy descendants numerous, And thine offspring as the grass of the earth.
26 Kom ac fah moul nwe ke na kom matuoh, Oana wheat su oan nwe matula ke pacl in kosrani.
Thou shalt come to thy grave in full age, As a shock of corn gathered in its season.
27 Job, kut etu ma inge mweyen kut lutlut kac ke pacl na loes. Wona kom in lulalfongi, mweyen ma inge ma na pwaye.”
Lo! this we have searched out; so it is: Hear it, and lay it up in thy mind!

< Job 5 >