< Job 37 >

1 Eng upa uh oru insiuk kihmkim arulana upa.
“Yes, at this my heart trembles, and is moved out of its place.
2 Kowos nukewa porongo pusren God, Ac lohng pusren pulahl su tuku ke oalul me.
Hear, oh, hear the noise of his voice, the sound that goes out of his mouth.
3 El supu sarom uh sasla in acn engyeng uh, Liki tafun faclu nwe ke tafun yen ngia.
He sends it out under the whole sky, and his lightning to the ends of the earth.
4 Na ngirngir lun pusracl lohngyukyak, Pusra ku ac fulat lun pulahl uh Ac sarom uh wi pacna fahsr.
After it a voice roars. He thunders with the voice of his majesty. He doesn’t hold back anything when his voice is heard.
5 Ke sap ku lun God, ma na usrnguk sikyak, Ma na yohk su kut tia ku in kalem kac.
God thunders marvellously with his voice. He does great things, which we can’t comprehend.
6 El sap snow uh in putati nu faclu, Ac supu af na matol in kurrauk faclu.
For he says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ likewise to the shower of rain, and to the showers of his mighty rain.
7 El tulokinya orekma lun mwet uh; El oru in kalem selos ma El ku in oru.
He seals up the hand of every man, that all men whom he has made may know it.
8 Kosro lemnak uh som nu in luf kialos.
Then the animals take cover, and remain in their dens.
9 Eng in paka tuku eir me, Ac ohu na upa tuku epang me.
Out of its room comes the storm, and cold out of the north.
10 Momong lun God orala kof uh in kekela, Ac ekulla kof uh nu ke ice matoltol.
By the breath of God, ice is given, and the width of the waters is frozen.
11 Sarom uh ac sarmelik liki pukunyeng uh,
Yes, he loads the thick cloud with moisture. He spreads abroad the cloud of his lightning.
12 Ke ac mukuiyak oana ma lungse lun God. Sarom uh ac oru ma nukewa ma God El sapkin uh, In acn nukewa fin faclu.
It is turned around by his guidance, that they may do whatever he commands them on the surface of the habitable world,
13 God El supwama af in aksroksrokye faclu; Sahp El supwama in kai mwet uh, Ku in akkalemye insewowo lal.
whether it is for correction, or for his land, or for loving kindness, that he causes it to come.
14 “Job, mislawin ac porongo; Srike nunku ke orekma usrnguk God El oru uh.
“Listen to this, Job. Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.
15 Ya kom etu lah God El sapsap fuka Ac oru tuh sarom uh in sarmelik liki pukunyeng uh?
Do you know how God controls them, and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine?
16 Ya kom etu lah pukunyeng uh sohksok fuka yen engyeng uh, Su ma orek ke ku sakirik lun God?
Do you know the workings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge?
17 Mo, kom ac arulana fol, Ke pacl se eng fol lun acn eir uh tuhme.
You whose clothing is warm when the earth is still by reason of the south wind?
18 Mea, kom ku in kasru God laknelik acn lucng Ac oru tuh in ku oana sie osra ma tuktuki ac akfwelyeyukla?
Can you, with him, spread out the sky, which is strong as a cast metal mirror?
19 Luti nu sesr ma kut in fahk nu sin God; Kut lohsrla; wanginla ma kut ku in fahk.
Teach us what we will tell him, for we can’t make our case by reason of darkness.
20 Nga ac tia suk ngan kaskas nu sin God; Mwe mea ngan sang pacl lal in kunausyula?
Will it be told him that I would speak? Or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?
21 “Ac inge, kalem lucng me uh arulana saromrom; Upala kalem kac uh, kut tia ku in ngetang nu kac; Ac eng uh aknasnasyela yen engyeng uh.
Now men don’t see the light which is bright in the skies, but the wind passes, and clears them.
22 Sie kalem na saromrom liyeyuk epang me, Ac wolana lun God arulana aksangengyekutla.
Out of the north comes golden splendour. With God is awesome majesty.
23 Ku lun God uh arulana yokla — kut tia ku in kalukyang nu yorol; El suwoswos ac pwayena ke ma El oru nu sin mwet uh.
We can’t reach the Almighty. He is exalted in power. In justice and great righteousness, he will not oppress.
24 Ke ouinge uh, ac tia sukok lah efu ku mwet uh sangeng sel, Ac lah efu ku El tia lohang nu selos su sifacna oru mu elos lalmwetmet.”
Therefore men revere him. He doesn’t regard any who are wise of heart.”

< Job 37 >