< Jeremiah 27 >

1 Tia paht tukun Zedekiah wen natul Josiah el tokosrala lun Judah, LEUM GOD El fahk nu sik
In the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, came this word to Jeremiah from Jehovah.
2 ngan orala soko mwe utuk ke sak ac kapriya ke kulun kosro ac filiya fin kwawuk.
Thus said Jehovah to me: Make thee bands and yokes, and put them upon thy neck,
3 Na LEUM GOD El fahk nu sik in supwala kas nu sin tokosra lun Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, ac Sidon, sin mwet fulat aolyalos su tuku nu Jerusalem in sonol Tokosra Zedekiah.
and send them to the king of Edom, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the children of Ammon, and to the king of Tyre, and to the king of Zidon, by the hands of the messengers that are come to Jerusalem, to Zedekiah, king of Judah.
4 LEUM GOD Kulana, God lun Israel, El fahk nu sik in sapkin nu selos tuh elos in fahk nu sin tokosra lalos lah LEUM GOD El fahk ouinge:
And command them to say to their masters, Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Thus shall ye say to your masters:
5 “Ke ku lulap ac po kulana luk, nga orala faclu, mwet uh, ac ma orakrak nukewa su oasr faclu, na nga sang nu sin kutena mwet su nga sulela.
The earth, and the men and the beasts which are upon the earth, have I made by my great power and my outstretched arm, and I give it to whomsoever it seemeth meet to me.
6 Nga pa sang mutunfacl inge nukewa nu ye ku lun mwet kulansap luk, Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar lun Babylonia, ac nga oru tuh finne kosro lemnak uh ac wi pac orekma nu sel.
And now I give all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant; the beasts of the field also I give him to serve him.
7 Mutunfacl nukewa fah kulansupwal, ac elos fah oayapa kulansupu wen natul ac wen nutin natul, nwe ke sun pacl se mutunfacl sel uh ac musalla. Na mutunfacl sel ac fah kulansupu mutunfacl kulana ac tokosra fulat lalos.
And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the time of his land, even his, shall come, and then shall many nations and great kings make him their servant.
8 Tusruktu fin oasr kutena mutunfacl ku tokosrai su tia akos sap lal, na nga ac kai mutunfacl sacn ke mweun, sracl, ac mas lulap, nwe ke nga lela Nebuchadnezzar elan kunauselos nufon.
And the nation and the kingdom that will not serve him, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, —with the sword and with famine and with pestilence will I punish that nation, saith Jehovah, until I have consumed them by his hand.
9 Nik kowos porongo mwet palu lowos, ku kutena mwet su fahk mu el ku in palye pacl fahsru uh — ke mweme, ku ke lolngok yurin mwet misa, ku ke inutnut. Elos nukewa fahk mu kowos in tia kulansupu tokosra lun Babylonia.
Therefore hearken ye not to your prophets, and your diviners, and your dreamers, your soothsayers, and your sorcerers, who say to you, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon.
10 Elos kiapwekowos, ac elos ac oru in utukla kowos nu yen loesla liki acn suwos. Nga fah liskowosla, ac kowos fah kunausyukla.
For they prophesy a lie to you, to remove you far from your land, and that I should drive you out, and that ye should perish.
11 Tusruktu fin oasr kutena mutunfacl su akpusiselyal nu sin tokosra Babylonia ac orekma nu sel, na nga ac lela elan mutana in facl sel sifacna ac imai. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.”
But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I let remain still in their own land, saith Jehovah, and they shall till it, and dwell therein.
12 Nga tuh fahk oapana nu sel Tokosra Zedekiah lun Judah: “Eiskowosyang nu sin tokosra Babylonia. Kulansupwal ac mwet lal, ac kowos fah moul.
And to Zedekiah, king of Judah, also, spake I according to all these words, and said: Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, and live.
13 Efu ku kom ac mwet lom in misa ke mweun, ku ke sracl, ku ke mas upa? Pa ingan ma LEUM GOD El fahk mu ac sikyak nu sin kutena mutunfacl ma tia fungyang nu sin tokosra lun Babylonia.
Why will ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence, as Jehovah hath spoken concerning the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?
14 Nimet porongo mwet palu su fahk mu kowos in tia filikowosyang nu sel. Elos kiapwekowos.
Therefore hearken not to the prophets, that say to you, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon; for they prophesy a lie to you.
15 LEUM GOD sifacna El fahk mu El tiana supwalos, ac elos kikiap nu suwos Inel. Ke ma inge El fah liskowosla, ac kowos ac fah anwuki — kowos ac mwet palu su fahk kas kikiap inge nu suwos.”
For I have not sent them, saith Jehovah; but they prophesy a lie in my name, that I may drive you out, and that ye may perish, ye and the prophets that prophesy to you.
16 Na nga fahkang nu sin mwet tol ac mwet uh lah LEUM GOD El fahk: “Nimet porongo mwet palu su fahk mu ma saok lun Tempul fah folokinyukme liki acn Babylonia ke pacl na sa. Elos kikiap nu suwos.
To the priests, also, and to all the people; spake I, saying, Thus saith Jehovah: Hearken not to the words of your prophets who prophesy to you, and say, Behold the vessels of the house of Jehovah shall be brought back from Babylon now shortly; for they prophesy a lie to you.
17 Nimet porongalos! Filikowosyang nu inpoun tokosra Babylonia ac kowos fah moul! Efu ku siti se inge in sie acn oan musalla?
Hearken ye not to them; serve the king of Babylon, and live! Why should this city become a desolation?
18 Elos fin mwet palu pwaye, ac fin kas luk pa oasr selos, lela elos in siyuk sik, LEUM GOD Kulana, in tia fuhlela ma saok lula in Tempul ac inkul fulat lun tokosra, in utukla nu Babylonia.” (
But if they be indeed prophets, and if the word of Jehovah be with them, let them now make intercession to Jehovah of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of Jehovah, and in the house of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem, may not go to Babylon.
19 Tuh pa inge ma LEUM GOD Kulana El fahk ke sru, ke tacng bronze, ke mwe wiwa, ac kutu pac ma saok lula in Tempul.
For thus saith Jehovah of hosts concerning the pillars, and concerning the sea, and concerning the bases, and concerning the residue of the vessels that are let in this city,
20 Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar lun Babylonia el tuh tia usla ma inge ke pacl se el usalla Tokosra Jehoiachin lun Judah, wen natul Jehoiakim, ac mwet leum nukewa lun Judah ac Jerusalem, liki Jerusalem nu in sruoh in acn Babylonia.)
which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, took not, when he carried away captive Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, from Jerusalem to Babylon, with all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem;
21 “Lohng ma nga LEUM GOD Kulana, God lun Israel, fahk ke ma saok lula in Tempul, oayapa in lohm sin tokosra in acn Jerusalem:
yea, thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that are left in the house of Jehovah, and in the house of the king of Judah and of Jerusalem:
22 Ma inge ac fah utukla nu Babylonia, na ac fah oan we nwe ke pacl se nga sifil lohang nu kac. Toko nga fah folokonma ac filiya in acn se inge. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.”
They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day when I shall visit them, saith Jehovah. Then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place.

< Jeremiah 27 >