< Jeremiah 20 >

1 Pashhur, wen natul Immer, el sie mwet tol su sifen mwet liyaung inkul in Tempul. Ke el lohng ke nga fahkak ma inge
Now Pashur, the son of Immer, the priest, who was also chief overseer in the house of Jehovah, heard Jeremiah prophesying these things.
2 el sap in sringsring nga ac kapiri ke mwe kapir apkuran nu ke Mutunpot Benjamin, ma oan lucng ke Tempul.
Then Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks, that were at the high gate of Benjamin, which was in the house of Jehovah.
3 Lotutang tok ah, tukun Pashhur el tuleyula liki mwe kapir, nga fahk nu sel, “LEUM GOD El fahk mu ac tia sifil pangpang kom Pashhur, a ac fah pangpang kom ‘Sangeng Yen Nukewa.’
And on the next day Pashur took Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah to him, Jehovah calleth thee, not Pashur, but Magor-missabib [[not Safety on every side, but Terror on every side]].
4 LEUM GOD El sifacna fahk mu, ‘Nga ac fah oru kom in sie mwe aksangeng nu sum sifacna ac nu sin mwet kawuk lom, ac kom ac fah liye ke elos nukewa anwuki ke cutlass nutin mwet lokoalok lalos. Nga ac fah filiya mwet Judah nukewa ye ku lun tokosra Babylonia. El ac fah usla kutu selos in mwet kapir nu in facl sel, ac uniya mwet lula.
For thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I am about to make thee a terror to thyself and to all thy friends; and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, thine eyes looking on; and all Judah will I give into the hand of the king of Babylon, who shall carry them captive to Babylon, and shall smite them with the sword.
5 Nga fah oayapa lela mwet lokoalok lalos in usla mwe kasrup nukewa in siti se inge, ac sruokya ma lalos nukewa oayapa acn selos, wi pac ma saok lun tokosra Judah, ac usla ma nukewa nu Babylonia.
And I will give all the wealth of this city, and all its possessions, and all its precious things, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give, into the hand of their enemies, and they shall spoil them, and take them and carry them to Babylon.
6 A funu kom, Pashhur, kom ac sou lom nukewa fah oayapa sruoh ac utukla nu Babylonia. Kom ac fah misa ac pukpuki we, wi mwet kawuk lom nukewa su kom fahk kas kikiap puspis nu se.’”
And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thy house, shall go into captivity; thou shalt go to Babylon, and there shalt thou die, and there shalt thou be buried, thou, and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied falsely.
7 LEUM GOD, kom kifasla insiuk Na nga tari wikomla. Kom ku likiyu, Ac kom kutangyula. Mwet nukewa aksruksrukyeyu. Elos tia tui in isrunyu.
Thou didst persuade me, O Jehovah, and I was persuaded; Thou wast stronger than I, and didst prevail. But I am in derision daily, Every one mocketh me.
8 Pacl nukewa nga kaskas uh, yokla pusrek, Ac nga wowoyak ac fahk, “Yokna sulallal ac kunausten!” LEUM GOD, aksruksrukyeyuk nga ac angonyuk nga pacl nukewa Mweyen nga sulkakin kas lom.
For whenever I speak, I cry out on account of violence, And complain of oppression; For the word of Jehovah bringeth upon me reproach, And daily derision.
9 A nga fin fahk mu, “Nga ac fah mulkunla LEUM GOD Ac tia sifilpa kaskas ke Inel,” Na kas lom uh oana sie e in nga Ma firir in sri keik uh. Nga srike kuiyuk in sruokyana, Tusruktu nga tia ku in kutongya.
So I say, I will no more make mention of him, Nor speak any more in his name; But his word is in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones, And I am weary with forbearing, And I cannot refrain.
10 Nga lohng ke mwet nukewa mahmah mu, “Mwe aksangeng oasr yen nukewa! Lela kut in tukakunulak nu sin mwet fulat lasr!” Finne kawuk fototo luk elos soano nga in ikori. Elos fahk mu, “Sahp kut ac ku in kiapwella, Na kut fah sruokilya ac oru foloksak lasr nu sel.”
For I hear the slander of many, terror on every side; “Tell us something against him, and we will denounce him.” All my familiar friends, they who leave not my side, [[say, ]] “Perhaps he will be enticed, So that we may prevail against him, And take our revenge on him.”
11 Tusruktu, LEUM GOD, kom wiyu lac, ac kom kulana, Elos su kalyeiyu tia ku in kutangyula. Elos fah akmwekinyeyuk nwe tok, Mweyen elos tia ku in sun finsrak lalos. Mwekin lalos ac fah tiana mulkinyukla.
But Jehovah is on my side, like a mighty champion, Therefore shall my persecutors stumble, and not prevail; They shall be covered with shame, because they act not wisely, —With everlasting shame, that shall not be forgotten.
12 Tusruktu, LEUM GOD Kulana, kom srike mwet uh ke suwohs; Kom etu nunak lalos ac ma oan insialos. Ke ma inge lela nu sik in liye ke kom ac foloksak nu sin mwet lokoalok luk, Tuh nga likiya sripa nukewa luk inpoum.
O Jehovah of hosts, thou that provest the righteous, That seest the reins and the heart, Let me see thy vengeance on them, For to thee have I laid open my cause!
13 On nu sin LEUM GOD! Kaksakin LEUM GOD! El molela mwet su akkeokyeyuk liki ku lun mwet koluk.
Sing to Jehovah! Praise ye Jehovah! For he delivereth the oppressed From the hand of evil-doers.
14 Selngawiya len se nga isusla! Mulkunla len se nina kiuk el osweyula!
Cursed be the day on which I was born; Let not the day on which my mother bore me be blessed!
15 Selngawiya mwet se su akenganye papa tumuk Ke el us pweng wo se nu sel ac fahk, “Tulik mukul se pa nutum!”
Cursed be the man who brought the tidings to my father, Saying, “A son is born to thee,” making him very glad!
16 Lela elan oana siti nukewa Ma LEUM GOD El kunausla ac wangin pakomuta lal. Lela elan lohng tung in mwaiok ke lotutang, Ac sulkakinyen mweun ke infulwen len,
Let that man be like the cities which Jehovah overthrew, and relented not; Let him hear an outcry in the morning, And an alarm at noontide;
17 Mweyen el tia uniyuwi meet liki nga isusla, Na insien nina kiuk lukun pa kulyuk luk.
Because he slew me not before I saw the light, So that my mother might have been my grave, And her womb have been great with me forever!
18 Efu ku nga isusla? Ya ngan tuh sun mwe lokoalok ac mwe asor, Ac in aksafyela moul luk ke mwekin?
Wherefore came I forth from the womb, to see weariness and sorrow, And that my days might be consumed in shame?

< Jeremiah 20 >