< Isaiah 14 >

1 LEUM GOD El ac sifilpa pakoten nu sin mwet Israel, ac sifil sulelosla in mwet lal sifacna. El ac fah lela elos in sifilpa muta in facl selos, ac mwet in mutunfacl saya ac fah tuku ac muta yorolos we.
For Jehovah will have compassion upon Jacob, And will again set his love upon Israel, And cause them to rest in his own land. And strangers shall join themselves to them, And cleave to the house of Jacob.
2 Mutunfacl puspis fah kasru mwet Israel in folok nu in facl se LEUM GOD El tuh sang nu selos, ac mutunfacl inge ac fah mwet kohs in kulansupu mwet Israel. Elos su tuh kutangla Israel meet, ac fah kutangyukla sin Israel, ac mwet Israel ac fah leum faclos su akkeokyalos meet.
The nations shall take them and bring them to their own place; And the house of Israel shall possess them, in the land of Jehovah, As servants and as handmaids; They shall take captive their captors, And they shall rule over their oppressors.
3 LEUM GOD El ac fah sang nu sin mwet Israel mongla liki ngal ac keok lalos, ac liki orekma upa ma akkohsyeyuk elos in oru.
So when Jehovah shall have given thee rest From thy sorrow and thy distress, And from the hard bondage Which was laid upon thee,
4 Ke El ac oru ma inge El mu elos in aksruksrukye tokosra Babylon ac fahk: “Tokosra sulallal sac el ikori! El ac tia sifilpa akkeokye kutena mwet!
Then shall thou utter this song over the king of Babylon, and say, “How hath the tyrant fallen, The oppression ceased!
5 LEUM GOD El sisla ku lun mwet kol koluk,
Jehovah hath broken the staff of the wicked, The rod of the tyrants,
6 su nuna kasrkusrak ac akkohsye mwet uh, ac tiana tui in kalyei mutunfacl ma elos kutangla.
That smote the people in anger, With a continual stroke, That lorded it over the nations in wrath With unremitted oppression.
7 Inge faclu nufon muta in mongla ac misla, ac mwet nukewa wowoyak on ke engan.
The whole earth is at rest, is quiet; They break forth into singing.
8 Sak fir ac sak cedar in acn Lebanon wi enganak ke sripen tokosra sac wanginla, ouinge wanginla mwet ac sifil pakelosi!
Even the cypress-trees exult over thee, And the cedars of Lebanon: 'Since thou art fallen, No feller cometh up against us.'
9 “Facl lun mwet misa akola in paing tokosra Babylon. Inut lalos su tuh oasr ku yoro fin faclu elos mukuikuiyak. Ngunin tokosra ma misa elos tukakek liki tron lalos. (Sheol h7585)
The under-world is in commotion on account of thee, To meet thee at thy coming; It stirreth up before thee the shades, all the mighty of the earth; It arouseth from their thrones all the kings of the nations; (Sheol h7585)
10 Elos nukewa pang nu sel ac fahk, ‘Inge kom munas oana kut! Kom sie sesr!
They all accost thee, and say, 'Art thou, too, become weak as we? Art thou become like us?'
11 Kom tuh akfulatyeyuk ke pusren on ke harp, tusruktu inge kom oasr in facl sin mwet misa. Ulac uh pa mwe oan kiom, ac kaot lom pa wet.’” (Sheol h7585)
Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, And the sound of thy harps. Vermin have become thy couch, And worms thy covering. (Sheol h7585)
12 O kom su itu in lotutang, kom putatla liki inkusrao! In pacl meet ah kom kutangla mutunfacl puspis, a inge sisila kom nu infohk uh.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cast down to the ground, Thou that didst trample upon the nations!
13 Kom tuh nunku kom in fanyak nu inkusrao ac likiya tron lom lucng liki itu ma fulat oemeet. Kom tuh nunku mu kom ac muta oana tokosra se fineol soko in acn epang, yen god uh toeni we.
Thou saidst in thy heart, 'I will ascend to heaven, Above the stars of God will I exalt my throne; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north.
14 Kom tuh fahk mu kom ac fanyak nu lucng fin pukunyeng uh, in oana El su Kulana.
I will ascend above the height of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.'
15 Tusruktu tia ouinge, a ituki kom nu yen loallana in facl sin mwet misa. (Sheol h7585)
But thou art brought down to the grave, To the depths of the pit. (Sheol h7585)
16 Mwet misa fah mangelik ac suikomi. Elos ac siyuk, “Ya pa inge mwet se ma osrokak faclu ac oru tokosrai uh rarrar?
They that see thee gaze upon thee, and view thee attentively, (and say, ) 'Is this the man that made the earth tremble, That shook kingdoms,
17 Ya pa inge mwet se su kunausla siti puspis ac ekulla faclu nu ke sie acn mwesis? Ya pa inge mwet se su tiana aksukosokye mwet kohs lal, ku fuhlelosla in folok nu yen selos?”
That made the world a wilderness, And laid waste its cities, And sent not his captives to their homes?'
18 Tokosra nukewa lun faclu elos oan in kulyuk kato lalos,
All the kings of the nations, yea, all of them, Lie down in glory, each in his own sepulchre;
19 a wangin kulyuk lom, ac mano misa lom sisila in oan kulawi. Afyufi ke monin mwet anwuki ke mweun, ac welulos na sisila nu in sie laf loal inmasrlon eot uh ma mwet uh lolongya.
But thou art cast forth without a grave, Like a worthless branch; Covered with the slain, who are pierced by the sword, Who go down to the stones of the pit, Like a carcass trampled under foot.
20 Mweyen kom kunausla facl sum ac onela mwet lom sifacna, kom ac fah tia pukpuki oana tokosra ngia. Wangin sin sou koluk lom ac fah esamyuk.
Thou shalt not be joined with them in the grave, Because thou hast destroyed thy country, And slain thy people; The race of evil-doers shall nevermore be named.
21 Lela akmas uh in mutawauk! Wen nukewa nutin tokosra se inge fah misa ke sripen ma koluk lun mwet matu lalos. Wangin selos ac leumi faclu ku musaela siti puspis fac.
Prepare ye slaughter for his children, For the iniquity of their fathers, That they may no more arise, and possess the earth, And fill the world with enemies!”
22 LEUM GOD Kulana El fahk, “Nga ac fah mweuni acn Babylon ac arulana kunausla acn we. Nga ac fah tia likiya kutena ma in oan we — wangin siefanna mwet ac painmoulla, finne tulik ku mwet matu. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.
For I will arise against them, saith Jehovah of hosts, And I will cut off from Babylon the name and remnant, Posterity and offspring, saith Jehovah.
23 Nga fah ekulla acn Babylon nu ke sie acn furarrar, ac won owl ac fah muta we. Nga fah imonla acn we ke sie burum su ac burumela ma nukewa. Nga, LEUM GOD Kulana, pa fahk ma inge.”
I will make her the possession of the porcupine, and pools of water; Yea, I will sweep her away with the besom of destruction, saith Jehovah of hosts.
24 LEUM GOD Kulana El oru sie wulela ku ac fahk: “Ma nga lumahla tari fah sikyak. Ma nga nunkala in oru, ac fah orekla.
Jehovah of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely, as I have devised, so shall it come to pass, The purpose which I have formed, that shall stand,
25 Nga ac kunausla mwet Assyria in facl sik Israel, ac longolosi fineol sik. Nga ac tulala mwet luk liki mwe utuk toasr lun mwet Assyria, ac liki ma upa elos enenu in polong.
To crush the Assyrian in my land, And to trample him on my mountains. Then shall his yoke depart from them, And his burden be removed from their shoulders.
26 Pa inge lemlem luk nu ke faclu, ac nga asroela pouk in kalyei mutunfacl puspis.”
This is the purpose which is formed concerning all the earth, And this the hand which is stretched out over all the nations.
27 LEUM GOD Kulana El wotela tari in oru ouinge. El asroela paol in kalyei, ac wangin sie ku in ikolilya.
For Jehovah of hosts hath decreed, and who shall disannul it? And his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
28 Pa inge kas in fahkak ma fwackelik ke yac se Tokosra Ahaz el misa.
In the year in which Ahaz the king died came this prophecy.
29 Mwet Philistia, sak in sringsring soko ma sang uni kowos kaptelik, tusruktu wangin sripa kowos in engan. Ke soko wet ac misa, soko pacna wet ac tuku koluk lukel. Sie atro lun soko wet ac sawulla soko dragon sohksok.
Rejoice not, all Philistia, Because the rod that smote thee is broken, For from the root of a serpent shall come forth a basilisk, And his fruit shall be a flying, fiery serpent.
30 LEUM GOD El ac fah kite mwet sukasrup inmasrlon mwet lal, ac El ac oru elos in muta in misla. Tusruktu El ac supwama sie sracl na upa nu fowos mwet Philistia, ac El ac fah tia lela kutena suwos in moulla kac.
Then shall the most wretched of the poor feed quietly, And the needy shall lie down in security; For I will kill thy root with famine, And thy remnant shall be slain.
31 Siti nukewa in acn Philistia, kowos in wowoyak tung ac suk kasru. Kowos nukewa in sangeng ac rarrar! Sie pukun kutkut pa tuku epang me — sie un mwet mweun su wangin mwet sangengtot inmasrlolos.
Howl, O gate! cry aloud, O city! O Philistia, thou meltest away in terror! For from the north cometh a smoke, And there is no straggler in their hosts.
32 Kut ac topuk fuka mwet utuk kas ma tuku Philistia me nu yorosr? Kut ac fahkang nu selos lah LEUM GOD El musaeak Zion, ac mwet lal su akkeokyeyuk fah konauk moul misla we.
What answer shall be given to the messengers of the nations? That Jehovah hath founded Zion, And in her shall the poor of his people find refuge.

< Isaiah 14 >