< Exodus 13 >

1 LEUM GOD El fahk nu sel Moses,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Srela wounse mukul nukewa nu sik, tuh wounse mukul nutin mwet Israel ac wounse mukul nutin kosro ac fah ma nutik.”
“Sanctify to me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb amongst the children of Israel, both of man and of animal. It is mine.”
3 Moses el fahk nu sin mwet uh, “Esam len se inge — len se ma kowos tuh illa liki facl Egypt, acn se ma kowos tuh mwet kohs we. Pa inge len se ma LEUM GOD El uskowosme ke ku lulap lal. Kowos fah tia mongo bread pulol ke len se inge.
Moses said to the people, “Remember this day, in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten.
4 Kowos ac som liki Egypt ke len se inge ke malem se meet, malem in Abib.
Today you go out in the month Abib.
5 LEUM GOD El oru sie wulela ku nu sin mwet matu lowos meet ah mu El ac sot acn sin mwet Canaan, mwet Hit, mwet Amor, mwet Hiv, ac mwet Jebus tuh in acn suwos. Ke El ac uskowosla nu in acn sac, sie facl mut ac kasrup fohk we, kowos fah akfulatye len in kufwa se inge ke malem se meet in yac nukewa.
It shall be, when the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, which he swore to your fathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, that you shall keep this service in this month.
6 Ke len itkosr kowos fah mongo bread wangin mwe pulol kac, ac ke len se akitkosr kowos fah orek kufwa in akfulatye LEUM GOD.
Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and in the seventh day shall be a feast to the LORD.
7 Ke len itkosr kowos fah tia mongo bread ma orekla ke mwe pulol. Ac fah wangin mwe pulol ku bread pulol in kutena acn in facl suwos.
Unleavened bread shall be eaten throughout the seven days; and no leavened bread shall be seen with you. No yeast shall be seen with you, within all your borders.
8 Ke mutaweyen len in kufwa uh, kowos in aketeya nu sin wen nutuwos lah kowos oru ma inge nukewa ke sripen ma LEUM GOD El oru nu suwos ke kowos illa liki facl Egypt.
You shall tell your son in that day, saying, ‘It is because of that which the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.’
9 Len in kufwa se inge ac fah sie mwe esmakin, oana mwe esmakin ma kowos kapriya ke pouwos ku ke motonsruwos. Ac fah akesmakye kowos in kalwenina in fahkak ac luti Ma Sap lun LEUM GOD, mweyen LEUM GOD El uskowosme liki facl Egypt ke ku lulap lal.
It shall be for a sign to you on your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the LORD’s law may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand the LORD has brought you out of Egypt.
10 Kowos in oru na kufwa se inge ke pacl srisrsrisri nu kac ke kais sie yac.
You shall therefore keep this ordinance in its season from year to year.
11 “LEUM GOD El ac uskowosme nu in facl sin mwet Canaan, oana El tuh orek wulela ku kac nu suwos ac mwet matu lowos meet ah. Ke El ac sot facl sacn nu suwos,
“It shall be, when the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanite, as he swore to you and to your fathers, and will give it to you,
12 kowos fah srela wounse mukul nukewa nutuwos nu sin LEUM GOD, oayapa wounse mukul nutin kosro nutuwos ac fah ma lun LEUM GOD.
that you shall set apart to the LORD all that opens the womb, and every firstborn that comes from an animal which you have. The males shall be the LORD’s.
13 Kais soko wounse mukul nutin donkey nutuwos an kowos ac moli ke soko sheep fusr. Kowos fin tia lungse moli, na koteya kwawal. Kowos enenu na in molela wounse mukul nukewa nutuwos uh.
Every firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb; and if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and you shall redeem all the firstborn of man amongst your sons.
14 In pacl fahsru uh, ke wen nutuwos ac siyuk suwos, ‘Mea kalmen ma inge?’ kowos fah topkolos mu, ‘LEUM GOD El tuh uskutme ke ku lulap lal liki facl Egypt, acn se ma kut tuh mwet kohs we.
It shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What is this?’ that you shall tell him, ‘By strength of hand the LORD brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage.
15 Ke pacl se tokosra lun acn Egypt el akupaye nankal ac tia filikutla in som, LEUM GOD El uniya wounse mukul nukewa nutin mwet Egypt, ac wounse mukul nukewa nutin kosro. Pa pwanang kut kisakin wounse mukul nutin kosro uh nu sin LEUM GOD, a kut molela wounse mukul natusr uh.
When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of livestock. Therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that opens the womb, being males; but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.’
16 Ouiya se inge ac fah sie mwe esmakin, oana sie ma kapiryang nu ke pouwos ku nu ke motonsruwos. Ac fah mwe esmakin ke LEUM GOD El tuh uskutme liki Egypt ke ku lulap lal!’”
It shall be for a sign on your hand, and for symbols between your eyes; for by strength of hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt.”
17 Pacl se ke tokosra lun Egypt el fuhlela mwet uh in som, God El tia usalos ke inkanek soko ma ut weacn uh nu Philistia, finne pa fototo uh. God El fahk mu, “Nga tia lungse mwet uh in ekulla nunak lalos ac folok nu Egypt ke elos liye lah elos ac enenu in mweuni mwet lokoalok lalos.”
When Pharaoh had let the people go, God didn’t lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and they return to Egypt”;
18 Ouinge El kololos ke inkanek na loeloes in acn mwesis ma som nu Meoa Srusra. Ke mwet Israel elos illa liki Egypt elos us kufwen mweun natulos.
but God led the people around by the way of the wilderness by the Sea of Suf; and the children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt.
19 Moses el us srel Joseph welul, oana ke Joseph el tuh arulana wili nu sin mwet Israel ac fahk, “Pacl se God El ac uskowosla liki facl se inge, kowos fah us srik in wi kowos som.”
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for he had made the children of Israel swear, saying, “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones away from here with you.”
20 Mwet Israel som liki acn Sukkoth ac tulokunak lohm nuknuk selos in acn Etham, sisken yen mwesis.
They took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.
21 Ke len, LEUM GOD El fahsr meet lukelos ke sie sru in pukunyeng in akkalemye nu selos acn elos ac ut we, ac ke fong uh El fahsr meet lukelos ke sie sru in e, in sang kalem nu selos. Ouinge elos ku in fahsr ke fong ac ke len.
The LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them on their way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light, that they might go by day and by night:
22 Sru in pukunyeng uh fahsr meet lukelos pacl nukewa ke len, ac sru in e uh ke fong.
the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night, didn’t depart from before the people.

< Exodus 13 >