< Deuteronomy 19 >

1 “Tukun LEUM GOD lowos el kunausla mwet ma la acn El ac asot nu suwos, ac tukun kowos eis siti selos ac lohm selos ac oakwuki we,
And when the Lord thy God shall have destroyed the nations, which God gives thee, [even] the land, and ye shall inherit them, and dwell in their cities, and in their houses,
2 kowos fah srela tolu siti an ke facl se su LEUM GOD lowos El asot nu suwos.
thou shalt separate for thyself three cities in the midst of thy land, which the Lord thy God gives thee.
3 Kowos fah srikeya facl sac, ac kitalik nu ke ip tolu — kais sie ip inge in oasr siti in molela se we ma ac firsrasr nu sin sie mwet in kaing nu we. Na fin sie mwet el uniya sie pacna mwet, el ac ku in kaing ac moulla we.
Take a survey of thy way, and thou shalt divide the coasts of thy land, which the Lord thy God apportions to thee, into three parts, and there shall be there a refuge for every manslayer.
4 “Sie mwet fin ongla ouiya uniya sie mwet su tia mwet lokoalok lal, na el ku in kaing nu in sie sin siti inge ac moulla.
And this shall be the ordinance of the manslayer, who shall flee thither, and shall live, whosoever shall have smitten his neighbour ignorantly, whereas he hated him not in times past.
5 Fin pa mwet luo tukeni som nu insak uh in pakpuk sak, na sie seltal paki sak soko, ac mutun tuhla ah tufwacla liki fung ah, ac uniya mwet se ngia, el ku in kasrusr nu in sie sin siti tolu an ac moulla.
And whosoever shall enter with his neighbour into the thicket, to gather wood, if the hand of him that cuts wood with the axe should be violently shaken, and the axe head falling off from the handle should light on his neighbour, and he should die, he shall flee to one of these cities, and live.
6 Fin siti sefanna, ac ku in arulana loesla, pwanang mwet se ma suk in foloksak ke misa sac ac ku in sruokilya, ac in kasrkusrak lal el uniya sie mwet wangin mwata. Wangin mwatal mweyen el tia oru in ouiya, ac mwet sac tia pac mwet lokoalok lal.
Lest the avenger of blood pursue after the slayer, because his heart is hot, and overtake him, if the way be too long, and slay him, though there is to this man no sentence of death, because he hated him not in time past.
7 Pa inge sripa se sis nga sapkin kowos in srela siti in molela tolu.
Therefore I charge thee, saying, Thou shalt separate for thy self three cities.
8 “Pacl LEUM GOD lowos El ac akyokyelik facl suwos, oana ke El tuh fahk nu sin papa matu tomowos mu El ac oru, ac sot nu suwos acn nukewa El tuh wulela kac,
And if the Lord shall enlarge thy borders, as he sware to thy fathers, and the Lord shall give to thee all the land which he said he would give to thy fathers;
9 na kowos fah sulela tolu pac siti an. (El ac sot nu suwos facl inge kowos fin oru ma nukewa ma nga sapkin nu suwos misenge, ac kowos fin lungse LEUM GOD lowos, ac moul fal nu ke mwe luti lal.)
if thou shalt hearken to do all these commands, which I charge thee this day, to love the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways continually; thou shalt add for thyself yet three cities to these three.
10 Oru ma inge, tuh mwet su wangin mwata fah tia misa, ac in wangin pac mwatuwos ke sripen mwet se ma wangin mwata tiana anwuki in facl se ma LEUM GOD El sot nu suwos.
So innocent blood shall not be spilt in the land, which the Lord thy God gives thee to inherit, and there shall not be in thee one guilty of blood.
11 “Tusruktu, fin pa sie mwet el nuna oru elan akmuseya mwet lokoalok se lal, ac el kaing nu in sie siti ingo elan moulla.
But if there should be in thee a man hating his neighbour, and he should lay wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him, that he die, and he should flee to one of these cities,
12 Ke lumah ouinge, na mwet kol lun siti sel sifacna ac fah sap in utuku el, ac eisalang nu inpoun mwet foloksak ke akmas, tuh elan anwuki.
then shall the elders of his city send, and take him thence, and they shall deliver him into the hands of the avengers of blood, and he shall die.
13 Kowos fah tia pakomutal. Sisla mwet akmas se inge liki Israel tuh ma nukewa in wo nu suwos.
Thine eye shall not spare him; so shalt thou purge innocent blood from Israel, and it shall be well with thee.
14 “Kowos in tia mokle masrol ke acn lun mwet tulan lowos, ma oakwuki in pacl oemeet me in facl se su LEUM GOD lowos El asot nu suwos.
Thou shalt not move the landmarks of thy neighbour, which thy fathers set in the inheritance, in which thou hast obtained a share in the land, which the Lord thy God gives thee to inherit.
15 “Mwet loh sefanna tia fal in akkeyala lah oasr mwatan sie mwet ke kutena ma koluk ku ma sutuu. Enenu na in oasr mwet loh luo, ku pus liki, in akpwayeye lah oasr mwatan mwet se.
One witness shall not stand to testify against a man for any iniquity, or for any fault, or for any sin which he may commit; by the mouth of two witnesses, or by the mouth of three witnesses, shall every word be established.
16 Sie mwet fin srike in akkolukye sie pac mwet ke el orek loh kikiap mu mwet sac orala ma koluk se,
And if an unjust witness rise up against a man, alleging iniquity against him;
17 eltal na kewa enenu in som nu ke acn in alu se ma solla, tuh in nununkeyuk eltal sin mwet tol ac mwet nununku su orekma in pacl sac.
then shall the two men between whom the controversy is, stand before the Lord, and before the priests, and before the judges, who may be in those days.
18 Mwet nununku elos fah sokak akwoya lah mea sripen tukak sac. Mwet se ma tukak lain mwet Israel se wial fin sutuu,
And the judges shall make diligent inquiry, and, behold, [if] and unjust witness has borne unjust testimony; [and] has stood up against his brother;
19 el pa ac eis kaiyuk ma akoeyuk nu sin mwet tukakyak sac. In ouiya se inge kowos ac fah sisla ma koluk se inge liki inmasrlowos.
then shall ye do to him as he wickedly devised to do against his brother, and thou shalt remove the evil from yourselves.
20 Na mwet nukewa fah lohng ke ma sikyak inge, ac elos ac fah sangengla ac wangin mwet ac fah sifil oru ouiya koluk se inge.
And the rest shall hear and fear, and do no more according to this evil thing in the midst of you.
21 Kowos in tiana pakomuta. Kaiyuk nu ke ouiya sie inge pa: moul molin moul, atronmuta molin atronmuta, wihs molin wihs, pao molin pao, nia molin nia.
Thine eye shall not spare him: [thou shalt exact] life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

< Deuteronomy 19 >