< Orekma 20 >

1 Tukun fohsak sac, Paul el solani mwet lulalfongi uh, ac sang kas in akku nu selos ac wilkas nu selos. Na el fahsr lukelos ac som nu Macedonia.
After the uproar ceased, Paul, having sent for the disciples and exhorted them, bidding them adieu, departed to go into Macedonia.
2 El fahsr sasla in polo acn sac nufon, ac akkeye mwet uh ke kas wo puspis, na el tuku nu Achaia,
And having come through those regions, and exhorted them with much speaking, he came into Greece;
3 ac muta we ke malem tolu. El akola in som nu Syria ke el etauk lah mwet Jew elos pwapa in lainul; ouinge el sulela elan folokla sasla in acn Macedonia.
and having remained three months, a plot rising against him from the Jews, when about to sail for Syria, he was of a mind to return through Macedonia.
4 Sopater, wen natul Pyrrhus sie mwet Berea, el welul som; oayapa Aristarchus ac Secundus su mwet Thessalonica; Gaius liki siti Derbe; Tychicus ac Trophimus liki acn Asia; ac Timothy.
And Sopater the (son) of Pyrrhus, the Berean, and Aristarchus, the Thessalonian, and Secundus; and Gaius the Derbean, and Timothy; and Tychicus and Trophimus the Asiatics, accompanied him;
5 Elos som meet ac soanekut in acn Troas.
and these having gone in advance, awaited us in Troas;
6 Kut kal Philippi lac tukun Kufwen Bread Tia Akpulol, ac tukun len limekosr kut sonolos in acn Troas, ac muta we wik se.
and we, after the days of unleaven bread, sailed from Philippi, and came to them into Troas within five days; where we spent seven days.
7 Ke eku in Saturday ah, kut tukeni nu sie in oru kufwa in kunsalik bread. Paul el kaskas nu sin mwet uh ac luti nu selos nwe ke infulwen fong, mweyen el ac som ke len tok ah.
And on the first of the Sabbaths we being assembled to break bread, Paul spoke to them, being about to depart the following day, and continued his discourse till midnight:
8 Lam na pukanten akokak fin twek se lucng, yen kut tukeni we ah.
and there were many lamps in the upper room, where we were assembled.
9 Mukul fusr se pangpang Eutychus el muta ke winto se, ac ke Paul el sramsram na paht, Eutychus el arulana mwetkeli ac motulla, ac putatla liki twek se aktolu ac nwe infohk ah. Elos som sraklalak tuh el na misa tari.
Paul speaking more prolixly, there was a certain young man, Eutychus by name, sitting in the window, being borne down with deep sleep, completely relaxed by sleep, fell down from the third story, and was taken up dead.
10 Paul el fani ac asrosrelik facl ac apsilya. Na el fahk, “Kowos in tia fosrnga. El moul na.”
And Paul, having come down, fell on him, and taking him in his arms said, Fear not; for his soul is in him:
11 Na el folokyak nu fin twek sac, kunsalik bread uh ac mongo. Tukun el welulos sramsram ke pacl na loes se, aok nwe ke lenelik, Paul el som.
and having come up, and broken the bread, and eaten, and talking a long time, until daydawn, thus he departed.
12 Mukul fusr sac moul na, ac elos pwanulla nu lohm sel ah, ac elos arulana enganak.
And they led up the boy alive, and were comforted exceedingly.
13 Kut som meet nu ke oak soko, ac oayak nu Assos, kut in tuh srakalak Paul nu fin oak uh we. El tuh sap kut in oru ouinge mweyen el mu el ac fahsrna ut finmes nwe we.
But we, having come in advance to the ship, embarked for Assos, thence being about to take up Paul, for he had so commanded us, himself being about to go on foot.
14 Ke el sun kut in acn Assos, kut sraklalak ac kal som nwe Mitylene.
And when he met us at Assos, taking him up, we came to Mitylene.
15 Kut oayak liki acn sac ac oai Chios ke len tok ah. Na in len se toko ah kut tuku nu Samos, ac len tok ah kut sun acn Miletus.
And thence having sailed away on the following day we arrived opposite Chios; and on the following day we touched at Samos, and on the next day we came into Miletus.
16 Paul el wotela sel in ut sisken Ephesus lac, elan mau tia sisla pacl in acn Asia. El sulaklak elan sun acn Jerusalem meet liki len in Pentecost, el fin ku.
For Paul decided to sail by Ephesus, in order that it might not be necessary for him to spend the time in Asia: for he was hastening, if it might be possible for him to be in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.
17 Paul el sapla Miletus lac nu Ephesus, ac siyuk mwet kol in church we ah in tuku osun nu sel.
And having sent from Miletus into Ephesus, he called for the elders of the church.
18 Ke elos sun acn we el fahk nu selos, “Kowos etu ma nukewa ma nga tuh oru ke nga muta yuruwos, mutawauk na ke len se oemeet nga sun acn Asia ah.
And when they came to him, he said to them, You know, that from the first day from which I came unto Asia, how I was with you all the time,
19 Oana ke nga mwet kulansap lun Leum, nga tuh oru orekma kunuk ke inse pusisel, ac pus pacl nga tung ke ma upa sikyak nu sik ke sripen pwapa koluk lun mwet Jew uh.
serving the Lord with all humility, and tears, and temptations, which came upon me through the plots of the Jews:
20 Kowos etu lah ke nga fahkak ku luti ye mutun mwet uh oayapa in lohm suwos kais sie, nga tia okanla kutena ma liki kowos fin ma ac kasrekowos,
how I omitted nothing of those things which are profitable, that I should not declare unto you and teach you publicly and from house to house,
21 Nga sensenkakin mwet Jew ac oayapa mwet pegan tuh elos in forla liki ma koluk lalos nu sin God, ac lulalfongi in Leum lasr Jesus.
witnessing both to Jews, and to Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
22 Ac inge, nga ac akos Ngun Mutal ac som nu Jerusalem, ac nga tia etu lah mea ac sikyak nu sik we.
And now, behold, I go to Jerusalem bound in spirit, not knowing the things which shall come upon me in it:
23 Ma sefanna nga etu pa Ngun Mutal el akkalemye nu sik tari, lah kapir ac mwe lokoalok soaneyu in siti nukewa nga ac som nu we.
except that the Holy Ghost in every city witnesses to me, saying that bonds and tribulations await me.
24 Nga tia seko moul luk sifacna, a nga kena aksafyela kunokon se ma Leum Jesus el ase nga in oru, pa in fahkelik Pweng Wo ke kulang lun God.
But I consider my life worthy of no consideration to myself, so as to finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear testimony to the gospel of the grace of God.
25 “Nga tuh forfor inmasrlowos nukewa, ac fahkak ke Tokosrai lun God. Ac inge nga etu lah wangin sie suwos ac fah sifil liyeyu.
And now, behold, I know that you all, among whom I came preaching the gospel of the kingdom, shall see my face no more.
26 Ouinge nga wili nu suwos misenge, lah kutena suwos fin tuhlac, wangin ma luk kac.
Therefore I witness to you this clay, that I am pure from the blood of all men;
27 Tuh nga tia okanla liki kowos in fahkak oakwuk nukewa lun God.
for I did not shrink to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
28 Ke ma inge kowos liyekowosyang sifacna ac liyaung pac elos nukewa su oana un sheep ma Ngun Mutal filiya inpouwos uh. Kowos in mwet shepherd nu ke church lun God, su El oru in ma lal ke sripen misa lun Wen natul, su sifacna kisakunulla keiwos.
Take heed to yourselves, and all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost has placed you shepherds, to shepherdise the church of God, which He bought with His own blood.
29 Nga etu lah tukun nga ac som liki kowos uh, mwet ma oana wolf sulallal ac fah tuku nu inmasrlowos ac kunausla un sheep uh.
I know, that after my departure grievous wolves will rise up against you, not sparing the flock;
30 Pacl se ac fah tuku, ke mwet na in u lowos an ac fah fahk kas kikiap in kolla mwet lulalfongi uh in fahsr tokolos.
and men from you yourselves will rise up, speaking perverse things, in order to lead away disciples after them.
31 Ke ma inge kowos arulana taran ac esam lah nga tung ke len ac fong ke nga luti kowos nukewa ke yac tolu.
Watch therefore, remembering, that three years night and day I ceased not admonishing you with tears.
32 “Ac inge nga eiskowosyang nu ke karinginyuk lun God ac nu ke kas kulang lal, su ku in musaikowosyak ac asot nu suwos mwe insewowo su God El akola nu sin mwet lal.
And now I commend you to God and the word of His grace, who is able to edify you, and give you an inheritance among all the sanctified.
33 Wangin kena luk nu ke silver ku gold ku nuknuk lun kutena mwet.
I have not sought the silver, or gold, or raiment of any one;
34 Kowos sifacna etu lah nga orekmakin na pouk in sokak ma su nga, ac mwet wiyu inge, enenu uh.
you yourselves know, that these hands did minister to my necessities, and those along with me.
35 Nga tuh filiya sie srikasrak nu suwos, tuh ke kut insianaung in orekma, kut enenu pac in kasru mwet munas, ac esam kas ma Leum Jesus el sifacna fahk, ‘Insewowo in sang yohk liki insewowo in eis.’”
I have shown you all things, that it so behooveth you laboring to assist the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
36 Ke safla ma Paul el fahk uh, na el sikukmutunteiyak ac pre.
And having said these things, putting down his knees along with them all, he prayed.
37 Elos nukewa tung ke elos kaosulma ac ngok mutal in wilkas nu sel.
And the weeping of all was great, and falling on the neck of Paul, they continued to kiss him copiously,
38 Elos asor yohk ke sripen el tuh fahk mu elos ac fah tia sifil liyal. Na elos welul som nu ke oak ah.
being especially grieved at the word which he had spoken, that they were about to see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship.

< Orekma 20 >