< Luo Corinth 12 >

1 Nga enenu na in konkin, finne ac wangin sripa. Tusruktu inge nga ac kaskas ke aruruma ac kutu pac ma saya ma Leum el akkalemye nu sik.
It behooves me to glory, indeed it is not profitable, I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.
2 Nga etu sie mwet Christian su utukyak nu yen fulatlana inkusrao ke yac singoul akosr somla. (Nga tia etu lah utukyak el in manol ku ngunal mukena — God mukena pa etu.)
I knew a man in Christ, fourteen years ago, whether in the body, I know not; whether out of the body, I know not, such a one having been caught up even to the third heaven.
3 Ac nga etu lah mwet se inge utukyak nu in Paradise (nga tia pac etu lah ma se inge sikyak na pwaye ku aruruma se na — God mukena etu),
And I knew such a man, whether in the body, or out of the body, I know not; God knows,
4 ac el lohng kutu ma we su el tia ku in aketeya, ma su tia fal mwet uh in sramsramkin.
that he was caught up to Paradise, and heard unutterable words, which it is impossible for a man to speak.
5 Na nga fah konkin ke mwet sac — a nga fah tia konkin keik sifacna, sayen ma su fahkak munas luk.
Concerning such a one I will glory: but concerning myself I will not glory, except in my infirmities.
6 Nga fin ke konkin nga tia sie mwet lalfon, mweyen nga ac kaskas ke ma pwaye. Tusruktu nga fah tia konkin, mweyen nga tia lungse kutena mwet in akfulatyeyu in nunak lal yohk liki ma el sifacna liye nga oru, ac lohng nga fahk.
For if I shall wish to glory, I will not be a fool; for I speak the truth: but I fear, lest some one may consider with reference to me above what he sees me, or hears from me.
7 Tusruktu in taranyu in tia fulatak nunak luk ke sripen ma wolana puspis su nga tuh liye, ituku nu in monuk sie mwe munas na akkeok, su oana in sie ma supweyuk sel Satan in fiskiyu ac sikulyu ngan tia inse fulat.
And that I may not be exalted by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given unto me in the flesh, the messenger of Satan that he may buffet me, in order that I may not be exalted.
8 Pacl tolu nga pre nu sin Leum Jesus ke ma se inge, ac siyuk sel elan eisla likiyu.
Three times I called on the Lord concerning this, that it may depart from me.
9 Ac El fahk nu sik: “Pwayena ma kom enenu pa kulang luk, tuh ku luk uh arulana yohk ke pacl kom munas.” Ke ma inge, nga arulana engan in konkin ke munas luk, tuh ku lun Christ in oan in nga.
And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most delightfully I will glory the more in my infirmities, in order that the power of Christ may abide on me.
10 Nga engankin mwe munas, kas in akkoluk, ma upa, mwe kalya, ac mwe keok ke sripen Christ. Tuh ke nga munas, pa inge pacl nga ku.
Therefore I delight in infirmities, in insults, in difficulties, in persecutions, and in tight places, for Christ's sake: for when I am without strength, then I am dynamite.
11 Nga kaskas oana sie mwet lalfon — tusruktu kowos pa oru in ouinge uh. Kowos pa fal in akkalemye lulalfongi lowos keik. Tuh nga finne mwet pilasr, nga tia srik liki “mwet sap fulat” lowos ingan.
I have become a fool: you did compel me. For I ought to be commended by you: for I am not inferior to the very chief of the apostles, if indeed I am nothing.
12 Mwenmen oayapa mwe akul puspis orek inmasrlowos in akpwayei lah nga sie mwet sap, ac nga muteng in oru ma inge.
For indeed the signs of the apostleship are wrought in me in all patience, in miracles and in wonders and in dynamites.
13 Ya oasr ma orek nu suwos koluk liki church ngia? Ma sefanna, nga tuh tia ngusr mani suwos. Kwal, nga siyuk kowos in nunak munas nu sik ke tafongla se inge.
For what is that in which you are inferior to other churches, except that I did not burden you? forgive me this wrong.
14 Pa inge pacl se aktolu ma nga akoo in fahsrot nu yuruwos — ac nga fah tia oru kutena ma in akkwacoye kowos. Kowos pa nga enenu, tia mani lowos an. Nuna fal tulik uh in tia fosrngakin papa tumalos ac nina kialos, a papa ac nina in fosrngakin tulik natulos.
Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not spare: for I do not seek yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay up treasures for the parents, but the parents for the children,
15 Nga fah engan in sot ma nukewa ma oasr yuruk, oayapa moul luk sifacna, tuh nga in kasrekowos. Ya kowos ac fah aksrikyela lungse lowos nu sik ke lungse luk nu suwos arulana yohk?
But I will most delightfully spend and be spent for your souls. If the more abundantly I love you am I loved the less?
16 Nga mu kowos ac insese nu sik lah nga tiana akkwacoye kowos. Tusruktu sahp ac oasr mwet ac fahk mu nga aklalfonye kowos, ac sruokkowosi ke kas kikiap.
But let it he so, I did not burden you; but, being crafty, I caught you with guile.
17 Fuka? Ya oasr mwet ma nga supwaot nu yuruwos tuh aklalfonye kowos?
Which one of those whom I sent unto you, did I fleece you through him?
18 Nga kwafel Titus elan fahsrot, ac nga supwaot pac sie mwet lulalfongi wiasr in welul. Ya kowos ku in fahk mu Titus el aklalfonye kowos? Ya nga Titus tia nunak sefanna ac oru ouiya sefanna?
I called Titus, and sent the brother along with him: whether did Titus defraud you? did we not walk by the same Spirit? did we not in the same tracks?
19 Sahp kowos nunku mu ma nukewa kut oru fahfahsru ma in akwoye kut sifacna ye motowos. Mo, tia ouinge! Kut kaskas in ou lungse lun Christ ye mutun God, ac ma nukewa kut oru, kut oru in kasrekowos, mwet kawuk saok lasr.
For a long time you were thinking that I am apologizing to you. We speak before God in Christ; but all things, beloved, are for your edification.
20 Nga sensen mu ke nga ac sun kowos nga ac konauk lah kowos sie liki na ma nga motko kowos nu kac, ac kowos ac liye lah nga sie liki na motko lowos keik uh. Nga sensen lah ac oasr akukuin ac sok, mongsa ac nunku kac sifacna, akkasrkusrak ac lesrik, inse fulat ac fohs.
For I fear lest, having come, I may not find you as I wish, and may not be found by you as you wish; lest perhaps strife, jealousy, animosities, selfseekings, calumniations, eavesdroppings, inflations, outfallings, are among you;
21 Ac mwe pakomuta nu sik lah ke nga ac sifil fahsrot, God luk El ac akmwekinyeyu ye motowos, ac nga fah tung ke mwet puspis su orekma koluk in pacl somla ac tiana auliyak ke lumah kupatol elos oru — orekma in kosro ac lung lun ikwa.
lest, I again having come, my God will humble me before you, and I will mourn over many of those having previously committed sins, and not having repented over the uncleanness and the fornication and debauchery which they have done.

< Luo Corinth 12 >