< Sie Timothy 6 >

1 Elos nukewa su mwet kohs elos in akilen lah fal elos in sunakin mwet leum lalos, tuh mwet uh in tia kaskas koluk ke Inen God ac ke kas in luti lasr.
Let them who are under the yoke of servitude, hold their masters in all honor; lest the name of God and his doctrine be reproached.
2 Ac elos su mwet kohs lun mwet lulalfongi elos in tia pilesralos, mweyen elos ma wialos in lulalfongi. Na elos in kulansupwalos in wo, mweyen elos su eis woiyen orekma lalos elos mwet lulalfongi su elos lungse. Kom enenu in luti ac fahkak kas inge.
And let them who have believing masters, not treat them with disrespect, because they are their brethren; but let them be more obedient, because they are believers and beloved, in whose service they enjoy quietness. These things teach thou, and request of them.
3 Kutena mwet fin luti sie pacna kas in luti, ac tia insese nu ke mwe luti pwaye lun Jesus Christ Leum lasr ac kas in luti ke ouiyen alu lasr uh,
But if there be any one, who teacheth a different doctrine, and doth not accede to the salutary words of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, and to the doctrine of the fear of God,
4 el sie mwet filang ac wangin etu lal. El lungse kusen siyuk wel ac akukuin ke kalmen kas, ac ouiya inge purakak sok, amei, sufan, ac fweni koluk,
he is one that exalteth himself, while he knoweth nothing; and he languisheth in the search and inquiry about words, from which come envy, and contention, and railing, and evil surmising,
5 ac kwacna alein yurin mwet su lofongla ac wangin pwaye yoro. Elos nunku mu alu uh mwe akkasrupye mwet.
and the disputation of men, whose minds are corrupt and destitute of the truth, and who suppose that gain is godliness. But from these stand thou aloof.
6 Pwaye, alu uh oru sie mwet in arulana kasrup, el fin falkin ma su oasr yorol.
But great is our gain, which is the fear of God, with the use of our competence.
7 Tuh wangin ma kut tuh us tuku nu faclu, ac wangin pac ma kut fah usla liki faclu!
For we brought nothing into the world; and we know that we can carry nothing out of it.
8 Ouinge fin oasr yorosr mwe mongo nasr ac nuknuk lasr, lela kut in falkin ma inge.
Therefore, food and clothing satisfy us.
9 A elos su lungse in kasrup, elos putatyang nu in mwe sruhf, ac sremla ke lung lun ikwa puspis lun ma lalfon ac mwe fosrnga, su amakunulosi ac kunauselosla.
But they who desire to become rich, fall into temptations, and into snares, and into many lusts which are foolish and hurtful, and which drown men in destruction and perdition:
10 Tuh lungse mani uh okan kain koluk nukewa, ac ke nunkun mani lun kutu mwet uh, oru elos fuhleak lulalfongi lalos ac sokoela nunak lalos ke mwe asor puspis.
for the love of money is the root of all these evils. And there are some who, coveting it, have erred from the faith, and brought themselves into many sorrows.
11 A kom, Timothy, kom mwet lun God, na kom in sensenkin kom liki ma inge nukewa. Kwafeang tuh kom in suwoswos, mutal, lulalfongi, lungse, muteng, ac fakpap.
But thou, O man of God, flee from these things; and follow after righteousness, and rectitude, and faith, and love, and patience, and humility.
12 Kom in sang kuiyom ke kasrusr lun lulalfongi, ac sruokya ku moul ma pahtpat su kom pangonyuk nu kac ke kom tuh pulaik in fahkak lulalfongi lom ye mutun mwet loh puspis. (aiōnios g166)
And contend in the good contest of faith; and lay hold of life eternal, to which thou art called, and of which thou hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses. (aiōnios g166)
13 Ye mutun God, su asang moul nu ke ma nukewa, ac ye mutun Christ Jesus, su tuh pulaik in fahkak ma el lulalfongi ye mutal Pontius Pilate, nga sap nu sum,
I charge thee, before God, who quickeneth all, and before Jesus the Messiah who attested a good testimony before Pontius Pilate,
14 kom in liyaung ma sapkinyuk nu sum, tuh in nasnas moul lom ac wangin mwatum nu ke Len se Jesus Christ, Leum lasr, el ac sikme.
that thou keep the injunction, without stain, and without blemish, until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus the Messiah;
15 Sikme lal ac fah tuku ke pacl fal, su ma ac srisrngiyuki sin God — El su fal in kaksakinyuk, ac wangin pac sie Leum saya, Tokosra lun tokosra uh, ac Leum lun leum uh.
which God will, in due time make visible; God the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords;
16 El mukena pa moul oemeet me ac nu tok ma pahtpat, ac tia ku in misa. El muta in kalem su mwet uh tia ku in ngetang nu kac. Soenna oasr mwet liyal; ac wangin pac mwet ac fah ku in liyal. Lela mwet uh in akfulatyal ac etu lah ku lal oan ma pahtpat! Amen. (aiōnios g166)
who only is incorruptible, and dwelleth in light to which no one can approach; and whom no man hath seen, or even can see: to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōnios g166)
17 Kom in sap nu selos su kasrupkin ma lun moul se inge elos in tia inse fulat, a elos in filiya finsrak lalos, tia ke mwe kasrup ma sukawil, a ke God, su ase yohk nu sesr ma nukewa in akenganye kut. (aiōn g165)
Charge the rich of this world, that they be not uplifted in their minds; and that they confide not in riches, in which is no security; but in the living God, who giveth us all things abundantly for our comfort: (aiōn g165)
18 Sap nu selos in oru ma wo, in kasrup ke orekma wo, in insewowo in sang, ac akola in sang ma lalos in kasru mwet.
and that they do good works, and be rich in well-doings; and be ready to give and to communicate:
19 Elos fin oru ouinge, elos ac fah oakiya sie pwelung wo nu selos sifacna nu ke pacl fahsru, na elos fah ku in sruokya moul pwaye su moul ma pahtpat.
and that they lay up for themselves a good foundation for that which is future; that they may take hold of real life.
20 Timothy, liyaung ma itukot kom in karingin. Forla liki sramsram lusrongten ac akukuin wangin sripa, ma kutu mwet uh tafongla in nunku mu “Etauk” pa ingan.
O Timothy, be careful of that which is committed to thee; and shun vain words, and the oppositions of false science:
21 Kutu mwet uh fahk mu etauk ouinge oasr selos, oru elos tuhlac liki inkanek in lulalfongi. Lungkulang lun God in wi kowos nukewa.
for they who profess it, have erred from the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

< Sie Timothy 6 >