< Sie John 2 >

1 Tulik kulo nutik, nga simis ma inge nu suwos tuh kowos fah tia oru ma koluk. Tusruktu mwet se fin oru ma koluk, oasr sie Mwet Iwe lasr nu sin Papa — aok Jesus Christ — el su suwoswoslana.
My children, these things I write to you, that ye sin not. But if any one should sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus the Messiah, the righteous.
2 Ac Christ sifacna pa ku in iwala ma koluk lasr, ac tia ma koluk lasr mukena, a ma koluk pac lun mwet nukewa.
For he is himself the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for all the world.
3 Kut fin akos ma God El sapkin, na pwaye lah kut etal.
And by this we shall be sensible that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 Mwet se fin fahk mu el etal, a el tia akos ma El sapkin, el sie mwet kikiap ac wangin ma pwaye in el.
For he that saith, I know him, and doth not keep his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 A kutena mwet su akos kas lal, el pa akkalemye lah lungse lal nu sin God pwayena. Pa inge mwe akpwayei lah kut mwet lun God:
But he that keepeth his word, in him is the love of God truly completed: for by this we know that we are in him.
6 kutena mwet su fahk mu el mwet lun God, moul lal enenu in oana moul lun Jesus Christ.
He that saith, I am in him, is bound to walk according to his walkings.
7 Mwet kawuk saok luk, nga tia simis kutena ma sap sasu nu suwos, a ma sap matu se. Nuna ma sap se ma tuh oan yuruwos oe ke mutawauk me ah. Ma sap matu se inge pa mwe luti se na ma kowos lohng tari.
My beloved, I write no new commandment to you, but the old commandment which ye had from the beginning; and the old commandment is the word, which ye have heard.
8 Tusruktu ma sap se nga simis inge sasu, mweyen akpwayeyuk in Christ ac oayapa in kowos. Tuh lohsr uh fahsr in wanginla ac kalem pwaye uh mutawauk kalmelik.
Again, a new commandment I write to you, which is true in him and in you; because the darkness hath passed away, and the true light beginneth to appear.
9 Kutena mwet su fahk mu el muta in kalem a el srunga sie sin mwet lulalfongi wial, el muta in lohsr nwe ke pacl se inge.
Whoever therefore shall say that he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness until now.
10 Kutena mwet su lungse mwet lulalfongi wial, el muta in kalem, ouinge wangin kutena ma ac aktukulkulyal.
He that loveth his brother, abideth in the light, and in him is no stumbling.
11 A kutena mwet su srunga mwet lulalfongi wial, el muta in lohsr; el fufasryesr in lohsr ac tia etu acn el fahsr nu we, mweyen el tia ku in liye in lohsr uh.
But he that hateth his brother, is in darkness, and walketh in darkness; and he knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes.
12 Nga sim nu suwos, tulik nutik, mweyen ma koluk lowos nunak munas nu suwos ke sripen Christ.
I write to you, ye children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake.
13 Nga sim nu suwos, papa, mweyen kowos etal su nuna muta ke mutawauk me. Nga sim nu suwos, mukul fusr, mweyen kowos kutangla el su Koluklana.
I write to you, ye fathers, because ye have known him who existed from the beginning. I write to you, ye young men, because ye have vanquished the evil one.
14 Nga sim nu suwos, tulik nutik, mweyen kowos etal Papa. Nga sim nu suwos, papa, mweyen kowos etal su nuna muta oe ke mutawauk me. Nga sim nu suwos, mukul fusr, mweyen kowos ku — kas lun God oan in kowos, ac kowos kutangla el su Koluklana.
I have written to you, ye little ones, because ye have known the Father. I have written to you, ye fathers, because ye have known him who was from the beginning, I have written to you, ye young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God dwelleth in you, and ye have vanquished the evil one.
15 Nimet kowos lungse faclu, ku kutena ma lun faclu. Kowos fin lungse faclu, kowos tia lungse Papa.
Love not the world, nor any thing in it; for whoever loveth the world, hath not the love of the Father in him.
16 Ma nukewa lun faclu — lung lun ikwa, ma mwet uh liye ac mwel, ac ma lusrongten nukewa ma mwet uh konkin uh — ma inge tia tuku sin Papa me, a ma inge nukewa tuku sin faclu me.
For all that is in the world, is, the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world; which are not from the Father, but from the world itself.
17 Faclu ac ma nukewa loac ma mwet uh mwel uh mutawauk in wanginla; a el su oru ma lungse lun God fah moul ma pahtpat. (aiōn g165)
And the world is passing away, both it and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the pleasure of God, abideth for ever. (aiōn g165)
18 Tulik nutik, pacl safla uh apkuran me! Fwackot tari nu suwos lah el su Lain Christ ac fah tuku; ac inge mwet lain Christ puspis sikyak tari, ke ma inge kut etu lah pacl safla uh apkuran me.
My children, it is the latter time; and as ye have heard that a false Messiah was to arise, so there are now many false Messiahs; and from this we know that it is the latter time.
19 Mwet ouinge uh tia ma wiasr, pa pwanang elos som liki kut uh. Elos funu ma wiasr elos lukun mutana yorosr, a elos som tuh in arulana kalem lah wangin sie selos ma wiasr.
From us they went out, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us: but they went out from us, that so it might be known, that they were not of us.
20 A Christ el mosrwekowosla tari ke Ngun Mutal, ouinge kowos nukewa etu ke ma pwaye uh.
But ye have an unction from the Holy One; and ye discriminate every person.
21 Nga tia sim nu suwos mweyen kowos soenna etu ma pwaye, a mweyen kowos etu tari, ac kowos etu pac lah wangin kas kikiap ku in tuku liki ma pwaye uh.
I have not written to you, because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and because no falsehood is of the truth.
22 Na fin ouinge, su kac kikiap— El su fahk mu Jesus el tia Christ. Kain in mwet se inge pa Mwet Lain Christ — el tia lulalfongi ke Papa, ac el tia pac lulalfongi ke Wen.
Who is false, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Messiah? And that person is a false Messiah. He that denieth the Father, denieth also the Son.
23 Tuh kutena mwet su tia lulalfongi ke Wen, el tia pac lulalfongi ke Papa, ac kutena mwet su lulalfongi ke Wen, Papa El oasr pac yorol.
And he that denieth the Son, also believeth not the Father. He that confesseth the Son, confesseth also the Father.
24 Ke ma inge kowos in sruokyana ku mwe luti su kowos lohng tari ke mutawauk me tuh in oanna insiowos. Kowos fin sruokyana kas inge, na kowos ac moul in ma sefannala yurin Wen ac yurin Papa pacl nukewa.
And what ye heard from the first, let that remain with you. For if that, which ye heard from the first, remaineth with you, ye also will remain in the Father and in the Son.
25 Ac pa inge ma Christ el sifacna wulela mu el ac ase nu sesr — moul ma pahtpat. (aiōnios g166)
And this is the promise, which he hath promised us, even life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
26 Nga simis ma inge nu suwos kaclos su srike in kiapekowosla.
And these things I have written to you, on account of those who seduce you.
27 A funu kowos, Christ el mosrwekowosla tari ke Ngun lal. Na ke lusenna pacl Ngun lal oan in kowos, kowos tia enenu kutena mwet in luti kowos. Mweyen Ngun lal luti kowos ke ma nukewa, ac ma el luti nu suwos uh ma pwaye, ac tia kikiap. Ke ma inge kowos in akos mwe luti lun Ngun, ac moul lowos in kupasrna nu sin Christ.
And ye also, if the unction which ye have received from him remaineth in you, need not that any one should teach you; but as that unction is from God, it teacheth you all things; and it is true, and no falsehood is in it. And as it hath taught you, remain ye in him.
28 Aok, tulik nutik, kowos in mutana in el, tuh ke pacl se el sikme kut fah arulana pulaik ac tia mwekin ye mutal ke Len sac.
And now, my children, remain ye in him; that so, when he shall be manifested, we may not be ashamed before him, but may have an open countenance at his coming.
29 Kowos etu lah Christ el arulana suwohs; na fal kowos in etu lah kutena mwet su oru ma suwohs el tulik nutin God.
If ye know that he is righteous, ye also know, that whoever doeth righteousness, is from him.

< Sie John 2 >